The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 167 Conditions

Chapter 167 Conditions
In fact, Greer really wanted to do it all in one go, directly exchanging it for Mages. Although the wizard's knight card was a bit more expensive, it was still affordable.

The key is that each magic skill is not cheap, and the exchanged magic skill must be inserted into the card to use it. Once the energy of the card is used up, then you can only use the sword to chop like the magician on TV, but in that case, Might as well use agito armor.

It's not that Faye's skills are expensive, but that all skill cards are very expensive, and even some skill cards require more points than form cards. Unleash the power of the skills, how much energy and time are left.

The more powerful the skills, the higher the points required. Now Greer can see the low-level skills, and the higher the points, the more points are required. Those with only question marks are probably at the level of forbidden spells in the novel.

Think about it, magic at the level of forbidden spells does not require year-based learning and tens of thousands of practice. It can be used immediately after being exchanged. This is the most powerful part of skill cards, those low-level and easy-to-practice skills Cards are not worth redeeming points for.

It is precisely because of this that Greer did not exchange many skills of Agito, Faiz, and Dragon Knight, but imitated the previously exchanged skill cards to launch attacks. Although it cannot reach 100% power, there is still a seven or eight It is enough to reach [-]% or [-]% power if the condition is good.

The same is true for magic skills. If you want to use them freely without being restricted by the energy of the skill card, you must spend time and energy to practice, get familiar with, and master it. In other words, the power is not very powerful and easy to learn skills, why exchange it, it is better to find some way to learn from other places.

This is why Greer plucked up the courage to ask Gu Yi if he could learn magic from her. Hearing that Gu Yi said that only qualified people can cultivate magic power, he thought of KIVA who has the power of the Demon King in his body, and immediately asked : "Then if there is controllable energy in the body, no matter whether it is magic power or not, can one learn magic?"

Gu Yi turned his eyes around when he heard the words, looked Greer up and down for a while, and then said: "It seems that the one who sent you here has prepared well for you, allowing you to rely on external power, Use your own power. If so, you should have the corresponding knowledge, why do you want to learn magic from me?"

"Yes, yes, but I can't study yet. After all, there is no free lunch in the world."

"Hehe," Master Gu Yi really laughed this time, with a face as smooth as a baby's, with no wrinkles visible, with his hands behind his back and his head up at the sky, he didn't know if he was talking to himself or to Ge Riel said: "Yes, there is no power that can be obtained for no reason. The stronger the power, the greater the price to pay."

Without waiting for Greer to ask again, Master Gu Yi began to explain: "Everything has energy, and there is a certain relationship between them. Iced water absorbs heat, and water freezes to release heat. This is the simplest way. , The most basic energy changes the form of matter."

"Light, heat, electricity, magic power, etc. are all energy, but they manifest in different forms. It is not difficult to control the energy in the body, convert it into magic power, use magic, or even use non-magic power to use magic? Magic doesn't just appear out of thin air. They are created by humans, and the books on the rows of bookshelves are all left by the supreme mages of the past."

"Oh!" Greer nodded, and probably understood the meaning of the ancient mage. Although magic is driven by magic power, magic power is only a type of energy, just like internal combustion engines, electric motors, steam engines, etc. Others are converted into kinetic energy to drive vehicles forward. Doesn’t Frigg of Asgard use divine power to drive magic?
With a wave of his hand, the ancient master opened a space door with a diameter of two meters and could clearly see a wooden building complex built on the top of a snow-capped mountain. He could vaguely see a lot of clothes in the yard. People in rough clothes are practicing magic.

"Any qualified human beings can come to me to learn a certain amount of magical knowledge. These three books are knowledge that peripheral disciples can learn. I swear to protect the earth with magic. Without this determination, I can go down the mountain and return to my original life after finishing these three books."

Greer nodded slightly. The restriction of swearing by life is understandable. After all, no one wants to teach disciples to go back and do something that violates the law and discipline or even deceives the master and destroys the ancestors. When the time comes, the master will be responsible .

Stark was blown up once by a weapon produced by his company, and when he came back, he disbanded the weapon research and development department. The steel suit set up heavy restrictions. If he robbed him without his authorization, the self-destruct device would activate and destroy the armor. Fried shattered.

Mage Gu Yi waved his hand again, and the other side of the space door turned into the interior of a wooden house. A big fat man stood up and looked at Greer who was wearing dragon riding armor beside Mage Gu Yi in surprise.The ancient master stepped into the space door and left the last sentence: "If you have this determination, then when you use the hanging ring to open the space door and come to Karma Taj, you can enter the library to borrow books. Magic book."

At the same time as the last syllable disappeared, the space door also disappeared. The big fat man came up to meet him, and asked with some doubts: "Supreme Master, is this 'Masquerade' your new disciple?"

Master Gu Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "No, he doesn't need anyone to teach him. I just use the magic book in the library in exchange for him being able to use that powerful power to protect the earth when he is on the earth."

"Is he strong?"

"He has great potential!"

In the mirror world, after Master Gu Yi left, the elevated building returned to its original state. Greer looked down at the three thick magic books and the hanging ring in his hand, and raised his hand to recall the raging fire that was raging in the mirror world. The dragon, stepping on the head of the fire dragon again, flew in the direction of the Stark Industry Expo.

In fact, rather than learning magic skills, what he wants more is to obtain the coordinates and information of other spaces from the Ancient One mage, such as Jotunheim, a dungeon that he has long wanted to create, or other spaces where a large number of vicious creatures live. .

The conversation just now made Greer, who has recognized the 'form', more urgently need a lot of points to increase his strength to deal with all kinds of life forms that are unimaginably powerful in the Marvel universe, and the ancient one is a master NPC with a lot of copy information.

 The book review area has answered a lot of questions recently, and now I will make a summary here.

  1. Greer doesn't care much about public opinion. It was Stark's suggestion to let him pay attention to public opinion. If he cared, he wouldn't hesitate to kill the military who opened fire on him in Chinatown.He just didn't want to stand against the military. As for the reason, Xingsha had answered it before.

  2. It is said that Greer is being played around by others. Think about how many people can play around with others in reality. Zheng Zha in "Infinite Horror" has the highest force value, but he is still being played by wise men like Chu Xuan Turning around, the increase in strength does not mean that the others will also increase.

  3. It is not important to say that public opinion is not important. The US team three is really worth looking at. Why is there a Sokovia clause? Why did Stark, the most unrestrained, sign it again?And why lock up a witch who is strong enough to fight Thanos for 20 seconds in the villa?The combination of Vision and Witch is enough to fight against all countries in the world. Why didn't Stark let them two kill those more than 200 countries?

  Isn't the witch very strong? Why didn't she kill those people when she was a murderer in various news?The underground avengers led by the US team are wanted by various countries, why not kill these people from various countries who dare to want them?

  Xingsha really doesn't want to explain too much. Every time there is a change of dynasty or even a rebellion in history, whoever said under the banner that 'I rebelled against the emperor', the king of Zhou made the ten crimes of King Zhou, and the wild boar skin With the Seven Great Hatreds, no matter what the purpose is, you have to package yourself as a teacher of justice. What is the reason?

(End of this chapter)

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