The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1095 Infinity War

Chapter 1095 Infinity War
Thanos opened his mouth and let out a roar, raised his other arm that was also full of 'scars', and hammered at Greer who jumped in the air, but was blocked by Greer's crossed arms, and with the help of his hammer With such force, he retreated and landed on the ground more than ten meters away, perfectly removing the force of Thanos' hammering.

"Are you just this little bit of strength? Then I won't be polite." Greer said that he had already pulled out a card from the knight card box with his left hand, and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Final Attack Ride AAA - Agito!"

With the sound of this loud electronic synthesis sound, the light emitted by the ruby ​​​​of the Neo decade driver projected the figure of Kamen Rider Agito in the air, and made the same action as Greer:
Back half a step, the huge energy symbol of Kamen Rider Agito appeared on the ground under his feet, and with his body squatting slightly, gathered on his feet, and then jumped away, after reaching the highest point, Kamen Rider Agito's The phantom merged into Kamen Rider decade's body, doubling the power of the knight's kick.

The double knight kick quickly flew down from the sky, and arrived in front of Thanos in an instant, and it took less than a second from the start to the fall, which did not give Thanos enough time to react and dodge, so he had to shout , raised his arms to resist.

'boom! '

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the flat lawn turned up dust waves, attacking in all directions, covering the figures of the two people in an instant, and the Temple No. A series of giant cannons pointed directly at the vast land below.

At this time, Captain Marvel, who was the fastest flying, had just flown three-quarters of the distance, and the giant cannon of Temple Two had already fired, firing balls of energy light bullets, passing through the air, attacking Avengers flying upwards.

After Captain Marvel saw the giant cannon, he hurriedly began to gather photon energy, so when the giant cannon fired, he was able to shoot a photon shock wave in time to intercept the firepower of the Temple II, and Thor in the rear followed suit. Thick dark clouds gathered above Temple No. [-], and lightning bolts fell, striking on Temple No. [-], bursting into groups of raging flames and splashing out endless fragments.

But the thunder attack lasted only a second, and more than a dozen giant cannons were lifted up, and launched an attack on the dark clouds in the sky. A luminous bullet was shot into the dark clouds, exploded, and burst into dazzling light.

Explosions again and again made the lightning weaker. No matter how Thor increased his divine power, he couldn't change this trend. Instead, he attracted more intensive attacks, forcing the two to swing axes and hammers to resist the incoming attacks. Continue to maintain the dark clouds with divine power, making the dark clouds disperse faster.

The four strongest combat forces were immediately involved. The result of the contest between the huge technological creation and personal strength was clear at a glance. The biggest reason was that this was the earth, and the Avengers could not let the energy shells fall to the ground, otherwise It will cause huge damage to the ground, but Temple No. [-] is unscrupulous, I am afraid that the damage is not enough, not big enough.

One ebbs and another, Temple No. [-] forcibly dragged down most of the Avengers' combat power. As for the others, Stark's attack was almost like scratching an itch for the huge Temple No. [-], but it had not changed. The Hulk with a body can't even jump to this height, let alone fight, and the rest of them can't even fly, let alone deal with Temple No. [-], which has risen to an altitude of [-] meters.

The situation suddenly became extremely bad. The Wasp looked at the explosive flames rising one after another in the sky and Pepper looked at each other, nodded, and immediately pressed the regulator to make herself smaller, and then took a free ride in the Mark49 rescue armor. Rush towards the sky.

The firepower of the Mark49 rescue armor was fully fired, intercepting the energy light bombs fired by the Temple II, while the Wasp, relying on her tiny size, shuttled through the hurricane at high altitude with difficulty, and came to an attacking cannon without hesitation , directly rushed in, launched an attack on the precise circuit board, directly destroyed the control chip, and paralyzed the cannon.

Just as the Wasp started to destroy, two fire-focused rings suddenly appeared above Temple No. [-], and then two green figures fell from the inside and landed on Temple No. [-]. They raised their fists the size of millstones, It smashed on an anti-aircraft gun, smashed the gun flat, and then exploded.

'boom! ' Two loud bangs that were almost connected together, the flames of the explosion shot straight into the sky, and countless fragments hit the surroundings, crackling and hitting Hulk's body, but they couldn't even pierce the skin, but it aroused Hulk Furious, he raised his head and roared, grabbed the gap opened by the giant cannon, tore apart the armor layer by layer, and entered the interior of Temple No. [-].

After the two Hulks reached an altitude of [-] meters, a space gate suddenly appeared in front of the void from the light beam emitted by a giant cannon, causing energy light bullets to rush into it. Immediately afterwards, a space gate appeared near Temple No. The energy light bullet flew out of it, and hit Temple No. [-] precisely.

There was another earth-shattering explosion, and a big hole was blown out in the side armor of Temple No. [-]. Countless metal fragments splashed, some fell to the ground, and some shot into the interior, cutting the inside into pieces, Know how many systems and pipelines have problems.

The cannons suddenly stopped attacking, the overloaded pipelines detonated, and fierce sparks burst out everywhere, thick smoke filled the entire cabin, no matter how the ventilation system worked, it was of no avail, and many cosmic beings on Temple [-] died because of this. Asphyxiation.

But these are actions that are beneficial to the Avengers. The firepower is weakening, and the pressure on the Avengers who resist the cannon attack is also reduced, so that Captain Marvel can take time to launch a counterattack occasionally, using photon shock waves to destroy a door. Cannon.

Even so, the dense firepower cannot be completely intercepted by such a small number of people. Even with all their strength, there are still a lot of energy shells falling on the ground, and the pillars of flames are mixed with a large amount of soil, flying into the air. started, followed by 'Boom! 'The explosion.

Every explosion will leave a huge crater on the ground, because it is close to the Hudson River, water seeps out from the bottom of the huge crater, and the collision with the high-temperature soil makes a 'Zi!Nourish! ' sound, curling white smoke rises, drifting to the distant sky
Between the falling 'fireballs' and the rising flame pillars, Greer flew upside down for more than a hundred meters, fell heavily on the ground, and smashed a deep human-shaped crater in the soft ground Come, and across from him, Thanos limped out from the flying dust.

Greer put his right hand on the ground, and a carp turned over and stood up. His eyes couldn't help looking at Thanos' right hand. It was that hand that blocked his double knight kick just now and knocked him into the air. A dark gold metal glove with blue and purple lights on the tails of the index and middle fingers.

"The Power Gem, the Space Gem, and the Infinity Gauntlet!" Greer muttered silently, but an indescribable panic rose in his heart. He remembered that Thor in the Fat Mansion version traveled through time and space to Asgard. Take away the power gem and the infinity gauntlet, and the infinity gauntlet is the right hand.
"What did you guys do?" Greer's heart was trembling, and he was worried about a terrible guess that he thought of.

Thanos continued to walk forward with a limp, and said in a cold tone: "We eliminated some resisters." He raised his right arm, showing the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand, and said: " This is what I got from the resisters, so that I can once again fulfill my wish to save the universe."

Greer's hands were tightly clasped together, the armor on his fingers rubbed against each other, making harsh sounds, and even sparks burst out, which showed how angry he was inside.

The Infinity Stones are definitely the hope of the cosmic avengers. After five years of desperation, the only hope they have waited for is absolutely impossible to give up easily, and this means that Thanos and the others, like in 1993, carried out The brutal massacre was only for their so-called salvation.

"You guys. Damn it." Gritting his teeth, Greer roared out, and suddenly raised his right hand, the magic power in his palm surged, and in an instant, a stone emitting purple light emerged, held by Greer in his hand, bursting out. Waves of purple lightning spread along the armor of Greer's hand and moved upward.

The next second after he clenched his right hand, Greer stepped on the ground and made a deep footprint on the soft ground. His body suddenly rushed forward, like a flash of red lightning, he reached Thanos's body in an instant. In front of him, the right fist exuding purple light swung fiercely forward.

Terrifying force and super fast speed made the air highly compressed, causing ripples like water waves, and carrying a mighty force, hit Thanos, and Thanos was not to be outdone, dragging his half-disabled body, He clenched his fist and activated the power gem, and had a head-to-head confrontation with Greer.

The two purple rays of light collided together, and the aftermath of indescribably terrifying energy spread, and the surrounding ground instantly split into gaps, and then layers of turf, dirt, trees, and street lights were lifted. , One after another, the buildings collapsed.

In an instant, the sky was dark, sand and rocks were flying, and with the two of them as the center, everything within a few hundred meters nearby was razed to the ground within a second, and finally spread to the Hudson River, causing the river to suddenly tilt inward, which looked like One side of the basin lifted up, causing the water surface to tilt, breaking through the embankment on the opposite bank, and submerging a large area of ​​land.

Such a big movement on the ground naturally attracted the attention of the Avengers in the sky. When they looked down, the Avengers base that had been blown up by the Temple II had disappeared, leaving only the flying Dust and choppy river water.

And among the thick dust, bright purple electric light shines, illuminating two figures of completely unequal sizes in the center, their right fists clashing together, and endless purple energy waves emanate from the gap between their fists, faintly forming two The purple hemispherical mask enveloped the two of them, and at the same time, they collided violently with each other, causing devastating damage to the surroundings.

Greer has three infinity gems, and Thanos has only two infinity gems, but for the two, the only way to fight at this moment is the power gem, not only because neither of them can hold too many infinity gems. The backlash of gems, the Infinity Gauntlet also cannot withstand too many and too strong Infinity Gems.

Although he was fighting against the semi-disabled Thanos, Greer's vigilance was raised to the highest level, always paying attention to his surroundings, guarding against Thanos who didn't know where he was.

It is the Thanos of this universe, the Thanos who went to collect the infinite gems in 1993, and destroyed two worlds in a row, no, Thanos of three earths.

After Greer saw the semi-disabled Thanos, many guesses appeared in his mind. The most reliable one was "for the dead ghost". He died first, so he found another self to help him bear the backlash, leaving behind a useful body to realize his lofty dream.

The semi-disabled Thanos probably also knows this, willingly dedicating himself, playing out the things of the Avengers, and clearing some obstacles for the other self to realize the ultimate dream, so that once the ultimate dream is realized, he also has a third The credit is in it.

Even knowing this, Greer had to fight the semi-disabled Thanos, just because this guy has a power gem in his hand, as long as he can withstand the backlash, he can destroy a planet, Stark and their earth It has been blown to pieces, leaving only a small piece, which proves the existence of the earth.

If the half-disabled Thanos is allowed to go all out, maybe this planet will suffer the same fate, so Greer has to defeat the half-disabled Thanos first, and then deal with the intact Thanos.

This is conspiracy, knowing that it is a trap, but still jumping into it, just because there is no other choice, or the other choice is worse than this.

The violent energy escapes everywhere, and every wave can leave a deep scar on the earth. After a few breaths, Stark invested a lot of money and resources to build the Avengers base, which was cut into fragments and could not be found. what a complete thing.

But no one cares about this, either they are working hard to deal with Temple No. [-], which is burning everywhere, or they are paying attention to Greer who is fighting against the half-disabled Thanos, especially Daisy, who has been trying to get close, but her shock Bo, but it is far from being able to fight against the power gem, even if it is just the energy that escapes, it is still extremely terrifying.

Until the ground below the Avengers base rises a bright silver armor, which is more than three meters high, about the same height as the Hulk armor, but thin and thin, and holds a short stick in one hand, a short spear in the other, and a short spear in the other. There is also a nest made of vibrating gold, which allows these two weapons to be integrated into one.

This is the Destroyer armor that Tony Stark built with the Destroyer fragments that Greer brought back from Vanaheim, and later used the Eternal Gun that Greer brought back that was broken into two pieces to create the Godkiller Gun He Zhenjin upgraded the Destroyer armor a second time and became the ultimate armor.

(End of this chapter)

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