The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 176 Vampire Hunter

Chapter 176 Vampire Hunter

The changes brought about by KIVA's power of the Demon Emperor are great. Greer can feel the faint energy fluctuations of the outside world without wearing knight armor. If the distance is close, he can feel the different life energy fluctuations of different people, or Say 'brain waves'?
And these five guys felt that something was wrong before, but now they finally understand that life energy fluctuations are different from normal people. This discovery makes Greer very excited, it is simply a non-human detection radar.

The next step is to collect more energy fluctuation samples of different human beings to determine the category of human life energy fluctuations, but anyone who does not belong to this category is definitely not a human being, a sharp tool for scoring points.

The other four drunks also grinned and showed their long fangs. I don’t know how long they haven’t brushed their teeth. The fangs are dirty, and the image of the aristocratic vampire in the movie is not different from 01:30. On the big screen, there will never be any Twilight fans who are entangled in which one to choose between werewolves and vampires.

The hedgehog head stared at Daisy, and said with bright eyes: "Come on, let me taste the taste of your blood, if you are satisfied, I can make you a descendant."

"Sorry, there is only one sun in the sky, and Hou Yi is not needed, so you can play by yourself." Greer said and looked around, but he didn't find the camera. He raised his left arm habitually, and a picture appeared in his hand immediately. card, inserted into the decade drive.

"Attack Ride Dienddriver!"

Diend's gun appeared on Greer's right hand in an instant. He raised the silver-blue gun, pointed it at the five vampires in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Let me see the difference between vampires. Can it be killed?"

As he spoke, Greer pulled the trigger, and a ball of energy bullets was fired from the muzzle of the gun. The vampire who could be aimed at moved faster, jumped out of the far away position extremely quickly, and kicked on the concrete wall in the air, as if Like a hungry tiger, it rushed towards Greer, who was only two or three meters away, and the other four vampires also rushed towards him at a superhuman speed.

Their speed was fast, but Greer's speed was even faster. He tapped his toes on the ground and jumped up extremely lightly. He stretched out his left arm in the air and hugged Daisy who was standing behind him, and retreated together. The gun in his hand fired one after another, and a cloud of energy bombs rushed towards the five vampires at an extremely fast speed.

In just two seconds, Greer fired five shots in a row, but only one shot hit the target, blasting a big hole in a vampire's abdomen. Blood, fell heavily to the ground, splashing blood all over the ground.

'Well! Daisy hurriedly turned her head and closed her eyes, not to watch this extremely bloody scene. Seeing this, Greer gave up her plan to continue shooting. The speed of these vampires was too fast. The ground and walls were blasted, and big holes were blown out one after another, making the noise a bit loud.

So Greer jumped back a few meters after landing again, put Daisy on the ground, and a blood-red card appeared in his vacated left hand, and Greer inserted it into the decade drive.

"Kamen Ride Kiva!"

The sound of mechanical synthesis sounded in the silent subway station, Greer's body was instantly covered with KIVA armor, his huge eyes were like Halloween pumpkins, silver metal rings were worn on his wrists and left ankle, and his right foot was wrapped around Silver metal boots with iron chains, and the upper body is made of red and silver heavy-duty armor. From the appearance alone, it can be seen that the defense power is more than a little higher than that of Agito.

It was the first time for Daisy to witness Greer's transformation process with her own eyes. She was so curious, her mouth opened slightly in surprise, and she even forgot that four vampires were rushing towards her.

Although they didn't know how the food was put on armor, the four vampires still rushed over regardless. They only had the delicious virgin blood and the rare tender meat in their eyes, and nothing else was important.

"The power of the demon emperor is too powerful." Putting on the Kiva armor, Greer clearly felt the power of the demon emperor exploding in his body, which was countless times stronger than the human form. If it exploded in one breath, the whole Manhattan would be destroyed. Raze it to the ground.

It's a pity that the Kiva armor on his body is controlling or sealing the power of the Demon Emperor, preventing the power of the Demon Emperor beyond the limited power from bursting out, so as not to hurt the wearer himself, but this is already very powerful.

"Daisy, stay away, it will be very bloody, don't watch it, or you will leave a psychological shadow." After speaking, Greer rushed out like a whirlwind, kicking the person in front of him. The abdomen of the vampire, accompanied by the loud bone breaking sound, the vampire immediately flew upside down, hit the concrete wall heavily, and was smashed into the wall like a nail was smashed into the wall, blood gushed out from the whole body, and the whole body was kicked It fell apart.

Then Greer raised his right foot and landed, and the center of gravity of his body moved forward accordingly. A forward punch hit the second vampire's head. The unreserved six tons of punch force made the vampire's head completely crushed like a watermelon. It exploded, and red and white things splashed everywhere.

"I'll go, here." Greer himself was frightened. In Asgard, he dealt with extremely powerful creatures. The ground is full of blood and tofu brains, there is no way to clean it up.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and the remaining two vampires finally knew that each other was not easy to mess with, so they quickly turned around and wanted to run away, but it was too late, Greer held the flame card in his left hand and inserted it into the diend in the gun.

Immediately, six golden cards appeared around the muzzle of the gun, and they were spinning rapidly, and the trigger was pulled twice in succession. Two balls of flame bombs flew out at a speed several times faster than the previous energy bombs, and instantly caught up with the two The vampires, like sparks falling into gasoline, set the two vampires on fire, and they were completely reduced to ashes in just two seconds.

In less than ten seconds, the five vampires were all killed, and the points jumped up by 320, which was too little. Greer sighed helplessly, turned and walked towards Dai XZ body of cement columns.

The Kiva armor on his body flashed and disappeared. Greer picked up his mobile phone and dialed Coulson's number. He directly informed his location and killed five vampires, but he didn't let them deal with the follow-up. , Instead, let them take biological samples, from begging for help to charity.

After the notification, he hurriedly took Daisy and left the subway station through another exit. After such an experience, he was not in the mood to press the road, and left Manhattan on a motorcycle and drove towards Brooklyn.

After the two of them left, the vampire who had been shot in the abdomen by Greer, who was not wearing knight armor, stood up unexpectedly, while the other two who were knocked down by Kiva's fists were dead.

There was a huge wound on the abdomen, but the hedgehog head didn't care. Looking at the two piles of ashes and the dead companion who couldn't die anymore, he said in horror: "Is he a vampire hunter? You need to inform the Viscount immediately."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, 'Whew! With a soft sound, a silver flying knife pierced through Li at an extremely fast speed, flew in from the entrance, and inserted it precisely into his neck. The surface of the flying knife shone with silver light, which quickly dissolved the vampire's body cells Let the vampire cry out in pain and despair, and turn into a pile of ashes in just four or five seconds, and the silver throwing knife also turns into ashes, this scene seems extremely unscientific .

Accompanied by 'da!clatter! ', a dark-skinned strong man in a black leather jacket and sunglasses at night came in from the stairs, looked first at the two dead vampires, then at the two piles of ashes on the ground , said to himself: "Did a rookie do it? I missed one, but the power is very powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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