The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1038 Find Chapter Memory

Chapter 1038 Retrieve memory
Nick Fury raised his hand and made a 'please' gesture to Talos, and said, "Come on, tell her, who is she?"

"I don't know," Talos shook his head, and said, "Goult disguised himself as Agent Kohler to find information about Project Pegasus, but so far nothing has been found. Those materials must have been sealed up. We are preparing to Go to the place where the data is stored and search for it.”

Carol Danvers turned her eyes to the friend Greer said could help—Nick Fury. Nick Fury thought for a while and said: "If she is the aircraft of the Pegasus Project If you are a test pilot, then her information and the information of the Pegasus project should belong to the same confidentiality level, and if you find the Pegasus project, you can find her information, and vice versa."

Talos looked at Carol Danvers and asked: "Can you remember anything? The Cree's life computer can cleanse and implant memories, but since you have no past memory, it means that the life computer has no effect on you. The effect is not great, that is to say, the memory cleaning effect is not too strong, and I should be able to remember something as time goes by."

"Clean memory." Carol Danvers's heart moved, thinking of what his boss Yong Roger told him, "The brain is damaged, and you need to go to the Supreme Wisdom for treatment and psychological counseling." Every time after coming out, those The 'nightmare'-like fragments of memory that troubled her will disappear for a while. I didn't feel it much before, but now that Talos said it, the more I think about it, the more I feel that it is brainwashing?
Greer said, "She seemed to have thought of something. When she was in a small town to the west, there was a fighter jet flying through the sky. She seemed to have thought of something."

"Well," Carol Danvers nodded slightly, and said, "I do recall a little bit, as if flying a similar fighter jet in the air."

Talos immediately said: "That's it, arrange a fighter jet and let you fly again, maybe it can stimulate you to recall the past."

"A fighter jet?" Nick Fury raised his voice suddenly, and said, "What are you kidding? This is a fighter jet, not a car?"

You can drive a fighter jet whenever you want. There are a lot of procedures from pulling out the fighter jet to flying into the sky. Hundreds of people have to go through it. Drive away.

"I have a way to drive the fighter jet to the runway, and it's up to him to let her board the plane." Talos said and pointed to Greer.

"Me?" Greer was taken aback for a moment, then nodded knowingly, and said, "No problem."

The first plan was formulated, and a group of people who did not trust each other did not disperse. Instead, under the arrangement of Nick Fury, they lived in a safe house nearby. We all know that we are afraid that such a fragile trust will collapse.

Especially the level of trust in the Skrulls, whether it is Carol Danvers, Greer or Nick Fury, is quite low. After all, isn’t there a saying: I would rather trust the Sovereigns The generosity of the Skrulls cannot be trusted.

I said before that the spaceship has no energy, and Agent Kohler is a lurker. As a result, now he dares to say the words "can drive the fighter jet to the runway", and he is full of confidence. People can't help but think that there may be more than one Skrull outside. How much camouflage there is is still unknown.

However, these speculations are not known to anyone, and no one has said them out. At present, the three parties, or the four parties, have their own needs and requests from others, so they need to cooperate temporarily to make mutual trust even stronger. Only when it is firmer can we proceed to the next step of cooperation.

Lying in different rooms, no one knows whether the other party has fallen asleep or what they are thinking. In short, when the sun just rises the next day, a few people who only rest at two or three in the morning, wake up early in the morning Yes, say hello to each other in a neutral way.

Nick Fury went out to buy a few breakfasts, and brought back a set of earthling clothes for Carol Danvers. The dark green armor was too eye-catching, and it didn't fit their low-key idea at all. The plan of the plane.

And Talos was talking about his plan. There was a military base nearby. He sent someone there to pretend to be ambush last night. He already knew the flight plan, and he could start executing the plan at noon.

Of course, that's what he said, whether he was sent there last night to pretend to be lurking, the situation is unknown, and no one said it, they all buried it in the bottom of their hearts silently.

A group of people, the old and the young, drove to the military base and stopped nearby. Nick Fury took little Daisy for a ride, and the three of them took an unusual path and climbed over the mountains to the vicinity of the runway.

Greer concentrated his mind, gathered magic power, and cast spells. Moisture gathered around the three of them, and then the air fluctuated, disappearing immediately.

On the runway, a current state-of-the-art fighter jet was slowly pulled out by a tractor, parked on the runway, and the ground crew began to refuel and perform pre-flight checks. sign to confirm.

Just when the ground crew turned around, the air around the pilot suddenly glowed with magical light, and then disappeared suddenly. There was a blonde girl in the cockpit of the plane, but the cockpit was closed, and what I saw through the cockpit glass was still the same as before. that pilot.

The control tower gave instructions for takeoff. Carol Danvers looked at the unfamiliar display screens on the front dashboard, which displayed a large amount of data. He couldn't help closing his eyes, but moved his hands, giving Putting on the seat belt by myself, I grabbed the control lever naturally, and my feet found the rudder accurately.

"take off!"

The scorching flames spewed out from the tail of the fighter jet gave the fighter a strong thrust, and began to gallop on the runway. When the speed reached a certain level, one pulled the joystick, and the fighter jet rose into the air with a graceful flying posture, perfectly interpreting what an ace pilot is.

On the hill next to the runway, Talos looked up at the fighter jets taking off, and said to himself, "You must remember, all hope is on you."

"The premise is that she won't crash the plane." Greer's voice sounded, and then two people appeared out of thin air, one was Greer, and the other was a Skrull who still maintained the appearance of a pilot.

Talos said with certainty: "No, she is the best pilot on this planet, otherwise she wouldn't be selected as the pilot of the light speed engine test machine, but unfortunately, I don't know why this project was stopped. All the information was sealed, not only the test aircraft disappeared, but even the test pilots were brought to Cree planet and became Cree people, really alas!"

(End of this chapter)

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