The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1065 Returning to Vormir

Chapter 1065 Returning to Vormir

Carol thought over and over again, and finally agreed to Greer's proposal. Even if they do nothing about the war between Xandar and Kri, the two civilizations will collide to see each other's size.

At this time, no matter how hypocritical you are and if you don't want to fight, you must go all out to let the other party know that you are not easy to mess with, otherwise if you dare to take a step back, the other party will think you are hypocritical and want to take ten steps forward.

So this war will break out sooner or later. In this case, let the outbreak of this war be a little meaningful. Let Kerry focus on dealing with Xandar, and have no time to worry about the earth. Let's see if we can draw Kree out. New allies - Thanos Legion.

Greer's goal is to follow the vines to find the Thanos Legion, then find Thanos, and then find Thanos who has never (come) (go) to prevent him from continuing to collect infinite gems. Nor is there any chance of defeating Thanos.

But now he has the ability to stop Thanos, and he must be stopped, otherwise half the universe will be destroyed.

However, Greer is not without backhands. He has informed Asgard of Thanos' plan and asked them to pay more attention to the situation on the earth. The purpose is to protect the time gem in the hands of the ancient one. He believes that the ancient one strength, but Thanos has three Infinity Stones in his hands.

Greer's next stop was to Vormir, known as the planet of death, where there was the soul gem, the most mysterious of the six infinity gems. When watching a movie before, he had never seen this gem show its power. Power, so Greer really doesn't know anything about this gem, let alone how to prevent and deal with it.

Therefore, Greer didn't want this gem to fall into the hands of Saros at all. It would be too bad if this thing was used to capture the soul. After all, the soul is an absolute mysterious field. A mage only dabbles a little bit.

"Planet of death... Vormir!" Carol recalled hearing the name, "I've heard of this place, the most dangerous and mysterious galaxy in the universe, known as the kingdom of death, the traveler's nightmare, the place of life. restricted area. So far I don’t know what’s there because no one has come out.”

"Yes, it is indeed very dangerous there, but the scenery is also extremely beautiful, very beautiful." Greer thought of the incomparably beautiful scenery he saw standing on the top of the mountains when he went to the death planet Vormir last time, It's very ironic to think about it. On a planet full of death, it has the most beautiful scenery.

The undulating mountains, the snow all over the sky, the rays of sunshine shining through the thick clouds, the two opposite colors of gray and white snow, just like the erhu and the piano, play the most beautiful movement, which makes people intoxicated and completely harmonious. The title of the dead country is the opposite.

The electric train has already started to slow down, because the front is pitch black and there is no light at all, as if the stars have been cut off here. In this situation, anyone with an IQ greater than [-] can tell that the front is definitely not a good place.

However, the electric train only slowed down instead of stopping. It drove into this dark galaxy at a relatively slow speed. Above is a galaxy of cosmic wonders.

Half of the star exudes dazzling light, but the other half seems to be shrouded in dark clouds, not emitting a little light, which looks extraordinarily weird, but the most weird thing should be a star surrounded by a thick atmosphere orbiting the star. planet.

There is no satellite, but there are a large number of various spaceships revolving around this planet. They are obviously in different orbits, but the angular speed of rotation is exactly the same. It seems that the production team did not layer rendering in order to save trouble. See It looks extraordinarily weird, and it does not conform to the astronomy of any civilization at all.

It was the first time for Carol to come here, and he couldn't help asking: "This is"

"Well," Greer nodded, and said, "Death Planet Vormir, we have arrived."

The speed of the electric train slowed down again, Greer told little Daisy to play in the car and not to run around, so he and Carol walked backwards to the electric train, and then separated from Yehuo, the track separated, Ye Huo turned a corner, drove to the side, and then rushed into the void and disappeared. He had already entered the Sands of Time Desert, while Dian Lei continued to move forward, rushing to the death planet Vormir covered with a thick atmosphere.

'Woo!Woo! The sound of the siren echoed between the sky and the earth after being reflected by the thick atmosphere, and it was exceptionally loud, breaking the silence that the death planet Vormir had maintained for an unknown amount of time, but only the sound of the flute resounded through the sky and earth, and no one could be heard The sound, inexplicably, gives people a feeling of horror.

In particular, there is a towering mountain peak in front of it. The thick atmosphere seems to have found a pouring port there, pouring thousands of miles like a waterfall, covering the sofa inside, making it impossible to see the situation inside clearly, let alone how high it is , if you have to describe it, it's like a tornado falling from the sky, enveloping the mountain inside.

The electric train was heading straight towards the mountain, and Carol couldn't help asking: "Where is the soul gem hidden?"

"I don't know, but the soul gem can only be obtained there."

"Do you want to take it?"

"No, I just don't want Thanos to take it away, it'll stay here forever."

While speaking, the electric train had reached the front of the mountain, began to lower its height, and stopped at the foot of the mountain. Greer walked out first, followed by Carol, and then the electric train started again and rushed into the mountain. The void is gone.

Before Carol could ask, Greer had already started to climb the mountain, and the speed was very fast, but Carol was faster than him. While climbing the mountain, he looked around in surprise. He was clearly looking at the mountain from a distance. Shrouded in thick clouds and fog, looking around from this mountain, there is no smoke in all directions, as if the smoke has disappeared, allowing people to have a glimpse of the beautiful scenery of Vormir.

"It's very strange. I was like this when I climbed for the first time. It's very incredible." Greer continued to move forward, and explained to Carol what he saw and heard when he came here for the first time. , especially on the top of the mountain, there are two towering stone pillars, the sun that is not very bright is stuck in the middle, it looks like the sun is hanging in the middle of the stone pillars, which perfectly interprets what is called "a line of sky".

It didn't take long for Carol to see the top of the mountain. With a leap of energy, he jumped up and landed firmly on the edge. He raised his head and looked forward. Exactly as Riel described.

(End of this chapter)

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