The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 159 Edman Alloys

Chapter 159 Edman Alloys

Although Ivan Vanke has successfully created a steel suit that can carry a driver, it is still not comparable to Stark's steel suit in many aspects. It is like a gasoline car, and Wuling Shenche and Ferrari are completely different. Derby.

Not to mention other things, Ivan Vanke does not have a smart housekeeper like Jarvis, who can monitor every line of the steel suit in real time, not to mention that Stark uses tens of thousands of software to drive the suit. , plus the material ratio of various parts, metal resonance, etc., are all accumulated by Stark Industries for decades, and these are not comparable to the emerging Hammer Industries.

The reel of the whip rope was shattered by Stark's cluster cannon, but his reaction speed was extremely slow. To determine the damage, he had to raise his left arm and put it in front of his eyes, instead of directly The damage situation is presented on the virtual reality scene inside the mask.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why Ivan Vanke opened his mask to fight with Stark and the others in the original book. Wearing a mask has a narrow field of vision, and the second is that it is impossible to determine the damage of the suit in real time. It is better to take a risk and expose your head Fighting.

But now he really doesn't dare to show his face like this. A little spider with super strength jumping up and down, an Iron Man and an unscientific guy in armor. In a three-on-one situation, he can only wear a mask. , use the field of view capture system edited by yourself to fight.

However, this system is obviously not as good as Stark's. He paid attention to Greer's offensive, but ignored Stark's steel suit for a while, allowing Stark to gather a lot of energy and destroy his left arm in one fell swoop. Lightning Whip.

Ivan Vanke was furious, and was about to swing the lightning whip on his right arm to launch an attack, but he caught a glimpse of the extremely nimble little spider jumping to the top of the car, and the reel that was about to spin stopped immediately.

If he doesn't deal with this guy, he won't be able to use the electric whip with peace of mind. Otherwise, he will be stuck by this guy with a very thin but extremely strong silk thread just after he throws it out, and he can only use his fists to fight these three guys. .

But without the electric whip, it seems that he can only fight with his fists now. There are not many physical weapons inside the whip armor. A wave of bombing and a wave of armor-piercing bullets have used up all the weapons he carried.

After all, he made the whiplash armor secretly, and Hammer Industries' weapon technology is obvious to all. Ivan Vanke really doesn't like it. These weapons were all purchased from the black market and manufactured by Stark Industries.

And Ivan Vanke didn't expect Stark's two helpers to be so powerful that he couldn't find the north. After 2 minutes of the battle, he didn't gain any advantage at all.Facing Greer who was rushing towards him, Ivan Vanke decided to use the electric whip after thinking for a second, but he only intercepted a length of two meters and rushed towards Greer.

The two 'Iron Men' with very different sizes fought together in just a second or two, one wielding an electric whip and attacking frantically, the other wielding a flaming knife and slashing, the two weapons collided. Together, violent sparks erupted, but the result was still the same as before, the lightning whip was cut off again.

Greer held the flame saber tightly in both hands, cut off the electric light whip with one knife, raised his right foot and took a step forward, flipped his wrist, let the flame saber draw an upward arc, and slashed again before going to On the drooping lightning whip, a section of the lightning whip was cut off again.

Iron Man had already flew up, and the arc pulse cannons in both hands bombarded the whiplash armor one after another, blasting pieces of the already cracked titanium alloy armor into the air, and although the little spider said that there was nothing he could do with such a thick armor, But it successfully launched several spider threads that entangled the whip rope's left arm like a web, and desperately pulled the whip rope's left arm, making it unable to move freely.

The surface armor of the whip was peeled off piece by piece, revealing the inner armor, and then Stark's arc pulse cannon attacked it, but it was useless, making Stark frowned and asked: "Jarvis , analyze it."

"Sir, according to the pulse wave's attack feedback, the opponent's armor contains a certain amount of vibration gold, but the content is not high, it should not exceed 5.00%."

"This guy also bought vibration gold. It seems that it's not his own money. I really don't feel bad about it, but" Stark was suspended in the air, looking at the whip armor below, and said to himself: "He Does he really fully understand the nature of vibrating gold? Even if it is an Adamantium alloy, as long as the vibrating gold content exceeds [-]%, the second forging cannot be carried out. Isn't he afraid of being stuck inside and unable to get out? "

Just like if a car is flattened, you can still use a cutting machine to cut it, but once the Adamantium alloy is deformed, the difficulty of cutting it is not as easy as climbing the sky. After all, it is only Adamantium alloy, and the content It is extremely low, no matter its strength or anything, it cannot be compared with vibrating gold, and deformation will occur if it exceeds the upper limit of tolerance, and this upper limit will also decrease simultaneously with the decrease of the content.

But even knowing this, Stark has no solution for the time being. After all, even if the content is low, it is an Adamantium alloy, and its defense and strength are far superior to ordinary metals. Not to mention low-power arc pulse guns.

"Jarvis, it seems that there is one more item to be added to the improvement plan, which is to enhance the attack power of the arc pulse cannon, um, how about directly connecting it to the Ark reactor, and how about connecting the laser emitter directly." With Greer in the Charged in front of the battle, the whip was not tempered at all, so that Stark had the leisure to think about how to improve his steel suit.

"Sir, it is theoretically possible, but the temperature of the laser emitter is very high. If it lasts for a long time, it will affect and even deform the surrounding parts. The heat insulation must be strengthened, and the upper limit of the energy transmission pipeline must be considered. The existing materials It is impossible to meet the requirements."

"Hmm!" Stark nodded, looking at Greer below, as if talking to himself: "His armor is made of new materials, does he know the ratio and forging process? "

At this time, Greer had already brandished the flaming saber and arrived in front of the whip. He ran much faster than the whip, and slashed fiercely on the whip's chest, sparking bright sparks.

Gathering so much energy with one blow, the whip was sent flying, and hit a car heavily, denting most of the car, and leaving a shallow gap in the armor of the whip.

"I'm going, is it so hard?" Greer looked at the flame saber in his hand, and wondered if it was a toy knife. Such a knife can split even steel and concrete piles. What about the four millimeter gap.

 Here I want to say that there are many kinds of Edman alloys, and it also involves the amount of vibrating gold. It is like sugar water. If you put a spoonful of sugar in a glass of water, it is sugar water, and half a spoonful or even a pinch of it is sugar water.

(End of this chapter)

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