The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 163 Stark's Trouble

Chapter 163 Stark's Trouble
Columns of flame rose from the park that was almost flattened by the cluster bombs. Even in broad daylight, the rising mushroom clouds mixed with flames and smoke were extremely conspicuous. A large amount of ashes were blown up by the air waves generated by the explosion. Rolled up, the moving black wall rapidly spread to the surroundings, covering the sky and the sun for a while, like a dense cloud.

The power of this explosion is much greater than that of cluster bombs. This small park was razed to the ground in an instant. The shock wave spread, and the glass that had been shattered was shattered immediately. Those who were closer died on the spot, those who were a little further away covered their ears in pain, and those who were further away were shocked to the point of 'hum!hum! 'It kept ringing.

"Ivan Vanke really set up a kamikaze team." Greer muttered in an almost inaudible voice, focusing on dealing with whips, and the Hammer drone in the park had no time to go. No matter, just after inserting the whip into the mirror world, these drones exploded, leaving nothing for Greer to deal with.

Judging from the fact that the Hammer drone blew itself up immediately after the whiplash armor was destroyed, Ivan Vanke probably didn't even think about leaving alive, he just wanted to die with Stark.Even without the help of him and the little spider, he can only show his prestige for a while. When the armored vehicles, tanks, armed helicopters and even fighter jets from the military or the National Guard arrive, the lack of heavy weapons and a large number of far-reaching weapons made by Ivan Vanke The whip armor of the super-attack weapon has no chance of running away at all.

The armor of Whiplash is indeed quite strong, but it can only bully the police with pistols, rifles and other light weapons. When the military really intervenes, dozens of armed helicopters will be enough to suppress Whiplash.

This is also the reason why Greer didn't attack General Ross's plane last time, because he didn't want the military to confront him. Don't look at how easy it was to destroy several military helicopter gunships in Chinatown, but there was a lot of sneak attack in it. When they reacted, Wushuanglong shot it down from the air in just a few seconds.

But if you really want to be distanced and face-to-face without a sneak attack, let alone Wushuanglong, even a fire dragon, it is impossible to easily shoot down an armed helicopter. It has also reached an astonishing Mach [-], far surpassing any of Greer's flying methods. Apart from entering the mirror world, there is no other way to avoid dozens or even hundreds of aviation rockets.

Not to mention a wide variety of weapons such as faster air-to-surface missiles, air-to-air missiles, and cruise missiles.In particular, ballistic missiles can be launched thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers away, and their terminal speed can reach [-] to [-] kilometers per second.

If you really become a public enemy, unless you stay in the mirror world day and night, let alone sleep, when you go to the bathroom, a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead comes over, basically it will be cold, As for hiding, at a speed of ten kilometers per second, before you can see it, the missile has landed and exploded.

As for the specific speed, the flying speed of the Fire Dragon is only 22 kilometers per hour, which is one-fifth of the speed of sound. However, even the F-[-], the most backward fifth-generation fighter currently equipped by the US military, has reached the speed of More than two Mach, not to mention the latest fighter jets, the last time I took the Kun jet fighter of SHIELD, the speed was at least Mach [-], maybe even faster.

After such a short period of time, Greer had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Stark didn't have time to think so much. After looking at the damage around him, he immediately ordered to Jarvis: "Jarvis, Immediately notify the hospitals in Brooklyn to send an ambulance here."

"Sir, many people were injured at the expo, and most of the ambulances have gone there. It is difficult to get a large number of ambulances here in a short period of time." Following Jarvis' words, the virtual reality scene inside the mask of the steel suit The system also showed the images sent back from the on-site monitoring of the Stark Industrial Expo: rows of red-stained white sheets were placed on the open space, and medical staff hurriedly walked around carrying stretchers, especially around the Hanmer Industrial Exhibition Hall. Worse, blood dripping all over the ground, broken bones and flesh
This shocking scene made Stark's face gloomy, and his brain was thinking quickly. The casualties were too great, especially when it happened inside the Stark Industrial Expo venue. With just a little guidance, there will be overwhelming troubles.But it's also an opportunity to use the killing hammer's drone to make a fuss, and it can be used to attack those who are eyeing his iron suit and are bound to win it.

Thinking of this, Stark did not delay for a second, activated the plasma propulsion system without hesitation, flew into the sky, came above Greer, and said: "Thank you for your help this time, when I finish my work This time, I will prepare a thank you gift for you, I have already notified the ambulance, you should leave as soon as possible."

As he said that, Stark flew into the sky, hurriedly flew towards the completed Stark Tower, and issued an order to Jarvis: "Jarvis, contact Pepper, we are busy now .”

"Yes, sir!"

Stark left in a hurry after leaving such a sentence, leaving a mess all over the floor. Before Greer had time to say a word, Iron Man had already run away to nothing but a black spot. The sound of sirens echoed loudly, and the flashing police lights three or four hundred meters away were approaching rapidly, and they were the last ones to arrive again.

Turning his head to look at Little Spider, he squatted on the roof of the car at a loss, this is the first time he participated in such a battle, he really didn't know what to do next, he was thinking whether to leave as soon as Iron Man, I saw Greer walking towards him, and said as he walked, "Leave quickly, do you want to take my Wushuanglong?"

"Uh..." The little spider instantly thought of the feeling of being blown around by the wind hanging under the Wushuang Dragon. It was really not good, so he waved his hands quickly and said, "No, no, I will go back by myself of."

"Well, don't always go to the roof, and occasionally consider the sewer."

"Oh, goodbye!" said the little spider. With a flick of his legs, he jumped towards the building next to him, lying on the outer wall, and climbed to the top of the building in two or three moves, disappearing from Greer's sight.

Greer glanced at the policeman who was running along the blocked vehicle gap, took a step forward, stepped on the broken glass all over the floor, and fell towards the bottom as if he had stepped on the gap. disappeared into the street.

Entering the mirror world again, the feeling that the world can change according to his will came back, but before Greer could try the role of God in the vicissitudes of life with his hands again, he found that in front of him, he had no choice but to chase Hammer. The human-machine folded into a C-shaped space moved slowly, as if the thread that stretched the space was broken.

One building after another staggered past like this, as if they were in two spaces. Greer was taken aback by this situation, but when he looked carefully, he found a person floating in the center of the C-shaped space with his back facing him , the right hand raised above the head is slowly swinging, and the folded space is actually swinging with this hand, or controlled by it.

(End of this chapter)

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