The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1100 Quantum Battle

Chapter 1100 Quantum Battle
"Do you have it?" Greer yelled, and immediately a power gem appeared in his open left hand. He held it in his hand, and he also hammered it, and a terrifying lightning burst out, similar to the lightning released by Thanos. Colliding together, a terrifying power erupted, tearing everything around the collision point from the molecular level to pieces.

The collision of two power gems has never happened in the past history of the universe, but at this moment, on this remote little planet, they appear one after another, and each collision will cause huge damage to the earth. destruction.

Under the collision again and again, the aftermath of the power gems that erupted one after another slowly seeped into the ground, causing devastating damage to the soil and rock formations, but all this was unknown to everyone on the ground. The Infinity Stones have not been used for a few years, and the two, who haven't done much research, are attacking each other with all their might.

The long sword and giant blade held in the other hand also slash towards the opponent from time to time, playing a supporting role, but the real main force is still the power gem, punch after punch, each punch will burst out Endless purple lightning strikes in the air and falls on the ground, and can vaporize endless earth and rocks every second, truly achieving a war that changes the terrain.

Such a big movement, even the dust can't cover it, it was quickly discovered by the Avengers and the Thanos Legion, and everyone's first reaction was to run towards that side, attacking each other while running, Prevent the other party from supporting.

This situation is similar to Greer and Thanos' actions before, but this time there are more people involved. Every second, someone from the Thanos Legion falls down, or is pierced by a laser, or Was hit in a blur by a giant fist or thigh, or was electrocuted into charcoal by lightning, and did he suddenly fall down due to any trauma?
The soldiers of the Thanos Legion died in different ways, but on the side of the Avengers, the rest are all first-class combat power, ordinary attacks are useless at all, and they want to launch a powerful attack, but there is no condition, because Temple No. [-] was destroyed, and the space fleet was also dragged by the Avengers in space. Only some biochemical behemoths were left, and they were beaten by Hulk and Thor.

One ebbs and another, the Avengers scattered in every corner of the battlefield are naturally much faster than the Thanos Legion. Thor, who was flying in the air, was the first to arrive, and what he saw was Sarah who was fighting Greer. North, and a half-disabled Thanos trudging along with one leg in tow, the blood of a severed arm spilling out the path behind him.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. The lightning on Thor's body was so strong that he immediately forgot everything. He only had Thanos in his eyes, and he swooped down from the sky without hesitation. With such force, he slashed at Thanos' head.

A large amount of blood loss made it difficult for the semi-disabled Thanos to walk. In addition, the ground is rough and full of large pits. If you are not careful, you may fall into the pit. For Thanos who is extremely weak, it is even more difficult to walk. But he kept going.

I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't know what I was walking for, but I was walking until I heard a thunderous roar from the air: "Thanos!"

Thanos couldn't help but looked up, and saw a group of dazzling electric lights falling rapidly in the gray sky, and it was in front of him in an instant, and then the silver light flashed and his neck felt cold, Thanos felt himself flying Standing up, a headless body fell to the ground weakly spraying blood in the rotating field of vision. It looked very familiar, and Thor, who was holding a huge ax, stood beside him.
'Boom! '

Thanos' head fell into the soft floating soil with lightning, creating a depression that almost buried it, looking like a big sweet potato was buried in the soil.

And Thor stood next to the headless body, his face didn't show the joy of revenge, he just stared at the headless body with a gloomy face, then flew up again, and rushed towards the newly appeared one The place where purple lightning burst out one after another on the other side of the river.

There was such a delay in the middle, but Stark, wearing Destroyer armor, arrived first, holding a god-killing gun in his hand. Seeing that Greer and Thanos were slightly separated, he immediately drove the Mark III vibrating gold arc reactor, from A brilliant beam of light shot out from the tip of the gun, hitting Thanos directly below.

But before the beam hit Thanos, he clenched his right fist, activated the power gem, absorbed all the power of the beam, and then reflected it back. Stark was about to evade it, and he flew from behind A Thor, wielding a storm tomahawk, slashed directly on the beam.

Like the strongest Tom cat, he split the light beam abruptly and went straight to the roots. It's a pity that Thanos is not a big tree, and he won't wait for Thor to fall. Seeing Thor's storm battle ax split The beam of light emitted by the Gun of Eternity drives the power gem without hesitation, changing the color, shape and power of the beam accordingly.

Thor's falling speed plummeted, and the collision of the purple lightning and the storm battle ax erupted fierce sparks, which even spread to the God of War armor on Thor's body, which made Thor feel tremendous pressure and was extremely shocked. He easily split the beam emitted by Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet last time, why does he feel like he can't compete this time?

Before Thor could figure it out, Thanos below had disappeared. While dodging Greer's attack with the space gem, he appeared next to Thor, punched in the air, and hit Thor's chest, making Thor Feeling that I was hit by a mountain, my eyes went dark, I almost fainted, I couldn't even hold the storm battle axe, and fell towards the ground together.

Stark immediately activated the weapons all over his body and fired lasers one after another, but Thanos used the Reality Gem to turn him into soft flying catkins before he reached him, but at this moment, the fourze rocket propulsion function was activated. Riel appeared from below and punched Thanos, preventing Thanos from destroying Stark's Destroyer armor with the Reality Stone, forcing Thanos to use the Space Stone to move himself and disappear.

Thor fell heavily on the ground, looked down, and there was an obvious fist mark on the armor on his chest. If he used a little more force, he might be able to penetrate the armor of the god of war. This made Thor extremely astonished. Has the blessing of the gods.
Thor's mood suddenly dropped, and he became even more angry. The gods had passed away, so what's the use of blessings? As soon as he stretched out his hand, the storm battle ax, who didn't know where it fell, immediately flew back automatically, and was caught by Thor. He held it in his hand, but as soon as he got up, he saw Thanos slashing at him with the Tyrant Butcher Knife, and Thor quickly swung his Storm Ax to block it.

The two wide-opening and closing weapons collided together, and fierce sparks erupted, and Thanos repeated his old trick, driving the Infinity Gauntlet once again when the opponent blocked his weapon, attacking the opponent, holding his head in a daze. Thor didn't expect this, and was blown away by Thor's punch.

Thanos was waiting to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but he took a step with the tyrant's butcher knife, and heard a sharp sound of piercing the air from behind. Thanos, who was experienced in combat, immediately judged that it was a sneak attack, and turned around to block it. .

It was only halfway through the turn, and the attack one step earlier had already hit Thanos' body, 'Kang Dang! With a loud noise, Thanos staggered and took two steps forward from the huge force, almost falling to the ground.

This made Thanos, who had just declared himself invincible, very angry. He immediately turned his head and saw a familiar hammer flying back, and was picked up by a man who fell from the dusty sky and was wearing dark clothes. , only the shield in his hand maintained the pattern of bright red and white rings and five-pointed stars.

Captain Rogers, who caught Thor's Hammer, didn't have any extra words. He turned the hammer in his hand and flew into the sky. He brought endless thunder and lightning down from the sky, and hit Thanos.

But this time Thanos didn't dodge, instead he went up to meet Rogers who was approaching from the sky, purple lightning lingered on his clenched fist, colliding with the lightning from Thor's Hammer.

Thunder and lightning!

Lightnings of two colors intertwined and collided crazily, filling an extremely wide area, making the air resound with the sound of electric shocks
A hammer fell to the ground, only the shield was held tightly in his hand, and he flew upside down with Rogers, and then fell to the ground, rolled for a long distance before stopping, panting on the ground, just punched, and got Thor Hammer admitted that Rogers, who possessed the power of Thor, was beaten so badly that he almost passed out.

But before Thanos landed, a spear of eternity stabbed at him, causing Thanos to immediately swing the Tyrant Butcher Knife, block the spear of eternity with a wide blade, and then punched Stark directly. When it was sent flying, pieces of the Destroyer suit made by Zhenjin Jiawulu flew out.

Thanos landed heavily on the ground, the ground trembled, and trembled very regularly, there was no need to turn your head to look at it, you could tell by feeling that Hulk was definitely coming, and Thanos wasn't even interested in watching After a few glances, he directly raised his right arm, clenched his fist, and the Soul Gem was activated.

Hulk, who was running at full speed, paused, lost his balance immediately, and fell to the ground. The huge inertia caused Hulk to roll several times before stopping. Every time he rolled, he would knock out a big dent on the ground , like a dust blower, throwing out a lot of dust.

Thor, who just got up from the ground, hurried to take care of Hulk, but he flew over and didn't land. Hulk suddenly threw his fist, causing the unsuspecting Thor to be sent flying like a baseball. Ke looked up to the sky and let out a roar, jumped up high, and chased after Thor, as if he was treating his father and enemy.

It was too late and then too fast. In just a few seconds, the Avengers' top combat power was wiped out. None of them caused any harm to Thanos, and they didn't even bring him too much pressure. The gap in combat power between the two sides is clear at a glance, and the biggest reason for this is the Infinity Gauntlet in Thanos' hands.

Six infinite gems endow Thanos with infinite power, and he has just collected the infinite gems and does not know how to use them, let alone Xiaobai who cannot exert their power. Thanos has been in a different universe for a long time , has been able to skillfully use the infinite gems, and can exert its power.

In front of the Infinity Gem that represents the rules of the universe, all efforts and strength are extraordinarily pale. This is the source of Thanos' confidence, because only the Infinity Gem can fight against the Infinity Gem. Compete with Infinity Gems.

Just like now, in just three or four seconds, the top combat power of the Avengers was all beaten to the ground. If Greer hadn't hurriedly activated the Mind Stone and released Thanos' control of the Hulk, I'm afraid he would still It's playing Thor.

Even though Greer's movements were fast enough, Hulk, who was already irascible, was greatly imaged, squatting on the ground, shaking his head constantly, his eyes were red, and looked very painful, but In front of him is Thor who is getting up from the ground. The successive heavy blows have caused him a lot of damage. Even Asgardians cannot recover within a few seconds.

But Greer immediately attacked, and the power gem launched, and attacked Thanos, causing Thanos to turn his attention back to him, driving six infinity gems very aggressively, hitting Greer directly. Come, and said arrogantly: "You lost."

Although Greer wanted to refute it, he had to admit that what Thanos said was indeed the truth. Thanos, who has six infinite gems, after familiarizing himself with the operation method, as long as he can react before the enemy sneak attack him , it is basically undefeated.

Greer has tried this many times. Even with acceleration, he would be noticed by Thanos at the moment when he exited the acceleration due to the use of the power gem, and immediately counterattacked and defended with the infinite gem, making the sneak attack change. Become positive and rigid.

As far as the front is tough, Thanos, who has six infinite gems, is really not afraid of anyone, even Greer, who uses four infinite gems in turn, is not unreasonable at all, because he has six.

This kind of attempt has been carried out more than once since the start of the battle, and all of them have failed. That's why Thanos has the confidence to say the phrase 'you lose'.

But this time, Greer didn't refute, but instead hit his head in suspense. Even though the beams fired by Thanos' six gem volleys could not be suppressed and retreated, he still didn't make a sound, which made Thanos rarely curious.

At this moment, Greer suddenly disappeared in place, which made Thanos startled. He immediately turned his head and scanned the surroundings, looking for Greer, but Greer unexpectedly appeared in Thanos's place. On the front, control the card box sword and swing it, blocking the falling tyrant's butcher's knife.

The other hand grabbed Thanos' right arm, and a small bracelet in the palm of his hand quickly spread out, and instantly turned into a quantum suit, covering Thanos' whole body, and the moment he finished dressing , it shrank rapidly, and the two disappeared in the battlefield in an instant.

"Where is Thanos?" Thor flew over with his storm axe, and answered his Destroyer suit, which was self-testing: "Quantum world, Greer took him to the quantum world."

(End of this chapter)

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