The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 140 Rejection

Chapter 140 Rejection
"The Avenger." Greer was in a daze. He also thought that with such a strong power, Nick Fury would definitely not let him go, but this document actually felt unrealistic in front of him. .It's like a celebrity who has been chased by a brainless fan suddenly came to the door of the house. Apart from being happy, there is also a slight doubt whether it is a high imitation.

Greer scanned the [-] to [-]-word document at a glance. It contained various assessments of himself, most of which were assessments of combat effectiveness. In addition to fighting the gangsters, Greer also included his battles with the Iron Bully, the Abomination, and The battles of the frost giants are all recorded and analyzed in great detail.

But apart from my own evaluation results, there is nothing else. The content related to the Avengers is only three pages. It only introduces a series of false content such as the purpose and goals of the establishment of the Avengers. The actual content is zero.

It’s like when you’re looking for a job and you’re about to sign a labor contract, but there’s only your personal ability on it, and you don’t talk about such extremely important parts as salary, treatment, work content, rest time, etc. Only a fool would sign such a contract.

When Grian looked down at the thick document in his hand, Nick Fury added an explanation, saying: "The Avengers is an idea I had a long time ago. Gather a group of powerful people and see if it can be achieved." What, when people need it, can fight for them and win wars that ordinary people can't win."

"They? Are they ordinary people who work hard, rich people who spend their days and nights, or powerful politicians?" Greer read the document at a glance, and the sense of unreality has been dispelled by this unrealistic plan.

Putting this document on the table, Greer pushed it back to Nick Fury, shook his head lightly and said: "I am a person who advocates freedom, and I don't like to be bound. There are many powerful people in this world. I won't get involved."

The Avengers Alliance is to be established, and only by clenching its strength into a fist can it have the power to fight Thanos, but he will not join the sieve-like S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau infiltrated by Hydra or a group of old stubborn The Avengers Alliance led by the Security Council, otherwise someone must want to treat them as super thugs and use them to achieve ulterior motives.

After staying in Asgard for so long, he has seen a lot of things that were not shown in the movie of just over an hour.As far as Asgard is concerned, if you want to capture the earth, even if you don't use those magical weapons that can destroy the world, just relying on fully armed soldiers, it is estimated that the armies of all countries on the earth will lose their resistance in a few hours.

The full-image teleportation plug-in of the Rainbow Bridge is really too powerful. If we really want to fight, human fighter jets, ships, tanks, cannons, etc., don’t even have a chance to start, and they will be destroyed by the soldiers teleported through the Rainbow Bridge. Lose.

Even if you want to use nuclear bombs, Asgard can use the Rainbow Bridge to transfer soldiers away from the earth at any time, so that you can't find the target when you bomb it, not to mention that if the Rainbow Bridge is activated at full power, you can destroy even a single soldier. Drop the earth.

The power of Thanos is not weaker than that of Asgard, and it is even stronger. I remember that in the original book, many Xandar stars with technology far surpassing the earth were bloodbathed by Thanos, and the Dark Order was even more powerful. Stark in Nano Armor and Doctor Strange have no temper.

Regardless of technology or individual strength, the earth is far behind. Unless the protagonist has an SSS-level halo, there is no chance of winning at all.If you don't want to gamble with half the chance of survival, you must gather every strength.

And Greer wanted to try a guess from his previous life. If Asgard and the Ancient One, who protect the earth and mankind, were there, would Thanos dare to come?But to keep Asgard and the ancient mage alive, it seems that it is no easier than defeating Thanos.

One has to deal with Hela, who was suppressed by Odin in Helm's Underworld, and the other is Dormammu, who was negotiated away and whose strength is unknown. Thinking about it this way, Greer thinks it's better to bet half of it, At least this probability is higher.

While Greer's mind was slipping away on the banana peel, Nick Fury picked up the Avengers document that Greer pushed back, tilted his head slightly, looked at Greer with his only right eye, and asked : "Can you tell me why?"

"Because the enemy is on Capitol Hill, you said that the Avengers are fighting for mankind, so will it be used for war one day? Will those officials grant funds to a group of people who don't listen to them? They can't wait Even the army has been disbanded."

Greer's words made Nick Fury nodded in agreement: "Those congressmen really only have ballot boxes in their eyes. In order to get votes and please voters, they can do everything. Many times, people doubt that these Does the guy have an IQ at all, why is such a brain-dead proposal passed."

"But." Nick Fury changed the subject and became serious: "These councilors are elected by ordinary people, and those proposals that look stupid are what the voters want, so they are wanted to please the voters Members proposed and passed, they are actually just a collection of wishes of countless ordinary people."

"Everyone criticizes politicians, but everyone wants to become a spendthrift rich and powerful politician. They don't believe in the government, but without the government, what would the world be like? Is order and everyone happy? "

Nick Fury bowed slightly, and raised his hand to Greer, with a look of 'you think about it'. Seeing that Greer didn't say anything, he also raised his right arm, with his elbows resting on his shoulders. On the table, with his arms spread out, he said with an extremely helpless look: "No one is perfect. Will a government composed of a group of flawed people be perfect?"

Greer was silent again, and the debate with Nick Fury ended in a complete failure. The criterion for judging was that Greer felt that what Nick Fury said made sense, but felt that something was wrong. Unknowingly, he was led astray by the spy chief.

Nick Fury stood up with Greer's evaluation results, and said condescendingly: "Son, you have a lot of power, you must know how to restrain this power, and don't be dominated by it. The Avengers are still only It exists on paper, if you want to join, call Coulson."

After finishing speaking, Nick Fury walked towards the door, and when he was about to open the door, he turned his head and said, "You have been to China as an exchange student for the past few months, and today ends. Look, we can still solve the problem." A lot of things."

After saying this, Nick Fury opened the door and walked out, then closed the door again, leaving Greer alone in the first-class cabin again.

Obviously they didn't agree, but Nick Fury, who was walking in the cabin, didn't feel depressed at all. Instead, he had a joyful smile on his face, and said in an inaudible voice: "I understand, the current him is not the past, In this case, is he in the past the future? A time train."

(End of this chapter)

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