The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1053 Gus Cat

Chapter 1053 Gus Cat

"Gus? That cat?" Greer asked suspiciously, "What are you looking for?"

"Of course it's cute." Nick Fury said as a matter of course, and shouted with Carol Danvers: "Gus, Gus cute little thing, don't be afraid, come out quickly, to Uncle Nick in my arms."

"At your age, you can be a grandfather." Greer was very 'disdainful' of Nick Fury's way of pretending to be tender. Although he is the younger version of Nick Fury, he is also in his 40s Yes, the sons and daughters are diligent and have a third generation.

"I'm still very young," Nick Fury immediately retorted Greer's 'slander', and then continued to look around for the cat.

As for Talos, he was about to go crazy. He watched a group of people looking for cats all over the farm in shock, and doubted life very much: Who is he?Where is he?What is he doing here?
Didn't you agree to come to find the light speed engine and the Rubik's Cube?He thought it was very clever to put these two extremely precious things in the most inconspicuous place, but it turned out that he came to look for the cat.

Finally, when Carol Danvers was about to enter the messy house to find the cat, Talos couldn't help asking: "What are you doing? We don't have much time to waste on a cat."

"But that cat has what you need." After Carol Danvers said something, he continued to look for the cat, making Talos suddenly think that either he was crazy or the world was crazy, and a house cat had what he needed Stuff, why doesn't this mean that the president can be re-elected by tweeting.

In a fit of anger, Carol Danvers heard a meow, and hurriedly looked up. An orange cat poked a small head from the roof, making Nick Fury's eyes shine instantly, and said repeatedly: "Oh, Baby, don't move there, I'll go up right away."

Before he finished speaking, the orange cat jumped down, and Nick Fury, who loves cats like his life, rushed over immediately, trying to catch this cute little guy, but before he could get in place, a red arm reached out. Coming over, he grabbed the orange cat in mid-air and hugged it in his arms.

'call! '

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to walk over, but he heard Carol Danvers say, "Gus, spit it out."

"Spit it out?" A lot of question marks appeared on Nick Fury's forehead, and he hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do? Did he eat something bad?"

"Hmm!" Carol Danvers rubbed the orange cat, which was not fat at all, and said, "Gus, do you still remember what the doctor gave you?"

Talos came over, looked at the cat in Carol Danvers' arms, was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "It's surprising that there are extinct Flecken creatures on this planet. "

"Earth Devouring Beast? What is this?" Nick Fury said that he heard a new term, which is obviously a cute little orange cat. How could this cosmic man be so shocked, like an uninformed bumpkin? .

Carol Danvers gently stroked the orange cat's back and said, "It means a terrifying creature."

Talos looked nervously at the orange cat obediently lying in Carol Danvers' arms, and said, "Don't be fooled by its appearance, this race can devour everything, even planets, but It is also because their abilities are too strong and the balance of the universe makes them extremely rare in number. No civilization has seen Fleckon for a long time. I thought it was extinct, but I didn’t expect there to be one here.”

"Swallow the planet? It?" Nick Fury realized at this moment that Talos just felt that either the world was crazy or he was crazy. With such a small stomach, he can be full by eating a few small dried fish, saying it Being able to swallow planets is simply a cosmic joke.

Greer also thought it was nonsense, but then he thought of his Klein Pot, and it suddenly made sense. The small knight card box can hold dozens or hundreds of cards, and a small and thin card can be transformed into Thick armor and a variety of weapons, as well as a huge castle like a dragon in Castle Deland.

But such a great creature, why didn't I see it when we beat Thanos in the future?If you can swallow a planet, go up and swallow Thanos' Temple No. [-] directly, wouldn't it be enough?Why bother to work hard for a long time and sacrifice so much, but finally let Thanos run away, and he was trapped in this time and space, coaxing his childhood girlfriend to play all day long.

Talos moved away from Carol Danvers, who was holding the 'Prime Devourer', and said: "The Primordial Beast is an extremely dangerous mysterious existence, and it is impossible to define whether it is a living thing or not. Don't look at it being very cute now, but the next It can swallow you in seconds, so Yuan Devouring Beasts are not welcome in any civilization."

"Are you sure?" Nick Fury glanced at the extremely nervous Talos in surprise. This guy is like a frightened bird. If there is any movement, he will fly away immediately. Is a cute kitten so scary?

"He is right, Gus is indeed not an ordinary cat," Carol Danvers confirmed what Talos said, saying: "Dr. Will once said that Gus is the most precious thing in her life , I always thought it was a pet, until now I realized it was her research result."

Just as he was talking, Gus cat struggled, jumped from Carol Danvers' arms to the railing next to him, then arched his body and opened his mouth wide, causing Talos to take several steps back immediately, almost taking off on the spot up.

There was a dazzling blue light in Gus Cat's wide-open mouth, and then the mouth suddenly doubled in size, and a cube exuding blue light spit out from its mouth, and was caught by Carol before it landed. Danvers catches it.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube!" Talos exclaimed, and Nick Fury's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't imagine how such a big thing was in the belly of this cute little cat, but this is not over yet. Gus cat's back bowed higher, and then spit out a silver metal box twice the size of the Rubik's Cube, which was caught by Carol Danvers' left hand.

After spitting out these two things, Gus cat lowered its arched waist, stretched out its pink tongue, licked its lips, and then began to lick its furry forelimbs, then sat on the railing, squinted its eyes, enjoying the warmth sunlight.

"This, this." Nick Fury was so startled that he couldn't speak. Even the cute kitty became abnormal. He deeply felt that either the world was crazy or he was crazy. Otherwise, how could this happen? thing.

Carol Danvers looked at the two things in his hand, smiled at Gus Cat and said, "Thank you, good cat."

Then he walked towards Talos and said, "This is Dr. Will's research result, a light speed engine that uses the Rubik's Cube as its energy source."

"Light speed engine!" The word allowed Talos to overcome his fear of the Yuan Devourer, walked over slowly, and looked at the two things in Carol Danvers' hands with fiery eyes. The claws of the Cree, the only hope to continue to survive in this universe.

But immediately Carol Danvers poured cold water on Talos, saying: "The light speed engine of the test machine was destroyed by me with a gun. This box contains design drawings and related materials. I hope you have the ability to Build it, and then you can use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to charge it and complete the space jump."

"Absolutely no problem." Talos said swearingly, Mar-Vell can create the legendary light speed engine in the universe in the backward C-53, and the Skrulls have such advanced technology, so there is no problem .

"Yeah!" Carol Danvers nodded, turned to look at Maria Rambo, and said, "You have also seen that this farm is not necessarily safe, I suggest you take your children and leave here , let Nick arrange a new place."

"No problem." Nick Fury agreed, and said, "Don't talk about new places, new identities are easy to do."

"What about you?" Maria Rambo looked at Carol Danvers, who was dressed in red, blue and gold metal armor. Although she already knew that they were not together, she still wanted to ask what her friends for many years wanted to do. What, where are you going, especially this time, when will we see you again.

"I..." Carol Danvers looked at the sky approaching dusk and said, "The universe, that's where I can display my strength."

Maria Rambo wanted to say something, but the words got out of her mouth and turned into words of blessing and 'when you get tired, welcome back'.

Nick Fury drove the only car left on the farm, and took Maria Rambo and her daughter away to a new city to start a new life. Maria Rambo turned her head and revealed After looking at Carol Danvers who was gradually going away through the rear window, he didn't look back until he could no longer see him.

It's been a long time, goodbye indefinitely!
Nick Fury, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked, "Are you interested in continuing to be a pilot?"


"That's right," Nick Fury said, looking at the road ahead, "My department also has its own air force, but it's very small."

"I don't know which department you belong to?" Maria Rambo just thought, she still doesn't know which department the only human belongs to, there is no way, those people are too attractive, Nick Fury It's too inconspicuous to stand there.

"Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency!"

".What a long name!"

"A lot of people say that, but I don't have the right to change it for the time being, but I still have the right to recruit an experienced pilot."

"I'll think about it." Maria Rambo looked at the daughter in her arms, but she didn't agree. She has been out of work for too long, and she really doesn't know if she can fly the fighter plane and soar above the blue sky again. Even though that's what she wants.

Maria Rambo couldn't help but looked back at her farm, which was already unrecognizable. There was a shooting star rising into the sky, flying towards the distance, getting farther and farther away from her.
The Skrulls have a strong desire to survive. Risking being discovered, they started to build light speed engines as soon as they got the information. You must know that because of frequent incidents of UFOs and extraterrestrial life forms, the top leaders of the US Empire To be nervous, the Pentagon has even made doomsday remarks about alien invasion.

For this reason, the U.S. military used the exercise as an excuse to cancel their vacations, and all staff were on standby. The Air Force dispatched a large number of fighter jets, flying back and forth in the air, searching for extraterrestrial lifeforms who did not know where they were, and relevant experts and scholars were also invited to enter. The White House and the Pentagon asked and formulated what to do in case of an invasion of extraterrestrial life forms?
Naturally, such a big move by the bald eagle couldn't be hidden from other countries, so they immediately sent a message asking what they wanted to do?The polar bears are all down, shouldn't the swords and guns be put into storage and the horses released on Nanshan to celebrate?Why do you still gather the army, as if you are going to fight a war.

Therefore, several major powers held a secret meeting, which lasted for a whole day. After the end, these countries issued a joint military exercise announcement and began to call up troops, especially the air force and missile forces, requiring all members to be on duty.

In such a tense atmosphere, an agent named Nick Fury of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency submitted a proposal on dealing with extraterrestrial threats, arguing that the earth is not alone, and that the earth has encountered A large number of extraterrestrial life visits, and even left behind a lot of alien items.

Therefore, he believes that it is necessary to form a special team to deal with incidents involving extraterrestrials. First, extraterrestrial objects may contain radiation or other substances harmful to humans. A little carelessness can cause catastrophe; It is such a full-time team that can respond quickly, faster, better, and professional than the nonsense of various departments.

This proposal is not aimless. It lists many practical examples. The modern aircraft in the ancient ruins that cannot be explained so far, as well as the magnificent buildings that can never be built in ancient times, all prove that the earth is not the first time that the earth has been invaded by extraterrestrials.

Nick Fury believes that these things cannot be made public, because people are not ready to face the dark universe and the fierce and powerful cosmic people, so a dedicated team is also conducive to keeping secrets, after all, people's mouths are loose mouths , the more people who know, the more secrets will be revealed.

This report aroused great interest from the upper echelon. After discussion, Nick Fury was appointed to form an experimental team to deal with extraterrestrial life forms, and the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency returned him A state-of-the-art vertical take-off and landing large transport aircraft serves as the mobile headquarters of this special team.

Nick Fury, who was supported by a lot of resources, immediately began to recruit personnel, and conducted rigorous training at an air force base in southern Nevada that was used to develop and test experimental aircraft. After half a year, the team began to deal with the civilized events.

Since then, the incidents of people witnessing UFOs in various places have decreased rapidly, and alien sightings have rarely been seen in various media, until they have completely become gossip after dinner, and even feel that the past sightings are rumors or dizziness, or It is because human aircraft such as airplanes and airships are seen and mistaken for UFOs.

(End of this chapter)

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