The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1030 Searching for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Chapter 1030 Searching for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube
Greer looked at the ignorant Nick Fury quite speechlessly. How did this guy evolve into Director Nick who holds countless secrets and no one in the world knows better than him?
To put it in a more lyrical way, it is how much suffering he has encountered, how much wind and rain he has seen, and how much tempering he has endured, before he became like this.

Greer had to give this "little white" popular science what the Rubik's Cube is while taking care of the children. The best example is naturally the Hydra in World War II. Under the instruction of the Red Skull, Arnim Zola once By extracting the energy of the Rubik's Cube, a large number of weapons with power far beyond the world are produced, ranging from firearms to tanks and even airplanes.

It can be said that without the existence of the Rubik's Cube, Hydra would never have gained such a big advantage. Therefore, after Captain America led the Roaring Commando to destroy Hydra's factory, Hydra began to retreat steadily until it was defeated. hit the lair
"So this is an artifact with endless energy?" Nick Fury rarely used words that are more consistent with cosmic beings and mysterious power. What happened in the recent period has made him not believe in science, because science I can't explain going back in time and the strange ability of this guy in front of me.

"Almost," Greer continued, "Mr. Howard fished out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from the sea, and then started researching. I don't know what he researched. Anyway, now that others are gone, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube should fall into S.H.I.E.L.D. , no, in the hands of Hydra."

"So, the Pegasus Project is a plan to develop the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the Universe." Nick Fury finally understood what Greer said earlier. How could human beings leave a thing with endless energy unused? He will definitely step up research. to solve energy problems.

Well, the most important thing is that this thing can bring endless wealth. How big is the world's energy market, and those who master the Rubik's Cube can get rich. If you don't believe me, just look at how many tycoons there are in the energy industry. There is no one of the most profitable industries.

Nick Fury probably sorted out the current situation, pondered for a moment, raised his head and asked, "What's your opinion?"

"What opinion?"

"Didn't you reach a cooperation with those Skrulls to find the Rubik's Cube together?"

"Hehe!" Greer sneered twice, and gave Nick Fury, who knew what he was asking, a roll of his eyes, letting him experience what contempt means. A black and white agreement can be torn up at any time. This kind of verbal agreement has not established mutual trust. Under such circumstances, whoever believes is a fool.

Nick Fury pretended not to understand, and turned the topic back to the Rubik's Cube and Tianma Project, saying: "But I have never heard of these two things, they should be extremely confidential projects, I don't know if my authority can Read related information."

"You just need to tell me where all the confidential information of S.H.I.E.L.D. is stored. I have a way to go in and see it." Greer picked up his chopsticks again, continued his dinner, and said while eating: "It should be easy to find. , Hydra was able to extract energy from the Rubik's Cube back then, and now technology has advanced so much compared to 50 years ago, it must be easier."

"I will pay attention," Nick Fury nodded, and said, "So do you have any opinions on how to deal with those Skrulls?"

"Me?" Greer pointed at himself in surprise, shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's impossible to verify whether their words are true now, anyway, if you find the Rubik's Cube, you can give them some energy and let them leave the earth.

Well, if you are interested, you can get in touch with them. After all, there is still a common goal at present, which is to capture the Rubik's Cube from Hydra, and we really lack manpower to fight against Hydra. "

Nick Fury admits this. He doesn't even know if there are Hydra people under him. It takes time to observe and confirm that it is not Hydra to give trust. Now, only the people in this RV can be sure that it is not Hydra man.

As the night was getting darker, Nick Fury left the RV camp in full swing, opened the car door and sat in. When he closed the door, his eyes couldn't help looking at the brightly lit RV. heading in the direction.

Square and square cars can be seen everywhere in the 90s. In the blink of an eye, Nick Fury's special car blended into the night traffic and disappeared. Fury drove to his destination, a safe house.

Taking advantage of the darkness, I walked into a tube building that didn't even have corridor lights, walked up to the fourth floor in the dark, opened a door, and "creaked!"creak! ' through the loud wooden door and into a room decorated almost just with lights.

It can be said that Nick Fury blended perfectly into the environment. He turned on the light bulb to reveal his dark face. When the paper comes, put it under the light to reveal the densely packed words on it.

Most of it is blacked out, but it's hard to hide the line of letters that serve as the title: Operation Paperclip!
It clearly records that after World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited Hydra scientists with strategic value, tried every means to bring them out of the prison area, concealed the past history of these scientists, gave them new identities, and took advantage of the loopholes in the immigration management regulations at that time , bringing it back to North America to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

The specific content of this plan is only two pages in total, and it is very simple to implement. It didn't take much effort to let SHIELD, which was still the Strategic Science Corps at the time, recruit many scientists, so that the scientific research capabilities of SHIELD , has achieved rapid development, which can be said to have laid the foundation for the take-off of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the scourge is now clear. Too many Hydra scientists have made S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer pure, and even the inside of the eagle has become a skeleton with another side, and this is probably the person who formulated the paperclip operation back then. Never thought of it.

"Hydra" Nick Fury tightened his ten fingers pinching the paper, and almost crushed these two papers, which were mostly blacked out.

That "future" person is right, there is indeed a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D., but whether it is Hydra, and who is Hydra, it takes time to find and confirm, and the other party seems to be looking for something, just Like the Skrulls who came to Earth, they can talk, but they must not be easily trusted.

At the same time, in the solar system, a spaceship with a strange shape suddenly appeared, with a flat shape and a polygonal structure. There are different numbers of propellers distributed around it. Among them, the propellers at the tail are the most numerous, emitting bright light. , endowing the aircraft with extremely fast speed, heading towards the earth.

Inside the spaceship, a blue-skinned woman, wearing a green armor, said to the twenty or thirty green-skinned men in the same armor in front of her, "According to the instructions of the Supreme Wisdom, the spaceship carrying the Skrulls is likely to be parked." On the planet code-named C-53."

A Cree with sun-tanned skin clicked on the personal computer on his wrist, pulled out the information of C-53, and said: "Captain Minerva, the technology of C-53 is extremely backward, and it may not even be able to replenish energy. , what are the Skrulls doing here?"

"Maybe because the C-53 is remote enough, the Skrulls choose to hide here, thinking that we can't find them," Minerva said indifferently: "Skrulls did not expect that we have the latest tracking technology, their spaceships are impossible to hide from us.”

A Cree who programmed his hair into many braids whispered, "I heard that this technology was provided by the mercenaries that Ronan brought."

"That mercenary team is not bad."

"No, I heard that their strength is poor, but there are a lot of them, and they are not afraid of death."

"How can there be someone who is not afraid of death?"


Gossip is everywhere, and so is the universe. A group of soldiers got together and whispered, discussing the new allies of Kerry who recently made a splash in the war between Kerry and Skrull.

Minerva has no intention of stopping them. In everyone's eyes, C-53 is just a remote planet with no special resources and backward technology. The reason why they can send a small team is because there are a large number of Skrulls hidden.

Otherwise, in such a small place, a few people would be enough to run rampant on this insignificant planet, so I am happy to watch everyone chatting before the battle, relax a little, don't collapse so tightly, and finish this job safely This is a hunt and kill mission of the nature of Fujia vacation.

Amid the laughter, the spaceship began to enter the earth's gravitational circle, and then entered the atmosphere, and the Kerry warriors inside the spaceship also stopped joking and began to check each other's armor, weapons and equipment, etc., quietly waiting for the spaceship to land.

Minerva, the leader of the team, was not so free. He clicked on the personal computer on his left forearm with his right hand, and a holographic image was projected. The content was a model of the earth. A clear red line extended from a distance and entered the earth.

This is the tracking system developed for the Skrull spacecraft, which can track the residual ions ejected by the ion engine of the Skrull spacecraft, and determine the flight trajectory after careful analysis and calculation.

Kerry's spaceship was moving along this red line, and soon passed through the atmosphere. Below it was a barren hilly area, and the red line disappeared into this continuous mountain range. Obviously, Skuru The human spaceship is hidden in this area, and those Skrulls will not go far.

"They are right below. Be aware that the Skrulls can transform into anyone, so be careful," Minerva said loudly after ordering, "For the benefit of all Cree people!"

All the Kree fighters in the cabin stood up and shouted in unison: "For the benefit of all Kree people!"

"Let's go!" Minerva ordered, the spaceship began to slow down, and the hatch was slowly opened, and all Crestar warriors also put on high-tech helmets, covering their faces and not showing a trace of skin .

The cabin door opened, and the hurricane blew in with a 'huh'. Outside, white clouds piled up into mountains and stretched like a sea. The eye display on the mask told the Crestar fighters that they were more than a thousand meters away from the ground at this time, but each of them Without fear, they jumped out of the spacecraft one after another, lined up in a neat formation, and landed towards the mountains below.

But at this time, in a mountain below, the Skrulls are nesting in caves, living a difficult and peaceful life. For safety reasons, they can only go out to meet the sun and play some games in turn. Every time they go out, someone will guard their surroundings. Once there is any trouble, bring it back to the cave immediately.

A Skrull who turned into a mountain climber stood on the top of the mountain, holding a telescope to look around, especially the road, so as not to intrude into this simple 'playground', and saw a large number of green skins chasing and playing here, but He didn't notice the ground behind him, a puff of dust was splashed, and then a few grasses that were tenaciously rooted in the cracks of the rock fell down, as if they were stepped on the soles of their feet.

The Skrull turned his head if he felt something, his neck just twisted halfway, a green light entered his eyes, and then the light flashed across his neck, and he felt a chill on his neck, Before he could make any sound, he fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

Blood gushes out from the gap in his neck, quickly dyeing the dry rock green, the human appearance quickly fades, and turns back to the original green skin, and there is also a Ke wearing green armor in the air beside him. The resident, holding a dagger with condensed energy in his hand, said, "I found a Skrull."

Just halfway through the conversation, he saw a group of green-skinned people on a flat land halfway up the mountain, and said immediately: "No, a group of Skrulls, I think this is where they are hiding."

"Stand by, we'll be there right away." Minerva's voice came from the speaker of the helmet, and then individual aircraft gathered from all directions, carrying a Kree warrior on it, and sent the group of Sku Lu people surrounded it.

In the cave, Talos was fiddling with a large number of unknown instruments on the table, as if he was developing something, when suddenly the alarm sounded, which made him startled, and then his face changed drastically, and he ran out, While shouting loudly: "The Kree people are here, let's go!"

These three large characters seemed like a nightmare, disrupting the tranquility of the cave all at once, and the Skrulls ran out of their homes in horror, running around in a mess.

Only Talos and a few of his subordinates remained calm, commanding the clansmen to hide in deeper refuge areas, distributing weapons to combative youths, opening the cabin of the spaceship, and rushing out in the aircraft, preparing to search for and destroy them first. Drop the Kree spaceship to avoid being bombed and chased by the Kree spaceship.

While the other warriors took weapons, went outside to rescue the outsiders, and wiped out the Kerry Stars as much as possible, preventing them from discovering this refuge cave.

(End of this chapter)

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