The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1048 Air Chase Battle

Chapter 1048 Air Chase Battle
The Kerry soldiers who rushed in after hearing the movement had already raised their guns, and Carol Danvers also jumped into the train whose wheels started to turn. Greer immediately ran to the cab at the front of the car, jumped on the mechanical electric speed Bird, apply the accelerator to the bottom and let the electric train rush out at the fastest speed.

The electric train started to start. The Kerry soldiers didn't know what it was, but it didn't stop them from shooting. At such a short distance and such a large target, they could hit it with random shots. Beams of beams exploded on the electric train. Open, exploding groups of raging flames.

The electric train shook violently, and holes the size of washbasins were blown out of the shell. Through the holes, Kerry soldiers who were still firing outside could be seen. Nick Fury, who had just got on the train, shouted in shock: "Get down!"

As soon as he fell to the ground in the most standard posture, the electric train hit the wall when he came, rumbled away along the track, and disappeared into the prison in the blink of an eye, allowing the Kerry soldiers to launch the beam , hit the steel wall, and could no longer touch the electric train.

Today, however, for humans and Cree people inside and outside the electric train, it is a matter of three views. A tram pulls its whistle and speeds inside the spaceship, whether it is a steel partition wall or a spaceship inside the spaceship. The decorations were all passed by this short two-car train, as if this tram was just a phantom, not connected with the material world.

Yon Rogg was leading a group of Kree soldiers standing at the hatch, and was about to jump off when he heard 'Woo!Woo! 'The siren sounded, and he couldn't help but turned his head in doubt, wondering what was making the sound.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a purple train rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed. Before Jon Rogge had time to think about "Where did the spaceship get the train?", he subconsciously made an evasive movement, heading towards He jumped to the right, rolled over on the ground, and got up quickly, only to see that the train rushed into the cabin door and disappeared, and some people who didn't react were hit by the train, but they were unscathed.

This made Yon Rogge understand that the train is not a real body, but a phantom, and his face suddenly showed anger. A strange thing that has never been seen: a train appeared in the prison, rescued all the prisoners, and then disappeared through the wall.

"What?" Yong Rogge's shocked mouth could swallow the train just now. He has been in the universe for so many years, but he has never heard of such a thing, and he just saw it with his own eyes. Like a phantom, it passes through all objects and disappears.

Yon Rog lowered his head and clicked a few times on the personal computer on his wrist, and called up the outside screen. He saw a purple streak rapidly heading towards the sky. No need to guess, it must be the ghost of those guys.

"Chasing immediately!" Yong Rog roared angrily, but he was not dazzled by the anger. The spaceship chased the strange tram, but also sent a commando to encircle and suppress the hiding Skrull below. people.

And in the electric train, Greer rode on the mechanical electric speed bird, drove the tram, and drove towards the sky, while Nick Fury and the others looked curiously at the train that was so empty that it only had carriages, especially It was a hole blown out by the Cree, and it is really surprising that it is slowly 'healing'.

Full of curiosity, a few people came to the cab in twos and threes, looking at Greer riding a tram on a motorcycle, it was even more strange and awkward. Everything about this car challenged their cognition The limit is still the level where the three views are broken.

Railroad tracks can appear out of thin air, and trains can not only run back and forth in spaceships, but also fly in the air, which is outrageous!
Nick Fury looked up, down, left, and right, and there was no cab other than a motorcycle connected to the carriage, and asked very strangely: "What the hell is this?"

"I've called its name twice, Dianbanle—Dianlei."


Nick Fury suddenly felt that he was short-sighted, why did he have to ask, this train already has so many incredible, unimaginable and anti-scientific settings, it is not normal to have a middle school to extreme name .

Carol Danvers didn't even bother to untie the restraint of his own power. He walked around in the train beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, touching this and looking at that, and asked very curiously: "What do you think?" How did you do it?"

"Imagination!" Greer raised his hand and tapped his supposedly smart head. He summed up the experience of the first failure, that is, he failed to firmly believe that he could do it. When he believed that he could do it, he succeeded. up.

Greer looked at the tram, which was so simple that there was no other place to sit on it except for the mechanical electric speed bird, and couldn't help crying. The electric train was called out, but it was the most basic. , most of the functions are not outfitted.

Not to mention time travel, even the combat mode cannot be activated, only the function of running along the track and passing through solid walls like a ghost, and even the energy for running needs to be supplied by Greer, the reason is probably not yet Outfitting a magic circle that obtains energy from the void?It is related to the energy, of course, it may also be related to the lack of a knight card box and the inability to connect to the pot of Klein.

This is the distress of not having an instruction manual. You have to figure out all the functions by yourself, and there is no way to know what to do at a glance.

There is no way, this electric train is formed by the realization of quantum energy through ether particles, and it is also a little experience of using ether particles that Greer has explored this year.In the past time, there has been no problem with ether particles, so that Greer did not know the existence of ether particles until that moment.
Although I later learned about the existence of ether particles, I was still at a loss as to how to use them. Even the dark elves who once possessed ether particles can only activate a little ability of ether particles, which is an attempt to darken the Nine Realms.

It's a pity that this function was not realized in the end. I don't know whether it was because it was blocked or it couldn't be done at all. Anyway, Malekith spent a long time in POSS, but he couldn't dye the Nine Realms with a dark color. It was Thor who went up and hit him with a hammer.

Just as he was thinking about it, the electric train suddenly shook violently, knocking everyone in the carriage to the ground, screaming and crying out in pain, even Greer, who was sitting on the mechanical electric speed bird, was almost crushed. When it was thrown down, everyone's ears were filled with deafening explosions, and no other sounds could be heard, and there was a huge suction force from behind, making everyone roll backwards involuntarily.

Carol Danvers, who fell on the floor, saw a big hole in the rear compartment at a glance. The hurricane formed by the difference in air pressure inside and outside was sucking everyone in. Through the big hole, he could clearly see a gap between the clouds behind him. A fairly familiar spaceship.

She just saw that it was Yong Roger's spaceship, and immediately a door closed from the left, isolating the cockpit from the rear compartment, and the roar of the explosion had not even dissipated at this time, which shows how fast the response was. quick.

"Yon Rogg is catching up." Carol Danvers said as he got up from the ground, "Do you want any other tricks?"

"Yes," Greer took his hand away from the instrument panel of the mechanical electric speed bird. He opened the isolation door quickly with his hands, otherwise everyone would have flown out. He put his hand on the steering handle again, and his head He shouted without answering: "Either I turn around and knock it down with this car."

Before Greer finished speaking, Nick Fury shouted: "I think the second way is better."

The bird can indeed crash the plane, but the end of the bird is extremely bad. Nick Fury thinks that if there is another way, it is better not to play such a bloody game.

"Carol figured out a way to remove the things that inhibited her power, or simply dismantle the suit of armor to restore her power, and then the two of us rushed into the spaceship and dismantled it from the inside."

Nick Fury stopped talking and turned to look at Carol Danvers, while Maria Rambo pulled the two children up from the ground and asked, "What about us?"

"You guys take that ticket, I will set the car to come back at night, and don't care about what you see on the way." Greer said and started to click on the dashboard of the mechanical speed bird.

"What do you mean?" Maria Rambo couldn't understand what Greer meant. She even felt like she was living in a dream. An old friend she hadn't seen for several years suddenly visited, and then it was a cosmic man, and then was Locked in the spaceship in the movie, and now in a train flying in the air instead of running on the road, this is more outrageous than dreaming.

"It means that this train will enter a place called the Desert of Time, where there is nothing but desolation, and it will send you back before the ticket expires." Greer said and jumped off the mechanical speed bird , while the electric train and thunder are still moving on.

"Ticket, expired?" Nick Fury asked with question marks all over his face. He looked down at a license plate with a red edge that Greer had thrown to him before, with his bust, name and today's date on it, and then Probe to look at other people, the ticket in the hand is the same, but the profile picture and name are different.

"This is the proof of boarding. If you don't have a ticket, you will be thrown down halfway, so you must take it well." Greer warned, then squatted down, and whispered to Little Daisy, let her go first. Stay in this car, and I will be back in a while.

Afterwards, Carol Danvers began to cooperate with Greer, who had transformed into Kamen Rider Electric King's Holy Sword, and violently dismantled the Kree armor that was locked by Yon Rogue and could not be operated. The spaceship is chasing after it, and there is no time to slowly remove the armor and search for the photon energy suppressor. Otherwise, this electric train with almost only the outer shell will fall apart.

It’s not that I don’t want to be nihilized to avoid the attack. The key problem is the energy beam attack, which is almost instantaneous. When you see it, you have already been hit, and you need a lot of energy to maintain the state of nothingness. Link Clay Because of this, Greer could never afford such a luxury.

After the last piece of Kree armor was thrown to the ground by Carol Danvers, Carol Danvers with a gloomy complexion clenched his fists tightly, wisps of brilliant energy rays emerged from his skin, covering both hands. Wrapped with fists, it looks like two big colorful light bulbs.

"What a powerful force." Carol Danvers herself was shocked by the sudden burst of power. In the past, even when she was the most angry, the burst of power was far worse than at this moment, but now she is not so strong. Angry.

Then Carol Danvers thought of the Supreme Intelligence. Every time he burst out of power due to anger or other excited emotions, a large number of memory fragments would appear in Carol Danvers' sleep, while Yong Rogue Let her go to the Supreme Wisdom, and every time she talks with the Supreme Wisdom, there will be no more memory fragments, and she will no longer be able to exert that powerful power.

Now everything is clear, the Supreme Wisdom is brainwashing itself repeatedly, but unfortunately her power is too strong, after each burst of power, it will stimulate the past memories hidden in the memory cells, so the Kree people have to give it repeatedly. Brainwashed himself, and installed multiple photon energy suppressors in the Kree armor.

Everything is to control Carol Danvers and prevent the powerful Carol Danvers from escaping their control. Without this trip to C-53, Carol Danvers might not have escaped. In repeated memory cleansing and photon energy suppression, he will completely forget who he is, and become a Kree person through and through.

It's a pity that the inexplicable Skrull escaped to C-53, and Minerva tracked it down, but because of Greer's accident, the car overturned, and then had to send out a distress signal, and was killed by Carol Dan Firth received it, so he came to Earth to support his colleagues, so he...
Everything is so coincidental, so coincidental that it is like a well-written script, only waiting for the 'actors' to be in place, to perform according to the script, and to complete this very coincidental encounter and acquaintance.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and time seems to flow eastward into the sea and never return. Everything is going on according to the established process, and whether you want it or not, it has become a part of the story.

For example, now, Carol Danvers, who has lifted Kerry's restraint on her, has regained her freedom and power, which is unimaginably powerful, even though she doesn't have that set of Kree armor that far surpasses Earth's technology by a lot.

"Let's go!" Carol Danvers, who was dressed in an ordinary earth costume, had a strong energy glow all over her body, and actually changed her own molecular structure, passed through the sealed electric train, and came to the sky where the hurricane was howling , and then flew towards Yong Rogg's spaceship.

Greer asked Nick Fury again and they also left the electric train, and then there was no track in front of the electric train, but the speed did not decrease, and they rushed directly into the void and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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