Chapter 1093

Rocket Raccoon, who was driving the spaceship, widened his eyes in astonishment. He looked at the empty space in front of him in disbelief. He lowered his head and glanced at the screen on the right. The coordinates on it clearly showed that the spaceship had arrived near the earth.

But the front is empty, no, it is not empty, there are dense meteorites, if it has not passed through the asteroid belt once, it will definitely make people think that they have come to the asteroid belt.

If it weren't for the seat belt, Xingjue would have jumped up from his seat, and shouted in astonishment: "Where's the earth? What about a big earth? Rocket, you flew off, yes, we came to the wrong place, No, the earth is turned the other way."

Xingjue spoke incoherently, trying to convince himself that everything in front of him was fake, and returned these meteorites, these meteorites came from other places, maybe the moon, not the earth, how could it be the earth.

The spaceship that was still noisy just now was so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle. Everyone squeezed to the upper and lower windows of the ship, looking at the empty space outside and the scattered meteorites, big and small, exhausted. But he couldn't find the familiar blue planet with his eyesight.

There are only large and small gravels filling the field of vision, and a curved fragment like a skull. The surface also loses its blue color, but the inside is hot lava, which has not completely cooled down. It is barely recognizable. are fragments of the earth.

Carroll and Danforth closed their helmets almost simultaneously, and their bodies glowed with intense light of photon energy, changing their own molecules, passing through the outer shell of the spaceship without hindrance, entering the void of space, and flying to the vast expanse ahead. meteorite belt.

Greer just glanced at it and immediately ran to the lower cabin, Tony and Stark followed closely behind, and Rhodes also ran over. He had already finished dressing on the armor on the way, and Rhodes closed the cabin door with his backhand , and then opened the outer cabin door, flew into the void of the universe, and followed the two captains of surprise, rushed to the meteorite belt in the distance.

But at this time, the nearly blank brains of the Avengers regained a little thinking ability, and they shouted excitedly, unable to believe what their eyes saw. I couldn't calm down for a long time, and even became more and more anxious:
"This isn't Earth, is it?"

"What are these meteorites?"

"Where is the earth? Where is the earth?"


But no matter how they shouted, they couldn't get a response from the people who went out. They all flew around in the meteorite group in silence, and gradually quieted down the noisy communication channel, because their silence had already answered these questions.

The worst answer, none.

"How could this be?" Romanov felt extremely bewildered for the first time, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Banner, but he saw the same bewilderment on his face. As a scientist, he knew too well how to destroy a planet. How much strength is needed.

Everyone is thinking about a question: They have only left for such a short time, so why did such a big earth disappear?Who did it?Thanos?

The people who went out to investigate soon returned, but all of them had ugly faces. Before Rhodes even had time to remove his armor, he sat down on the ground, shaking his head constantly, and muttered to himself: "Impossible, how is it possible?"

"What's wrong?" Peter asked with a trace of luck, "We must have gone to the wrong place."

Greer shook his head, threw the thing in his hand on the floor, and made a very crisp impact sound. Everyone looked down and saw that it was a section of steel bar still stuck to the concrete, and then heard Greer say: "Those There are quite a few building materials like this on the meteorite, and indeed the Earth."

'Bang! The loud noise of ', startled the crowd who gathered, and looked back, Thor, who was furious, smashed the bulkhead of the spaceship into a depression, and Thor, who was wearing a quantum bracelet next to him, patted him comfortingly. his shoulders, but didn't say much.

Because there is nothing to say, the earth was destroyed, and the last people of Asgard died together. Since then, the civilization of Asgard has completely disappeared in the dust of history, and Thor has become a real loner.

"Why? How could the earth be destroyed?" Banner couldn't hide his doubts, disbelief, and anger in his words, and Romanov hurriedly hugged him to calm Banner's emotions. This was the only remaining foothold Now, it would be too bad if the Hulk came out.

Seeing the intimacy, Bruce was envious, and suddenly felt that maybe, maybe, maybe it would be good to find a confidant, so that when he was angry, he would have someone to comfort him instead of carrying it alone.

No one said a word, because no one knew, only Greer raised his right hand, the magic power surged from his wrist, and quickly gathered into a magic circle, and then squeezed out a stone emitting lavender light from the void, saying: "The power gem, yes, that is indeed the power of the power gem."

"It's this thing?" Everyone's eyes were attracted by a thumb-sized stone floating in Greer's palm. It was impossible to imagine that such a small thing could destroy a planet.

Thor, wearing a quantum bracelet, said: "Each of the infinite gems has infinite power. Destroying planets is not difficult for infinite gems."

Knowing that it was the ghost of the Infinity Gems, then the murderer is also very obvious. It should be the Thanos who took away Thanos who was about to go into seclusion.

For some reason, Greer thought of Thanos who was trapped in 1993. That guy had collected three infinity gems, including the power gem.

Thinking of him, Greer felt uneasy, and immediately told everyone his guess. Although there is no evidence, it is indeed the only guess so far, but this has created new doubts, that is, who Thanos is? How did you come to this universe?

According to the theory of parallel universes, parallel universes are infinite, and Tony was able to locate this universe because he received the communication and followed the clues. Without the positioning coordinates, he drifted aimlessly, and no one knew which parallel universe he would arrive at.

But now they came to the same universe as Greer and the others, and when they went to the planet where Thanos lived in seclusion, Thanos left one step ahead of time by coincidence. No matter how you think about it, I think it’s a bit too coincidental, a coincidence that makes people suspicious the point.

The conjecture put forward by Greer also made everyone fall into thinking, because this is the only direction of thinking. Then Tony and Stark looked up at each other at the same time, and called out a name at the same time: "Quantum Shuttle."


Others still had question marks on their foreheads, but these two people seemed to know, so they all set their sights on the two of them.

Tony saw that Stark was still in extreme anger, so he took the initiative to explain: "I built a quantum shuttle at the Avengers base, which can be used to detect the quantum realm, and it is also the key to unlock the quantum realm, so I can only travel in my dreams." In this universe, there is also"

Tony stopped suddenly as he was talking, because he suddenly figured out why it was such a coincidence, just like when he was on the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., he suddenly thought of where Loki would choose to open the space door. Stark, who was full of anger, was only slow for two seconds before he figured it out, and said, "Your quantum shuttle?"

"That's right, Thanos came with us." Tony immediately shrunk the nano-suit on his body into a small and exquisite energy core containing nano-materials attached to his chest, and quickly clicked the quantum bracelet in his hand, saying: "We want to Go back immediately, it's dangerous there."

Steve immediately asked, "Where?"

Greer also figured it out, and said, "On our earth, Thanos wants to destroy the Avengers and eliminate obstacles."

Carroll said, "We are his only obstacle."

Now everyone understands what's going on. Thanos, who co-authors and holds the power gem, is not satisfied with destroying the earth in this universe. He also wants to destroy the earth in their universe, so as to cut off those who want to stop him from the source. , so the brain is really a good thing, and I really hope that Thanos can also have it. Do you really think that in the huge universe, only the earth has rebels?It's just that people on other planets don't know Thanos' evil deeds yet, otherwise they would have lined up to kill Thanos long ago.

"We must go back immediately." Steve couldn't sit still anymore, his own earth was in danger, and he didn't have the energy to sympathize with other people. After all, the earth in this universe has been destroyed, and the earth in his own universe will also suffer. .

"I'll go too." Thor grabbed the storm tomahawk, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out. Although his face was still calm, everyone who knew him knew that this was the calm before the storm. There will be a 'storm'.

"Revenge!" Rhodes stood up from the ground, his tone was very calm, but there was endless anger in his eyes. I believe that if Thanos stood in front of him now, Rhodes would be torn to pieces.

The others are similar, the fragments of the earth are right in front of them, and each piece increases the anger in their hearts. They can't wait to tear the murderer who destroyed the earth into pieces. There are as many fragments as the meteorites in front of them, so that the hatred in their hearts can be relieved.

With nowhere to go, let alone where to find the enemy, following Greer and the others back to that universe seems to be the only thing they can do, and then spend their entire lives looking for the enemy and killing him, this is the only thing they can do yes, that is revenge
Everyone silently looked at the fragments outside the window. That was the earth, the earth that gave birth to billions of people and more creatures, but now it has become countless fragments scattered in the orbit. Maybe in countless years, they will be destroyed by each other. They collided and merged into a whole, becoming a new planet, but now there are only fragments here, fragments full of traces of human civilization.

Looking at the debris, I can't help but wonder if there was a planet in the asteroid belt between Mars, but it was broken for some reason, and it can no longer be integrated since then, day after day, year after year It is running on the track, silently telling its misery and past glory.

Desolation, despair, sadness, and anger filled the entire spaceship. It was more difficult to accept the fact that the earth was destroyed than witnessing the companions turned into ashes. It felt like a dream. Waking up in bed, the outside is still full of birdsong and flowers, and the sun is shining brightly.

Everyone gathered together, chatting and laughing, and then boarded the Quinjet transport plane together, went to where they were needed, fought criminals, and carried out justice.
But now, there is only the cold void of the universe, the endless meteorites of all sizes, and the deepest despair, because they lost their homes and became permanent homeless, unable to return to their hometowns.

But he was still on the earth before, and he was still struggling with how to stabilize the order of the earth that lost half of the human race. But in a blink of an eye, everything changed, everything was lost, and there were only so few people left. It's so sad.

In the silence, Greer reached for the knight card box with his left hand, pulled out a card with the symbol of Kamen Rider Den-O from it, and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Den-O DenLiner!"

The electronically synthesized sound of summoning the electric train was extraordinarily loud in the silent spaceship, making people involuntarily turn their heads to look at Greer, only to hear Greer say: "Let's go, let's go back." They didn't dare to mention it. The word "Earth" is afraid of touching Stark's sadness.

No one said anything, Greer just said a few words, and walked to the door next to him, and stretched out his right hand to open the door, but what appeared in front of everyone was not a storage room, but a luxurious In the carriage, people couldn't help but turn their eyes from the fragments of the earth outside, and looked at the carriage in front of Greer.

"The electric train, which can travel through time and space, will take us back." Greer briefly introduced and walked in. Tony pulled Rhodes up, and then walked in, followed by the people who had seen the electric train. The Avengers went in one by one.

The last one left is Stark and Rogers of this universe, looking at the very strange carriage in amazement, especially Rocket Raccoon's eyeballs are about to pop out. He knows this spaceship very well, and it is definitely not behind the door. In this way, and how did such a large carriage fit into the spaceship?

A series of questions caused Rocket Raccoon to step in after parking the spaceship. He looked cautiously, as if he was in a minefield, but he still stepped on the electric train, so he jumped up and down to explore this strange vehicle. Like the secret of the train.

Greer ignored them. After walking into the electric train, he walked straight to the cockpit, closed the door of the cockpit, got on the mechanical electric speed bird, and then began to set the time-space coordinates. After completing the preparations before departure, he rang The siren is used as the bell before driving.

In 'Woo!Woo! In the sound of the whistle, the only human beings on earth in this universe also stepped onto the electric train, looking curiously at this train that ruined the world view, before observing it, the door was closed, and then felt A slight jolt.

The train has started!
(End of this chapter)

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