The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 142 Colonel Rhodes

Chapter 142 Colonel Rhodes
So even if Justin Hammer was 'disgusted', he still smiled and said, "Is that all? Can't there be more? In this case, it will be difficult to satisfy the military. We must prove our Drones are better than Stark's Iron Suit and Osborn's Bio-Warrior."

"That's all for the time being. Others need to be tested many times. Don't you have a booth at the Stark Industry Expo? Let's show these first. A salute and a queue are enough to fool the layman. That’s right, they can’t let you attack and fly in the pavilion.” Ivan Vanke gave Justin Hammer an idea.

Justin Hammer thought it was a good idea. He spent so much money on this project, and he was under a lot of pressure, especially since there was no result for such a long time, the board of directors already had doubts.

While cursing these short-sighted guys in his heart, he appeased the board of directors with the reason why high-tech projects could produce results so quickly. There will be a huge sensation.

After all, Hammer Industries' steel suit is a drone, but it is for sale. It is much more attractive than Stark's self-preserved steel suit. It can definitely reverse the perception that Hammer Industries can only produce cheap weapons in the eyes of outsiders. Impression, but also give an explanation to the board of directors.

As for whether someone will be linked to Monaco's attack on Stark's steel suit, the benefits are obviously greater than the risks. After all, there is no evidence, and there is no evidence to dare to say anything. His legal team is not just for nothing.

When he was in a good mood, Justin Hammer's tone became more cheerful, he laughed and patted Ivan Vanke on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Vanke, when the steel suit starts mass production, I will give you 1% Hanmer Industry shares and 3000 million cash rewards, follow me, and you will definitely not suffer."

"Hmm!" Ivan Vanke also had a full smile on his axed face, nodded, and continued to edit his own program. He didn't say ecstasy or other expressions at all, which made Justin Hammer begrudgingly. Uninterested, he shrugged his shoulders and winked at the two bodyguards who followed Ivan Vanke in the name of protection before walking out.

After taking out the technology in Ivan Vanke's head and mass-producing the steel suit, he will get rid of Ivan Vanke. This guy is a lunatic. He even dared to attack Stark. He planted a bomb in his steel suit and killed so many people. A rising business star like him must not have anything to do with terrorists.

When Justin Hammer was busy with his drone exhibition, Stark's villa in Los Angeles once again welcomed the black colonel James Rhodes. He got out of the car with a gloomy face and knew the way When he walked in, he froze when he opened the door.

I wondered if I had gone to the wrong place, otherwise, why would there be heating pipes in the room at the gate, and they were supported by iron frames, making a villa look like a boiler room.

"Stark, what the hell is he doing?" James Rhodes said anxiously to himself, and walked quickly into the living room. Along the way, he saw a lot of cables and pipes. He now has some doubts about Stark. Did Ke have a mental problem, otherwise why would he make a good villa like this.

Just pushed open the door of the living room, and saw Pepper and a beautiful woman sitting on the phone on a fairly clean sofa, dealing with company affairs, James Rhodes changed his face, and extreme anger appeared on his face , and said to Pepper: "Stark, where is he?"

"Basement" Pepper just said such a word, and Rhodes walked towards the stairs in the basement angrily, making Pepper and Natasha look at each other, not understanding why this guy was angry.

When entering the password to open the bulletproof glass door in the basement, Rhodes shouted loudly at Stark: "Tony, what are you doing?"

He only shouted halfway, and Stark, who was busy sitting in front of the workbench, waved at him and said, "There's no need to act, brother, the plan has been cancelled."

"Hey!" Rhodes was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he quickly closed the door, looked at the 'heating pipe' extending to the basement in great confusion, and asked, "Tony, what are you doing? You came up with a better plan ?"

"No, I just solved my problem, so I don't want you to beat me up and take away the steel suit. This plan is too bad." Stark said, quickly optimizing the new generation on the virtual projection in front of him. Battle suit.

Rhodes still didn't understand what Stark meant. Stark came to him before and asked him to fight with him at the birthday party under the watchful eyes of everyone and take away the outdated Mark2 steel suit. Give the aggressive military an explanation, but why did they suddenly change their attention now.

When he walked to Stark's side, Rhodes noticed that the Ark reactor on Stark's chest became a triangle, which made Rhodes guess: "You replaced the Ark reactor, and the problem was solved?"

"That's right." With an excited smile on Stark's face, he tapped the third-generation Ark reactor on his chest, and said, "The power is stronger, enough for me to fly around the earth twice. Rhodes, think about it. Here, help me test the new suit, and the Avenger I mentioned last time, what do you think?"

"Let me think about it again, and the Pentagon probably won't agree." Rhodes pulled out a sitting thing from a pile of debris, sat down, and found no one around, whispered: "Tony , I heard the news that someone in the military is cooperating with a company to develop a steel suit, could it be related to the terrorist who attacked you in Monaco?"

Upon hearing the news, Stark immediately stopped what he was doing, turned his head, and asked seriously, "Are you sure?"

Rhodes shook his head, and said helplessly: "Everyone knows about my relationship with you, how could you tell me these things, I also overheard, saying 'Let him play with Stark's toys himself, We have a new ', I didn't listen much, but eavesdropping on military secrets will be sent to a military court."

Stark fell into deep thought, because the attack in Monaco made him fall into a very passive situation. Many people seized on what he said at the hearing that day, 'no one will develop a steel suit in 20 years', Attack him wantonly.If he hadn't solved the problem of palladium poisoning, he would have handed over a set of steel battle suits to prevaricate the military, lest the military threaten Pepper after his death, and all the suits would be taken away by then.

"Jarvis, list companies and laboratories that cooperate with the military and have an investment of more than [-] million dollars."

"Yes, sir!"

In the next second, a new projection screen appeared on the right side of Stark, which listed the names of companies and laboratories: Hanmer Industries, Osborne Group, AIM, Victor, a full thirty or forty companies , Stark quickly browsed through it, and still removed those companies that could not manufacture steel suits. In the end, there were only four or five suspects, and the newly-emerged Hammer Industries was at the top of the list.

"I remember he had a booth at the expo," Stark muttered in a low voice, and ordered, "Jarvis, call up the exhibited products and specific information of Hammer Industries."

(End of this chapter)

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