The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1043: The Cree who cast themselves into the trap

Chapter 1043: The Cree who cast themselves into the trap
Minerva's rapid-fire remarks made Carol Danvers a little dazed, with a great sense of unreality.

If it was a few days ago, she was still a Cree, and she would never feel weird, but now she knows that there is a high probability that she is not a Cree, but a person from Earth, and the Cree also deceived her, so In a way, it's still an enemy.

Therefore, listening to Minerva speak in the same tone as she treats her teammates feels like a world away, but she immediately reacted and listened to her nonchalantly, hiding from Maria Rambo who still didn't understand what was going on. waved his hand.

Maria Rambo really didn't know what was going on, her friend who had been missing for many years suddenly returned, and brought people with two other skin colors, perfectly interpreting what political correctness is, and just after a few words, another blue-skinned person rushed in , a woman in metal armor, the
Maria Rambo's first reaction at the time was when did there be blue-skinned people in this immigrant land?Then I thought of the answer, no, there are no blue-skinned humans on earth, so this is the Weixing person?
Then, she saw Carol Danvers' gesture, which meant hostility, which made her feel awe-inspiring. She maintained a smile on her face, but she couldn't help looking at her daughter upstairs, who was also her only concern. .

Carol Danvers stood up when Minerva was speaking, and walked towards her, trying to close the distance. Minerva was in the position of a sniper in the team, so the closer the distance, the easier it was to deal with .

Minerva is not stupid and sweet, since she came in, she faintly felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She kept talking about contacting Kerry, but Carol Danvers didn't answer, and instead asked : "How do you know I'm here?"

"I" Minerva was at a loss for words. It couldn't be said that I found it based on the location information sent by the monitoring program all the time. Then she suddenly realized that something was wrong. It was because Firth's active location sharing was turned off, so she couldn't help it. Do Not Track This is a secret tracking program.

So here comes the question, why does Firth turn off active positioning? The answer is that she doesn’t want people to know where she is. Now she is still mixed with a group of humans who are not Kree people. Contacting Firth’s previous identity as a human on Earth, the answer seems to be ready. :

Firth probably recovered her memory and remembered her identity as a human, so she turned off active positioning, so it is normal to mix with humans.

Thinking of this, Minerva suddenly felt as if she had thrown herself into a trap, and hurriedly backed away, only to see Carol Danvers change from walking to running, pounced on him like a predatory wolf, and Minerva hurriedly raised her gun , wanting to repel Firth who pounced on him.

But Carol Danvers was much faster than her, grabbing the raised barrel with one hand and pressing it down forcefully, while the other hand hit Minerva with all its strength.

The depressed gun barrel ejected a brilliant beam of light, which easily penetrated the wooden floor to the basement, and then exploded. The whole house was shaking, and the loud noise echoed in everyone's ears. The strong airflow did not know How many sundries and dust were flying, and the whole room became a mess.

And Minerva had the opportunity to fire this shot. Carol Danvers' iron fist had already hit her unprotected face, causing severe pain from the bridge of her nose, and she flew backwards. , fell in the yard.

Carol Danvers casually tossed the snatched gun aside, opened her legs, and rushed out like a gust of wind. Halfway through, the clothes on her body suddenly changed into a metal armor with white on top and black on the bottom .

"Nick, take them away." Greer also jumped up when Carol Danvers did it, but he jumped in front of Nick Fury, raised his arms, and instantly propped up the magic shield , to block the flying wooden thorns and debris.

After completing the defense, he immediately rushed out of the house, held the Den-King card in his right hand, and shouted 'Transform', a silver metal belt appeared around his waist, and he pressed the Den-King card up, instantly combining and transforming into a Dian The king's belt, when Greer stepped out of the room, was wrapped in red armor and transformed into the form of Kamen Rider Electric King's holy axe.

The two rushed out of the house one after another, leaving Maria Rambo with a stunned expression and wide-eyed eyes, unable to believe the 'facts' she had seen, the old friend she hadn't seen for many years and the people she brought, As if by magic, he suddenly changed his 'clothes', and the blue-skinned woman who came to find a friend, the gun in her hand was so powerful that it almost blew up the house, and the boy, who turned into a light shield, besides
"What happened?" Maria Rambo asked from the bottom of her heart. In just a few seconds, she felt a sense of disintegration. Isn't it the reunion of old friends?Why did it suddenly become a sci-fi drama?

No matter what Maria Rambo thinks, the fight is still going to be fought. After Greer rushed out, he touched the belt with both hands, and quickly combined it into a delicate hilt. In an instant, a red energy blade extended, becoming The holy sword jumped up again as soon as its feet landed, and slashed at the Kree warrior brought by Minerva.

The Kree fighters who came here with Minerva did not expect this situation at all. The sudden battle caught them off guard. As soon as they looked at Minerva and Carol Danvers, they saw a silver-red figure He rushed out, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards them.

The Kree fighter who was chosen by Greer as the lucky target to slash hastily picked up the energy sword to defend, "Ping! 'With a crisp sound, the holy sword and the energy sword collided together.

These ordinary Kree fighters don't have the strength of Colas. Their arms are numb from the clash of their swords. If the Kree armor on their bodies hadn't borne most of the force, this single blow would have knocked out Kree. The soldier was knocked to the ground, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

Even so, the Kree warrior felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, 'Push!pedal!pedal! He stepped back a few steps, the enemy retreated and we advanced. After Greer landed, his center of gravity moved forward, he leaped into the air, twisted his waist vigorously, and his body rotated a circle in the air. , right in the head of the Kree fighter.

The Kree warrior immediately flew backwards and hit the wooden wall of the warehouse, knocking out a big hole in the wooden plank, and then there was a sound of "crackling" things colliding with each other and falling to the ground.

And Greer kicked the Kree warrior away, and just as he landed, a beam of light hit his back, making a popping sound, and bright sparks burst out, the impact force made Greer Er staggered two steps forward, and immediately turned his head, only to see a Kree soldier aiming a gun.

As soon as the second beam of light came out of the barrel, Greer had already fallen forward, letting the beam of light pass from above, hitting the rear warehouse, and instantly ignited the wooden warehouse, while the fallen grid Riel put his left hand on the ground, jumped up again, turned over at the same time, faced the Kree warrior, and waved the holy sword in his hand.

The upper half of the energy blade broke away from the blade in an instant, and quickly shot towards the Kree warrior in front, but it still remained connected to the hilt, which was perfectly interpreted as quantum entanglement.

Before the third beam shot out, the red energy blade penetrated the Kree warrior's body, causing him to fall to the ground without saying a word. dry land.

And Minerva, who was punched by Carol Danvers, was still a little dazed when she fell to the ground. Forth actually hit her. Has Foss recovered his memory?But isn't the Supreme Intelligence infallible?besides
She was still thinking a lot, when she saw a man wearing some familiar armor jumping out of the house and attacking her men, and then she recognized that this guy wearing strange armor was the man who had been with Sku a week ago. The one with Lu people together.

So, with this guy, is Firth united with the Skrulls?No, maybe this Firth was disguised by a Skrull in order to make her fall into the trap
When Minerva panicked, a lot of speculations popped up in her mind, but there was no evidence and no time for her to confirm these secondary sides, because Carol Danvers had already arrived, and she was still dressed in white and black. The armor is by no means the color of Kerry.

Just seeing this, Carol Danvers punched him, and Minerva didn't even have time to get up, and rolled on the ground, letting Carol Danvers hit the ground with his fist, only to hear 'Boom With a sound, the earth trembled, dust flew up, and a deep pit the size of a washbasin appeared on the uneven ground, and this was the case that Carol Danvers did not use photon energy, which shows its strength.

Minerva rolled a few times on the ground and got up quickly, but just as she stood up, she caught Carol Danvers kicking him out of the corner of her eye, causing her to cross her arms in front of her body and forcefully A kick from Carol Danvers.

'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, Minerva couldn't stop backing up under the force, her arms were numb, and she almost lost consciousness. Then Carol Danvers took two steps forward and punched out , directly sent Minerva flying, hit a tractor, and smashed a good tractor into scrap iron.

Minerva struggled to get up from the wreckage of the tractor, her whole body was in pain. She knew that there was a big gap in strength between herself and Firth, but for a long time, Firth had been in charge of daily training and battles by Yong Roger. The difference is so big that it is almost impossible to fight back.

Minerva is very regretful at this moment, she shouldn’t have come here, it’s good to hide honestly, seeing that she hasn’t returned for a long time and has lost contact, Kerry will definitely send someone to check, and the situation here will be known by then, and then the army Come, sweep the Skrulls.

What she doesn't know is that Colas and his party sent to C-53 to check the situation have been wiped out. Even Colas himself has become a prisoner, otherwise he will hide deeper, the kind of Lao Lin, instead of running carelessly Out of the waves, the boat capsized and was beaten by Carol Danvers.

The battle came quickly and ended very quickly. Carol Danvers knocked out Minerva, the best sniper in the Star Troopers, in less than ten strokes and half a minute. Dragging her with one hand, he pulled her off the wreckage of the tractor, and turned to look to the side.

Greer had already hacked to death four Kree warriors one after another with the 'flying sword', and as soon as a Kree warrior ran out of the burning warehouse, he was slashed by Greer with the holy sword, and he was sent flying and hit. He broke the railing surrounded by wood, fell on the grass outside the yard, and did not move.


Greer breathed a sigh of relief, drew his sword and stood up, straightened his body, raised his right hand, and the armor of the Kamen Rider Den-O Holy Sword on his body disappeared instantly, leaving only the Den-O belt around his waist, and then a Den-O sword popped out from the belt. The card fell into Greer's right palm precisely, and the only remaining silver metal belt disappeared in an instant.

Greer held the Den-O card in front of his eyes, and there was an equally slender purple line in the inner circle of the Kamen Rider Den-O symbol surrounded by red lines. quantum energy.

Greer put away the Electron King card, and thought silently in his heart, "Sure enough, fighting is the most suitable method for me." His own power, and he has always obtained the power presented in the form of cards in battle.

It's not meditation or meditation, the bloody battle is his main theme. In the fierce battle, he absorbs quantum energy and converts it into the power of Kamen Rider Den-O. Facts have proved that this method is effective.

The first battle with the Cree unlocked the holy ax form, and now, the fused quantum energy has become a new power.

Without so much quantum energy 'blocking the door', Greer's speed and success rate of casting magic have been greatly improved, otherwise he would not be able to support the magic shield in an instant just now.

However, the instantaneous power is still not high, that is, the magic power is limited, and the gap between the magic shield just now and the peak is not so big.

However, Greer is confident that he will gradually integrate more quantum energy to become a stronger self, and then find Thanos, who is far from the subversive era in this era, and eliminate him, so as not to let the tragedy repeat itself in this era .

While Greer was thinking, Carol Danvers threw Minerva in his hand on the ground, looked back at the burning warehouse, frowned, raised his hand and sent out a photon shock wave, and the warehouse collapsed. A large amount of dust was raised to cover the collapsed warehouse, and the fire was extinguished at once.

After finishing the fire extinguishing work, Carol Danvers raised his head as if feeling something, and saw Maria Rambo standing at the door of a scattered house with shock written all over her.

PS: Is there anyone still reading this book?All right, the anti-theft time will be shortened in the future.

In addition to the main storyline, there is only Infinity War left. For Infinity War that spans multiple timelines, you can call it a day after finishing the game, and the ending will be as good as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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