The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1103 The New World

Chapter 1103 The New World
Thanos didn't know how many times he rolled, and he didn't know how long it had passed. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was the colorful light all over the sky. It was so beautiful that Thanos was fascinated for a moment, stunned. Staring at it, he suddenly woke up, his consciousness quickly returned, and he immediately clenched his fists to dispel the influence on his brain with the Mind Stone.

He made a fist to make his five fingers touch each other, but failed to hold them together, so there was a gap, Thanos was taken aback, and looked down, only to find that his right hand was scorched black and incomplete, and only half of the infinity gauntlet remained, which meant that his hand was only Most of it is left.

The Infinity Stone that was supposed to be inlaid on it has only six broken grooves left, and the body is not much better than the hands, as if it fell into a coal pile, there are scorched black marks everywhere, his armor, his body , all in dilapidated condition.

"How could this be?" Thanos was at a loss, trying to recall what had just happened with his somewhat fuzzy brain. The Kamen Rider rushed up with the broken armor, and used the Infinity Gem in his hand against his own. bumped into each other, and then
Thanos quickly turned his head to look around, and found a floating debris area in the distance, in the middle was a charred black figure with only bright eyes, looking at Thanos, the situation was worse than him .

"Why?" Thanos asked this question from the bottom of his heart. He really wanted to know why this guy with no heroic spirit and chivalry could dominate in any universe with five infinity gems. Under such circumstances, you have to fight yourself to die together.

"Who knows?" Greer moved his head with difficulty, looked at his situation, and tried to make a wry smile. He knew that destroying the Infinity Gems would be very difficult and would cause great backlash, but he didn't expect that So big, so big that he regretted it a little.

"What's the point of you doing this?" Thanos panted, he knew that neither of them would be able to leave, and would sleep here forever, maybe when the Avengers would come here to find their companions, by the way Take it back by yourself, provided that you can find it here, the probability is almost like finding a needle in the solar system.

"I can restore the world to its original state, resurrect those who died because of me, and restore the world that was destroyed by you," Greer said with a faint smile on his face, "Do you know why I brought you here? Because of the discontinuity and superposition of the quantum void, time loses its meaning, and there is a chance to change the past."

"Change the past? You?"

"Someone told me that the new cosmic rules that replace the Infinity Stones are in my body and the source of my power, but they only reverse the future, so I brought you here to use the energy released when the Infinity Stones are destroyed , Bring the new cosmic rules in my body to different time periods, let the timeline change from the very beginning, and reset everything."

Thanos was frightened by Greer's words, and his consciousness was already blurred, but he still wanted to ask: "Why would you want to do this? Are those people related to you?"

"I don't know!" Greer completely relaxed himself, his broken body was numb, and his consciousness was disappearing, but the colorful light in front of him became brighter and his voice became smaller and smaller: "At first, I just wanted to Gaining stronger power, but not being able to act recklessly, so fighting crime, protecting the weak is just a matter of incident.

But as time went by, unconsciously, I got used to guarding the weak, and in the end I took the initiative to do so, but I forgot the original idea, and only guarded.

The person who gave me this power really understands people's minds. If you make selfless dedication from the beginning, you will become lazy and slack after the novelty passes, but if you find that hard work will There are gains and gains, so for a stronger power, I will work hard to protect the weak.

After doing one thing for a long time, you will get used to it. The thankful words and expectant eyes of those protected by you will make you involuntarily take the initiative and be willing to do things to protect the weak, just like me now, silly He let himself get in too. "

"It's really great."

"Hehe," Greer smiled, and said to himself: "Today is September 2017, 9, it's been seven years, I've been in this world for seven years, it's finally over, it's time to end. "

Greer's voice was too weak to be heard, and Thanos also found that most of his body was dyed in seven colors, and was almost completely eroded. After that, he would completely turn into those stones. He said to himself: "I understand, I didn't lose to you, but to the guarding heart."

It calmed down here, and there was no more sound or fire, but the terrifying energy fluctuations that erupted from the destruction of the Infinity Gems before continued to spread:

There is a universe, between Mars and Venus in the solar system, there is an extremely wide meteorite belt, which is rapidly rotating around the solar system. After the energy wave from the quantum void diffuses here, it suddenly stops moving, as if pressed Press the pause button, and then everything disappears, as if it was torn into particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and then reorganized into planets, continuing to operate according to the original orbit.

There is also a universe, the earth is extremely silent, only the continuous ruins of cities, no human beings can be seen, but suddenly, all the ruins disappear, replaced by neat buildings and criss-crossing roads, as well as shuttles. The crowds and traffic flow were exactly the same as before the destruction, as if the timeline had been dragged back.

There is also a universe where the Avengers base is surrounded by large pits and a new canal leading to the Atlantic Ocean. The only remaining Avengers are fighting with the Thanos Legion. Stark called the Wasp and asked her to take Pym Find the particle and go to the quantum realm to help Greer.

But in the next second, everything disappeared without a trace, whether it was the Avengers, the Thanos Legion, or the traces caused by the battle, all disappeared, as if everything had never existed.

The big pits all over the ground were replaced by green grass and forests, and a large old warehouse stood on the site of the ruined Avengers base, with a sign of 'Private Territory, Do Not Enter' hanging on the rusty barbed wire.

The tall building in the center of Manhattan is hung with a huge Stark sign, letting everyone know that this is Stark's industry. The latest weapon launch conference of Stark Industries is played on the street screen. Stark Industries and the government have reached a cooperation agreement to create an experimental Iron Legion as one of the possibilities for future warriors.

And many military commentators have made their guesses about this matter, thinking that in recent years, Thor in Norse mythology frequently descended on the earth, which made Tony Stark decide to sell his personal toys. It is used to fight against the legendary Asgard, in case the myth comes, but humans have no power to resist.

After all, Tony Stark has said in public more than once that humans do not need gods to rule, and similar views have won the support of many politicians. Even the blond boy who wants to compete for the next president has said that Mr. Stark is completely Become Secretary of Defense.

A newspaper dated September 2017, 9 was thrown on the ground, and it contained shocking news: Someone saw Captain America, who had been dead for 3 years, in a certain African country, with a group of people wearing uniforms with the pattern of a soaring eagle. Soldiers, wiped out an illegal armed group and saved hundreds of people.
At this moment, a man in homemade red and blue clothes flew across the sky with spider webs, causing passers-by to stop and cheer, shouting excitedly: "Spiderman!"

"Look at that, it's Spider-Man."

The man in self-made clothes waved his arms and greeted the people below, and kept saying, "Hey, how are you all? I'm your good neighbor, Spiderman."

(End of this chapter)

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