The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 19 S.H.I.E.L.D. in Action

Chapter 19 S.H.I.E.L.D. in Action

Stark's neck was raised up hard, and his eyeballs were almost protruding. This scene was too unscientific and completely subverted his world view. Not to mention the energy released, but also condensed into a shape, it is really unbelievable up.Not only him, but also the people in the surrounding buildings who were filming were all stunned.

At the door with the big signboard of Stark Enterprise, a fiery and tall blond Yujie raised her head in surprise and looked at the Iron Bully flying upwards rapidly. The red cone below the Iron Bully It is extraordinarily dazzling in this dark night, just like fireworks.

And the result was the same as fireworks. The Iron King exploded at a height of more than 30 meters, blooming into a ball of raging flames. Most of the mass was completely vaporized in the high-energy impact of photon blood, leaving only the edges Pushed by the impact of the explosion, the wreckage of Jiaojiao fell towards the surroundings like a goddess scattering flowers.

Under the light of the fireball like a small sun, a person covered with a red light tube fell towards the ground, "Boom! 'It hit the asphalt road with a bang, and immediately smashed a crater full of cracks.Greer's legs were bent at 120 degrees, relieved of the force of falling to the ground, then stood up straight, raised his legs and pulled his feet out of the pit.

Stark has been standing there watching the battle since Greer and the Iron King fought, recording all the details of the battle between the two sides. Since someone is willing to do it for him, it will save him the hard work of fighting.What's more, his steel suit didn't have much energy left. If the mysterious person came back to fight him after beating the Iron Overlord, he still had energy to resist.

Greer glanced at Iron Man, who was playing soy sauce all the time. His intrusion caused almost no damage to Iron Man's suit, and the ones that were not destroyed like the original one were all scrap iron.The windows of the surrounding buildings were crowded with heads, and the ultimate eyes brought by the Faiz armor could be seen clearly, allowing Greer to see the mobile phone signs in their hands tens or hundreds of meters away.

These people were either sluggish or excited, pointing to Greer and Iron Man, and many people could see clearly that this super-robot-like guy kicked a robot that was several times bigger than him to a height of more than 30 meters. Then the big robot was blown to pieces, not to mention that it hadn't suffered any damage, and it didn't matter if it fell from a height of more than 30 meters.

This is a superman that only exists in movies and comics. It’s almost unlucky to see three robot battles on the last night shift. Many people don’t care about data consumption and simply broadcast live.

"Alas!" Sighing deeply in his heart, Greer strode up without hesitation, leaped onto a building more than 30 meters high in the south, and disappeared into the night.

In just a few minutes, there were three or four hundred more videos on YouTube, all of which were about three robot battles on the road near Stark Enterprises, and a man even ventured to the side of the road, from It was shot from the side, and the video he shot was naturally the most clicked, and it was going to be on the homepage of Youtube.

At the beginning, the comments below were all about the new movie, but more and more videos of various resolutions shot from different angles and different equipment were uploaded, and many people recognized the location where the video was shot through the building. It is confirmed that these videos are not produced by special effects, but actually happened.

Many netizens immediately reposted these images to various websites, Facebook, and Twitter, allowing more people to see the scene of the three 'robots' fighting. Uncontrollable situation.

And in the big square in front of the Stark Enterprises factory, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes looked at Greer falling from the sky, immediately picked up the phone, pressed it a few times quickly, and put it next to his ear , After connecting, he said in a hurried tone: "I'm sorry, sir, the mission failed, the scene is terrible, and a lot of people are needed to block it."

On the other end of the phone is a spacious and bright office. S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, who has a dark complexion and only one eye, sat at his desk and said in a calm tone: "No, Coulson, what you see is still there." It’s not the worst, I’m here, do you know how many people saw the picture of three robots fighting on the road on the Internet? How many people reposted it after watching it?”

Coulson raised his eyebrows, pretending not to hear the dissatisfaction in his words, and said, "Sir, I can imagine that."

"Since you can imagine how troublesome it is, then go get in touch with this mysterious person from an unknown world and find a quiet place. I don't want to see the video of 'armored men vs. agents' appearing on the Internet." After finishing speaking, Nick Fury hung up the phone and looked up to the front. The big screen on the opposite wall displayed Greer's photo and personal information.

Three weeks ago, when Level [-] agent Jimmy Wu inquired, Greer's personal information was still blank, and it appeared in this world completely suddenly, and SHIELD moved all the servers that store driver's licenses and social security cards. When I came back, I checked N over and over again for a long time, but I didn't find out how the data of only a few KB was added.

But now those blanks have been filled in, everything from the hospital at birth, midwifery doctor, nurse, vaccinations from childhood to adulthood, to the occupation, age, address of parents who died young, and elementary school, junior high school, etc. are all extremely accurate. Exhaustive, filling in the blank 16 years of Greer Rusoff's past.

Nick Fury tapped a few times on the table in front of him, and the information on it was replaced by Jimmy Wu's observation records of Greer for half a month, as well as psychological experts from S.H.I.E.L.D. According to the evaluation, it is concluded that he is a kind child who is not good at talking and communicating, has a somewhat introverted personality.

After packing the information and sending it to Phil Coulson, Nick Fury quickly moved on the table, found Maria Hill's name, connected the video call, and said in a deep voice: "Hill , can you control it?"

In the video, there are a lot of people behind Hill, and there are many screens showing different pictures. Hill frowned and shook his head, and said very worriedly: "Sir, there are too many witnesses. This is not five years ago. The development of technology and the Internet has made information control countless times more difficult, unless we also delete the videos on our mobile phones, there is no way we can completely cover up this incident.”

"Then let the mobile phone with high-definition images be infected with formatting viruses, and those who can't see clearly should be ignored, and then let Stark make a statement that the experimental robot is out of control." Nick Fury immediately issued Order.

"Yes, sir!"

On the other side, after being hung up on the phone, Coulson pressed a few times on the phone to open the information transmitted by Director Nick Fury. There was also a piece of code. After running on the phone, a New York City The map, and a constantly flashing red dot, are only 50 meters away from Coulson, which is exactly where the unidentified figure covered in red light landed just now.

"Very good, I hope to find a quiet place in New York." Coulson said, and hurriedly walked outside, calling two special teams while walking.

(End of this chapter)

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