Chapter 1078

Not long after Jarvis issued the notice, Rogers called. He saw the 'alive' Greer through the holographic projection. Avengers base.

It is not so much to understand the situation as it is to verify the authenticity of Stark's words. The trust between the two is so low. This is something that Greer never expected, so he immediately asked what happened , Stark was silent, so Banner could only talk about what happened in the past three months.

Since Greer disappeared with Thanos, this expedition, which does not know whether it succeeded or failed, has come to an end. All parties have suffered heavy losses. In the back, that's the issue of earth defense.

Kama Taj completely shrunk back, only guarding and dealing with enemies in different dimensions, and no longer cared about or had the energy to take care of other things, while S.H.I.E.L.D., under the leadership of Coulson and Rogers, started again and flexed its muscles. Although it has not yet returned to its heyday, it is much stronger than when it divested the 'Hydra business'.

On the other hand, the Avengers suffered heavy losses. Neither Stark's best friend War Machine nor Greer came back, which made Stark's face even more gloomy, but his courage became greater. It can almost be called "unscrupulous" '.

I have been worried about the relationship with other countries, the restrictions of other countries, and the opinions of other countries. After Stark returned, he threw them all behind his head and devoted himself to developing weapons and equipment. He was much more crazy than when he knew his death was approaching in 2011. .

Steel drones are directly produced on the assembly line, but compared to the previous ones, they are now simple and crude. The body is made of cheap materials, and there is not much energy stored inside. The weapons on the body are only the laser cannons on the hands and chest. And the missiles carried on the body also have the function of self-explosion, which are completely disposable consumables.

And the result of this is cheap counterfeiting and mass production, and the scale accumulates like a blown balloon, and soon reaches the amount that makes many uneasy and unable to sleep, especially after the Ultron crisis, people's control of artificial intelligence Drones are too disturbing.

The uneasiness of these high-level officials was converted into pressure, layer upon layer of pressure, and finally reached the head of the Avengers, but Stark didn't care at all. They said theirs and made their own. Finally, Rogers came to Stark himself and asked him Why build so many disposable drones?
Stark didn't look up at the time, just said: "If I could build so many drones, so many people wouldn't die."

Rogers was speechless, he could only persuade Stark not to be so fanciful, and to consider the acceptance of other people, they
Before Rogers could finish speaking, Stark turned around and yelled out: "They only know how to eat and wait to die, are content with the status quo, think that everything can be solved with politics, and close their eyes and refuse to believe that the world is undergoing drastic changes. If If I hadn’t listened to them a long time ago, so many people wouldn’t have died.”

Stark continued his work after yelling, with a gloomy face, and said: "I won't let anyone stop me anymore, tell them, if they want to deal with me, it's no problem, and be prepared to die."


"Jarvis, send the captain out."


The meeting between the two broke up unhappily. Rogers felt that Stark was a little crazy, and even put on a posture of going to war with the whole world, while Stark felt that Rogers was like those old men, with a stone head and stubbornness. If you don’t change, you think the world is still the same.

Stark continues to build his drones on his own. The pressure from various countries is increasing, but Stark ignores it and even threatens that whoever stops him from building drones, then he will Who dare to fight to the death.

It's not that no one is doing small tricks, but basically as soon as the small tricks are done here, Jarvis has already exposed the other party's black background to the sky, and told all politicians clearly that they should not try to mess with me if they are not clean.

This attitude of being an enemy of the world made S.H.I.E.L.D., including Rogers, very worried. He persuaded and communicated more than once, but Stark ignored it, causing the relationship between the two parties to drop to freezing point quickly. For a while, both sides can fight.


Greer was quite speechless, why do you feel that Rogers and Stark have switched identities?

Stark has become a rebel, and Rogers is on the official side, which is outrageous.

The two sides exchanged heartfelt conversations, and it lasted until the evening when the lights came on, and Jarvis notified SHIELD that the Quinjet transport plane had entered the airspace warning range of the Avengers base, and everyone stopped talking, got up and went outside to meet Rogers' team.

The sky was already full of stars outside, Greer hugged the yawning Daisy, walked outside the tarmac, watched the long-lost S.H.I.E.L.D. Rogers, who was wearing a new battle suit, came out with a shield on his back. Seeing the joy in Greer's eyes, he said, "Greer, it's great that you're fine."

"Captain, long time no see." Greer took a few steps forward, hugged Rogers, and then looked at the people who followed Rogers, the Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Falcon and the Hornet who was called over female.

Everyone said hello casually, and entered the brightly lit building collectively. In the spacious living room, Jarvis repeated what Greer had said to let everyone know the seriousness of the matter. While digesting these things, Greer had already said: "Thanos won't stay there, he must be recruited as soon as possible, and it would be bad to let him leave that time and space."

Rogers asked, "Why? Isn't your train able to travel through time and space? Just keep following him."

"That is the time and space that needs to be recorded. I can come back because I have the time coordinates of this world, and there are no corresponding coordinates in other time and space. If Thanos goes to other time and space, I am afraid that he will go to the dangerous quantum realm It’s okay.” Greer was also very helpless, the time and space travel ability of the electric train is good, but the problem is that the time displayed on the corresponding knight ticket should be used as the coordinate.

All eyes were on Hope van Dyne, the current wasp girl sitting there, and she also raised her head and said: "At present, only my mother may know how to configure Pym particles, so I want Pym particles Particle, we must find her."

Everyone suddenly fell into silence. If there was a way to find Janet Van Dyne, they would have done so long ago. In the silence, Greer said, "Maybe, I have a way."

(End of this chapter)

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