The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 130 Stark's Party Invitation

Chapter 130 Stark's Party Invitation

While Stark and Pepper were immersed in the images and pictures taken by Greer, the door of the middle room of the airliner opened, and Natalie, who had been promoted to Stark's personal assistant, came in and put the organized A document was placed on the small table between Pepper and Stark, saying: "This is the list of media requesting interviews sent by the headquarters, as well as the FBI, CIA, Pentagon... and other thirteen government departments. An official letter requesting Mr. Stark to explain the incident in Monaco."

Natalie dutifully introduced the letter sent by the headquarters, but she glanced at the mobile phone in Stark's hand from the corner of her eye. At this time, it was the screen shot by Greer from the Asgard transport ship. The earth, gravel and gravel ground There are trolls holding various simple weapons such as wooden sticks and iron bars standing on the ground, and they are lined up in a crooked queue. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a movie.
Pepper picked up the document and flipped through it carefully. The more he looked at it, the worse his expression became. All the media, large and small, looked like sharks that smelled fishy. what kind of question.

These media are nothing. The key is the official letters from the military, the Ministry of National Defense, the Senate and other government departments. You can think of it with a duodenum. The so-called explanation must be to let Stark hand over the steel suit in the end. .

Previously, due to many concerns, they couldn't grab it with open fire. They could only use the name of hearings, military-enterprise cooperation, etc., to share or have the right to use the steel suit with Stark.But now it is different. The second steel suit has appeared in Monaco, and it has caused huge casualties, giving these people who spy on the steel suit the name of 'national security'.

Although it is not possible to use tanks, planes, and cannons to rob, but it will definitely force Stark to give up part of his technology by any means, just like a hungry 'side dog', his eyes are shining, and he just wants to tear it from the steel suit. When the next piece of fat comes, as long as there is a chance, I want to swallow it all in my stomach.

After reporting on her work, Natalie turned around and said to Stark: "Mr. Stark, your birthday party invitation list has been listed, please have a look." A document was placed on the table in front of Stark.

Stark didn't pick it up at all, just glanced down, then turned to Greer who picked up the tablet again and started to brush the tubing, and said, "Boy, are you coming to my birthday party? It's better than the party you attended at school." Much more hi."

"I only went there once. After 3 minutes, I went back to play games. It was too noisy and messy." Greer looked at the tablet in his hand without raising his head, wanting to see how he felt during the time he was away. Nothing major happened.

"I have invited a lot of beauties, do you want to meet the high society?"

Greer finally looked away from the tablet, glanced at Stark, and said, "Hi yourself."

"Tony!" Pepper frowned and looked at Stark. Now he understands why the kid is talking nonsense. He can't have a normal conversation with Stark at all. Did he instigate the kid to have a good time?

Stark grinned a few times indifferently, sent the videos and photos in Greer's phone to his personal server, then threw the phone back, turned his head and looked outside the cabin, looking at the The blue sky and white clouds were thrown behind him in a daze, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

In the Trident headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. at dusk, Nick Fury, who was supposed to be off work, was still repeatedly watching the short ten-second content captured by the live broadcast camera at the Monaco Circuit. agito that came out of it.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., there are three speculations about Kamen Rider’s origin: one is the visitor from the parallel world that has only been hypothesized so far; people.

Jimmy Wu's mission report tends to be the first one, but after watching the three-hour video and thousands of pictures sent by Natasha sent to Stark half an hour ago, Nick Fury thinks this is likely to be an alien visitor.

The images and pictures were repeatedly appraised by the expert team, and they were not synthesized. What they showed was the scenery of God’s Domain that was completely different from the earth and the big scene of war with cold weapons, but the power of swords was stronger than that of hot fire. After the war, the appearance of the terrain has been changed, allowing Nick Fury to once again see the power of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Just the rainbow bridge transmitted by the whole picture is impossible for any country on the earth to defend, not to mention that these soldiers who use cold weapons and wear armor are all superhuman, rocks bigger than two or three people, one of them Hands can be lifted, no army on earth can match this army.

"With all this, will those old stubbornes still say anything about supervision rights?" Nick Fury snorted coldly, selected some videos of Asgardian soldiers fighting with various strange-looking 'people', and sent them to the World Security Council .

In less than 10 minutes, Nick Fury received an emergency meeting notice from the World Security Council. A sneer of contempt appeared on Nick Fury's face. He took the elevator to the room on the top floor. He hadn't stood still yet. A member of the Security Council The old man said impatiently: "Director Fury, are the videos you just submitted true?"

"As for the question of authenticity, I think everyone has already identified it once, and I am going through the second or even more times of identification, so I don't need to waste my time. What I want to say is that the colorful beam of light and the aegis in Monaco yesterday The colorful beams of light stationed at the base in New Mexico are the means by which this alien civilization deploys troops remotely, and you can also organize strategic experts to evaluate how to defend against such a powerful army that may appear in any city at any time?"

The representatives of the five virtual images blocked the external voices and communicated internally. Nick Fury stood there unhurriedly, without any nervousness.The door behind him was pushed open, and Alexander Pierce walked in hastily. Before he had time to exchange greetings, he hurriedly said, "Fury, where did you get these videos? Is it true?"

"It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that we need a special team to deal with such an enemy that cannot be defeated by ordinary troops."

The representatives of the five Security Councils quickly concluded their discussions, and they also began to inquire about the source of these videos, but Nick Fury ignored this, and instead directly asked if such an army composed of 'supermen' appeared in a human city , how to deal with it?Want a nuclear balance?
(End of this chapter)

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