The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 125 Odin's Call

Chapter 125 Odin's Call

After losing the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard can only use the cosmic shuttle to transport troops to the riot area, and the scope is limited to the star field directly under Asgard. As for the chaos in other places, it can only be said And lack of strength, without the Rainbow Bridge, it is impossible to reach, and can only watch the chaos expand.

What I want to say here is that the floating continent where Asgard is located is called the domain of the gods. Asgard is a more galaxy group composed of many galaxies as huge as the Milky Way. The Nine Realms represent nine The huge group of galaxies all belong to Asgard's rule, which shows how strong Asgard's power is.

The movies I watched in my previous life were not as good as one billionth of the real Asgard. For example, Asgard’s army, there are always so few people in the movie, probably less than a hundred.

But in fact, when chatting with Thor, he once said that the number of troops commanded by Asgard is about one million, and most of them are stationed in Yalfheim and Vanaheim. The most important place for Sgard is the core of Asgard, which is rich in all kinds of incomparably precious resources.In addition, 20% of the Asgardian army is from Yalfheim and Vanaheim, and there are only [-] people from God's Domain, and the rest are strong people from other places in the Nine Realms.

The first time I heard Thor say that the army commanded by Asgard was about one million, Greer was really shocked. The total number of Asgardians who appeared in the movie in the previous life is estimated to be less than two thousand, even if In "Thor 3", when Hela attacked Asgard, there were only a hundred or so troops. It gave the impression that Asgard was as big as a human town with so many people.

But in fact, the land of God's Domain has an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers. Although the birth rate of the powerful race is very low, there are tens of millions of Asgardians living in God's Domain. Greer doesn't know the exact number. I know, and I can’t see these materials, but it’s definitely not something that can be loaded in a spaceship, and even a hundred “Thor 3” spaceships can’t even think about loading an Asgardian on the street.

The Asgard seen by the eyes is very different from the movies in the previous life, but it seems to be the same when you think about it carefully. During World War II on Earth, the number of troops of several major powers at their peak was more than tens of millions.Asgard rules the vast and boundless Nine Realms. Even if the army selection criteria are harsh, it is not difficult to pull out a million troops, not to mention that weapons and armor are still enchanted, which probably limits the number of troops.

The more he knows about Asgard, the more Greer feels that the Marvel world he learned from the movies in his previous life is unreliable, limited by time and funds, the world shown is just the tip of the iceberg, and Greer is in Asgard. De Cai finally understood how huge the iceberg under the water is.

Take the army led by Greer and Sif to suppress the stone giant's rebellion. In the movie, there are more than a hundred people in strange costumes fighting randomly, but in reality, there are [-] troops in total. Fight each other.

Enchanted arrow crossbows, chariots, flying boats equipped with weapons, all kinds of weapons and ground troops frantically attacked the chaotic team of stone giants. Although Asgard's army is only 2, it is over [-] Golem fights.

The main reason is that these troops are truly elite, equipped with the best enchanted weapons and armor, all of them have impressive divine power, the number is only [-], and they are usually stationed in the God's Domain to defend the Immortal Palace. If it wasn't for the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge and the inability to mobilize troops from other star regions, I am afraid that this elite force would not be dispatched.

Greer is still not as good as Thor, who holds Thor's Hammer and can release a large-scale lightning attack, but holds a storm and flame saber in both hands, and rides a motorcycle to slash left and right in the crowd of stone giants, like a sharp knife Generally rushing forward, leaving broken stone giant bodies behind one by one, making the already chaotic array of stone giants even more chaotic.

Until he pierces through the formation of stone giants, and then chooses a direction to fight back, it is quite the momentum of Zhao Zilong, who was in Changbanpo, seven times in and seven out. At this time, "Invincible" is the most suitable BGM.

With Greer as a sharp knife to disrupt the enemy, and Sif's orderly command, the stone giant's riot was quickly suppressed, leaving some people to deal with follow-up affairs, and Greer and the army boarded Asgard. The transport ship flew all the way back to Asgard.

Flying in a spaceship in the boundless void of the universe, at first Greer was very excited to lie on the window of the ship to watch, but the unchanging dark universe plus stars became boring after a long time.

After finally arriving in Asgard, he stepped off the spaceship docked at the space port, and a team of palace guards greeted him: Odin wanted to see him.This made Greer a little surprised. Since the last time I met Odin at the Rainbow Bridge, I haven't met him again. Why do I suddenly want to see myself now? Could it be that he has made great contributions to Asgard? Honor yourself or something?

Greer, who had a brain problem, followed the palace guards in a flying boat, entered the Asgard Palace, and walked all the way to a room deep in the Asgard Palace. The light from the surrounding braziers was very dim, making this brick-and-stone room absolutely stunning. Much of it is hidden in shadows.

After the others retreated, Odin turned around, stared at Greer, who was wearing Asgard's characteristic costume, and asked, "Do you want to return to Midgard?"

"Huh?!" Greer couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words. Although he wanted to go back to Earth, Odin hesitated when he asked.Being in Asgard is actually quite good. Not only can you become stronger, but you can also earn points with the Asgard army.

I spent all my points before. After eight wars, I have accumulated more than 8000 points. Some of them can earn [-], and at least one or two thousand. Greer is reluctant to leave this large-scale war instance. There is no way to spend points happily like this on Earth, and there are not so many blames for him to score.

Odin leaned on the Eternal Spear, and said unhurriedly: "Asgard has regained its calm. Before the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, it is impossible to go to other star fields to quell the chaos. You have a part in this, so I decided to Take a portion of the limited energy and send you back to Midgard."

(End of this chapter)

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