The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1088 Space-Time Rescue Mission

Chapter 1088 Space-Time Rescue Mission
Everyone gathered together again, greeted each other loudly, inquired and told about their respective experiences after parting, thus diluting a lot of tension about going to the battlefield again, and making the atmosphere much more harmonious.

The smartest people on the earth, the highest technology on the earth and the best materials on the earth have jointly created a set of quantum suits, which can protect everyone from the erosion of consciousness by the unknown colorful light of the quantum void, and prevent the influx of quantum energy. inside, and
In short, this quantum suit has many functions. Compared with Stark's steel suit, it has higher technological content, but it has no combat power. All functions are only for protection, for people who travel through the extremely dangerous quantum void. Provides the highest level of protection.

Stark strode up in front of everyone, raised his right hand, and let everyone see a small bracelet on his palm, with a disk like an arc pulse gun in his palm, and said: "This It is a quantum suit storage device, which stores nano-materials, which can be combined into nano-suits and can also repair damaged parts.

But be careful, the nanomaterials inside are limited, if the damage is severe and exceeds the repair limit, safety measures will be triggered to prohibit the injection of Pym particles, and "

Stark babbled about the precautions, and he really took the trouble because he was worried about accidents, so that the people who gathered because of his convening order would never be able to return.

After talking about the precautions, Stark took the initiative to go down and began to distribute quantum bracelets to everyone, while Rogers stepped forward and scanned the crowd, as if he wanted to imprint everyone deeply in his mind. After everyone got Stark's quantum bracelet, they shouted: "Avengers. Go!"

After finishing speaking, he walked directly to the quantum shuttle, and was the first to stand on the instrument, and then activated the quantum bracelet. Countless nanomaterials were instantly combined into a red and white quantum suit, completely wrapping Rogers inside. After finishing dressing, he stood there, waiting for the quantum shuttle to start.

Others also came up one by one. This space-time rescue mission has been understood very thoroughly in the past few days, and it has been emphasized many times that it is voluntary and there will be no coercion, but no one quits. The reason is It's the name 'Thanos', and he has more or less blood feuds with the people present. Hearing that he is going to beat him, he really participated enthusiastically.

Stark was the last one to go up, but he didn't activate the quantum shuttle immediately, but looked back at a Ghana library placed in a corner of the patrol hall, which contained broken war machines.
Greer was wearing a quantum suit, and was teaching everyone the experience of traveling in the quantum world. He summed it up in one sentence: "Don't be afraid, fly forward boldly according to the instructions, and you won't hit anything. If you are really afraid Yes, you can even close your eyes."

After Stark took his place, he glanced at the crowd and said, "Are you ready? We're leaving."

The last syllable fell, the quantum shuttle began to rotate, and the multiple eight-element directional antenna array above moved, and began to adjust the direction and attitude according to the program settings, and the feet were getting brighter and brighter, until it reached a certain value, Pym The particles flowed out of the special container and spread throughout the quantum suit, causing everyone to shrink rapidly. They fell into the quantum shuttle through the mesh of the floor under their feet, and disappeared in an instant.

In Nuoda’s room, there was only the quantum shuttle that was running continuously. Hope, Daisy, Pepper, and Shu Rui also had a very important task, that is, to protect the quantum shuttle and maintain it. Fortunately, this is the only instrument in the world, so that the important task of setting off to a different universe can 'go home' at any time.

Returning to the quantum world for the first time, Greer is much better than the last time, he is no longer so panicked, and has more energy to observe the surroundings, while others, some observe the surroundings quietly, and some are panicked Yes, but keep Greer and Stark's instructions in mind, don't move no matter what you see, let yourself fly forward according to the procedure.

Stark, Banner, and T'Chaka, three people with top-notch IQs, can still conduct scientific discussions at this time, comment on what they see, and express their opinions, every sentence It's hard to hear.

And the intense discussion also dilutes the uneasiness and tension in the hearts of people who are in contact with the quantum world for the first time. This is what Stark and the others deliberately did. The more discussions, the better. If no one speaks, that is the worst. Yes, it will make people think wildly in silence, double the tension, and maybe something will happen instead.

During Stark's intense discussion, everyone continued to move forward, from very large particles, to now any atom is as large as a planet, with bumps and holes on it, and everyone filed through these holes. Enter, and rush out again, the atoms are no longer seen in front of them, because they have shrunk a lot and entered a more microcosmic world.

Until the regulator based on Ant-Man's battle suit started to work, everyone began to expand rapidly, from atoms, molecules to particles, and then...Suddenly appeared on the lawn in the dark night, surrounded by several bright searchlights, illuminating the Lawns and buildings of different shapes and heights.

"This is." Rogers looked around, very surprised, turned his head to look at Stark, and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Avengers base, are we back?" Thor recognized these buildings at a glance.

"But wasn't it daytime when we set off? It's night now." Parker undressed the quantum suit, revealing the Spider-Man suit underneath.

Stark was also very confused. He lowered his head and clicked on his quantum master bracelet, trying to check what went wrong. Why did he return to the Avengers base?
At this moment, Carol suddenly raised her head and looked at the main building of the Avengers base on the left. Before she could speak, she raised her right fist, and the photon energy gathered, causing her arm to glow intensely. But she didn't shoot out the photon shock wave, because she saw a person with the same light all over his body flying out of it.

Carol was so familiar with that posture and the energy fluctuations emitted, he was stunned, and said in great surprise: "How is it possible?"

It wasn't just her, Greer and the others were also so surprised that their eyeballs almost popped out. There was another Captain Marvel, and the Captain Marvel on the other side was too shocked to speak, very doubting if he was crazy, otherwise how could he? In this group of people, I saw another self.

No, not just herself, but another Thor, another Stark, another Rogers, another Banner, and many Avengers marked as dead that she saw on the holographic screen inside.

Carol wondered for the first time whether she was crazy or the world was crazy.

"So, what's the situation? Is your twin sister or your younger sister?" Xingjue spread his hands, and turned his head left and right to look at one flying in the air and one standing on the ground, all dressed differently. .

Before anyone could answer, a few more people came out of the room, each of whom shocked everyone present, because Thor, Rogers, Banner, and Romanov came out of the room.
Both sides were so shocked that they lost their voices, because they saw people who had died in the war with Thanos appear in front of them alive, which was simply incredible.

Rogers, who was standing at the door of the Avengers Building, looked at more than a dozen 'dead' and 'repeated people' standing on the lawn, and said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

"Stru people?" Romanov said uncertainly: "I have seen in the records of SHIELD that there have been aliens who can completely copy the appearance of human beings on the earth."

"That's right, I should still be in that record," Danvers glanced at the crowd, and said, "Taros? Does any of you know Talos?"

"He has been sent to a safe planet by me, and he should be building a new home now," Carol standing on the lawn lowered his hands and said to his companions: "I think we should have reached the so-called parallel universe, Greer, your theory is correct."

"In that case," Greer shrugged, and said, "It's clear now that we have indeed arrived in a parallel universe, and that's why there are two Captain America, two Thor, two Captain Marvel, and other A dead companion in our universe."

At this moment, Groot suddenly shouted: "I am Groot!"

Then the tree man Groot strode towards the building with his long legs, and a little raccoon jumped out behind Rogers, looking at the tree man rushing over, his little eyes were full of shock, and he yelled in disbelief Come: "Groot?!"

"Rocket," Drax said with a bold smile, striding over, "I've been thinking about you since you died."

"After I die?" Rocket Raccoon was in a bad mood, and there was only one question left in his mind: Who died?Me or them?
"Wait a minute, it's best to stay where you are until your identities are determined." Thor waved the storm ax in his hand, and a thunderbolt fell, hitting Groot who was rushing towards Rocket Raccoon, making Groot He said suspiciously, "I'm Groot."

Rocket Raccoon said, "He's asking why you used his branch for the handle? I'm pretty sure it's Groot. I can't be wrong."

Rocket Raccoon ran over after speaking, and hugged Groot. Hearing the 'countless Groot' in Groot's mouth, tears could not stop falling.

As for Tony, he stared straight at Rhodes standing aside. The steel bracket on his lower body was shining, which was very conspicuous at night, so Tony saw him at a glance, and he said after a long time: "Rods, long time no see." .”

"." These words made Rhodes feel quite weird. There was still a Tony Stark lying inside, and now another one popped up outside. The collapse was very unacceptable, what I saw and heard in front of me.

Therefore, in the face of Tony's inquiry, Rhodes could only say: "Well, indeed, so can you introduce what is going on here?"

"We come from another universe. When conducting quantum experiments, we received information containing 'Thanos', so we developed a quantum suit, and came here from the quantum void." Steve briefly introduced them The reason for coming here is to raise his hand to show the quantum bracelet worn on his left hand.

And Rogers and the others also noticed that all the people on the lawn were wearing such things, and it was too easy to distinguish each other, so they hesitated, and said: "Come in and say, it can be regarded as temporarily agreeing with this explanation, and no longer treat it as an enemy. "

A few people went out and brought back a large group of people. Pepper Potts and Banner, who were staying in the house to take care of Stark, were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. Look at Stark who walked in, and then look at Stark lay pale on the bed.

"This, this." Pepper Potts pointed at Tony who walked in, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time, and Banner didn't give in too much, because he also saw himself, and two Thors, two Carol, as well as many Avengers who watched the ashes with their own eyes, stood alive in front of his eyes at this moment, which made Banner feel for the first time that the resurrection that religion said was real.

"It's a long story." Rogers asked the people wearing quantum bracelets to find a place to sit. Since they are Avengers from another universe, they should be familiar with this base, so there is no need to say hello, and they turned around and did not go out. The crowd explained what was going on.

Next to him, there is another Steve who wears a quantum bracelet and wears different clothes. The two Steves standing together are the best example, and they also successfully smashed the three views of Pepper Potts and Banner. , I didn't recover for a long time.

Banner said in amazement: "Parallel universe, does this really exist?"

"I had the same reaction when I first heard about it," Bruce said while sitting on a chair, "but science is like this, there is never absolute possibility, nor absolute impossibility."

Pepper Potts doesn't have that many professional vocabulary, only one adjective in mind: "incredible."

Jarvis also became a 'witness', proving that most of the people present were exactly the same as the data in the records. If one wanted to go further, the only thing to do was genetic testing. The only exception was that one person was not recorded.

Before Jarvis called his name, Greer took the initiative to say: "Believe me, not only you, many universes do not have my records, because I am the only one."

It was very conspicuous to say this at the moment, and the first person to ask was Rocket Raccoon who was pushing Groot not to get too close: "Why?"

He was too curious, and he was the only exception among the people present, which was very problematic, because generally speaking, exceptions are not good things.

(End of this chapter)

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