The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 152 The Importance of Speed

Chapter 152 The Importance of Speed

Wushuanglong was flying at an altitude of 140 meters at a speed of 4000 meters per second. The hurricane brought by the high speed caused the little spider hanging below to sway. It quickly climbed up and launched two more spider threads. Fix yourself firmly under Wushuanglong.

Ears filled with 'hoo!call! ', this is the first time he has come to such a high place, looking down from here, no matter the high-rise buildings, or the street railway, all become extremely small, let alone the people on the street, it is almost invisible arrive.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's really spectacular, and I can see far away." The little spider looked at the city below, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "That's the city rail I often sit on. Alas, I didn't expect the speed to be so slow, I really should have brought a camera to take a picture of this."

Greer has almost started to filter out the little spider's unimportant words. He has now come to the park that Stark mentioned, stood up from the Wushuanglong, scanned the surroundings, and found a black spot in the southwest sky , is rapidly approaching here.

However, Greer did not descend immediately, but controlled Wushuanglong to fly towards a nearby cloud mountain, and when it flew into the cloud mountain, the little spider could not see the city below all of a sudden, only the spider sensed and waved curiously With his right hand, he scratched the surrounding clouds, and he was still nagging: "Actually, I have wanted to try it for a long time. Is it true that the clouds can't be caught? When I was a child, I wanted to catch the clouds and use them as cotton candy."

"More Hammer drones are coming, are you ready?"

"Ah?!" The little spider was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Put me down quickly, I can't fly."

"Mobile Pegasus will take you down, I will destroy the flying device of the Hammer drone just like I did just now, you can deal with them on the ground, and don't let the falling Hammer drone hit people. Greer said that he had already taken out the Diendriver, and summoned the Pegasus, which had recovered a little energy, and let it slowly fly to the bottom of the Wushuanglong and beside the little spider.

"Are you sure he's safe?" The little spider stretched out his foot and stepped on the Pegasus Pegasus, expressing extreme doubts about the safety of such a flying object that has no seat belt, no seat, and even no place to grab .

"It doesn't have a lot of energy. If you delay for a while, it might fall in the middle of the flight." Greer said with a little joke, and inserted the card kicked by the dragon knight into Diendriver, making Diendriver A symbol representing dragon riding emerged on the surface.The light spread out, surrounding Diendriver to form six cards exuding golden light, and they rotated rapidly.

A large amount of energy gathered at the muzzle of the gun, and the aftermath alone tore the cloud mountain apart, making the cloud and mist instantly clear, and the eyes were bright. A thousand meters below, a team of Hanmer drones Just skimmed.

Greer pulled the trigger without hesitation, and every time a ball of energy light bombs was launched, a golden card would disappear immediately, and six balls of energy light bombs were fired in a row, rushing towards the Below, under the control of Greer's strengthened mental power, each of the six energy light bombs precisely hit a Hammer drone, bursting like fireworks, turning into countless large and small Pieces of flaming metal fell toward the lake below.

At the same time, the Wushuang Dragon under its feet also swooped down immediately, and rushed towards the group of Hammer drones that were chasing Stark with its teeth and claws. Standing on top of the swooping Wushuanglong, the Diendriver in his hand couldn't help pulling the trigger, aiming at the flying device of the Hammer drone.

Compared with Stark's carefully crafted steel suit, the Hammer UAV is like a comparison between a thousand-yuan machine and an Apple. Although it has all the functions it should have, it is far from the same material and performance.

If you use a Diend gun to attack Stark's steel suit, it will only cause a little damage to the outer shell with one shot, but it can penetrate the outer steel shell and destroy the internal equipment if you hit it on the Hammer drone. It even ignited the fuel used for flight and let it fall from the sky.

It's just that both the Hammer drone and Greer are flying at high speed, so the hit rate of the Diend gun is not very high. What's more embarrassing is that Greer found that Wushuanglong could not catch up with the Hammer drone, and even more Not to mention the faster-flying Iron Man, who only fired two shots, and just shot down a Hammer drone, and he was thrown a thousand meters away.

Wushuanglong's speed of 140 meters per second is indeed very fast, but it is far behind many human aircrafts, even less than half of the speed of sound.Last time in Chinatown, if it was not a helicopter but a fighter jet that attacked him, let alone shoot down the fighter jet, even if he chased him, he would not even try to catch up. At that time, he would have no other choice but to hide in the mirror world and escape.

Faiz's acceleration form is very fast, but it runs on the ground, and the duration is only ten seconds. As for the jet pack in the burst form, it can exceed the speed of sound when the power is fully turned on, but it consumes a lot of energy .What's more, if you catch up with the enemy, you must use the Quantum Burst Cannon to attack, and the energy consumed is huge. Full-power flight and full-power attack, the energy of Faiz's burst form will be exhausted after only six to seven minutes. light energy.

This is also the reason why Dragon Knight's attributes are not outstanding, but they are still the primary exchange and frequent use of Greer. Wushuanglong's continuous flight and ability to enter the mirror world cannot be replaced by other knight cards.

But anything that has reflections can pull the enemy into the mirror world, and you can destroy the enemy without using any tricks.There is also the dragonrider's flying ability, it is extremely useful against enemies like the abomination who are powerful but unable to fly, even if the strength is very different, they can still win.When he was fighting on the ground at the beginning, he was the one who was abused by the abomination, but when he was replaced by Wushuanglong, he turned against the abomination.

Thinking of this, Greer glanced at the final form of the Dragonrider—the Survival Flame Card, which is worth [-] points, which is [-] more expensive than Faye's primary card.With the example of the trinity of agito, Greer also knows what "excellent value for money" is. [-] points are exchanged for a sharp increase in physical fitness, so what kind of changes will these [-] points bring? Woolen cloth.

He raised his left hand full of anticipation, and the knight card box hanging on the left waist immediately turned and staggered a gap, and a card with a basic color of red and golden lines flew out from it, without being affected at all. The impact of the high-altitude wind fell steadily into Greer's left hand.

 The third update, which was late, was originally finished at noon, but it was overthrown and started again.

(End of this chapter)

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