The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1028 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 1028 Happy Cooperation
Talos took Greer to a slightly better room in the depths of the cave. It was said to be a room, but it was actually a container built with foam color steel plates, but compared to the wooden boards and tarpaulins he saw along the way, What kind of shack was built, it was already considered a mansion.

Talos was also very helpless about this. They were dumbfounded after they arrived on the earth. Humans are still in the age of electricity. Relying on charging to supplement energy for spaceships is almost as outrageous as rockets burning charcoal to the sky. But the remaining energy, let alone find another The planet is gone, and it can't even take off.

Without energy, no matter how many high-tech products are, they are just a pile of scrap iron. This is like your electric car, no matter how expensive and luxurious, it is not as good as a bicycle if you can’t find a charging pile. This is why the Sovereign of the "Golden Man" Star Specialty's energy battery can become a hard currency for black market transactions because the energy purity is high enough.

Talos’s room has almost zero furnishings, just a bed and a few tables, and there are a lot of instruments and equipment on it. He fiddled with one of the instruments a few times and shone a beam of light. , A picture after picture appeared in the air.

All are scenes of war. Cosmic beings of different appearances wield a variety of weapons, carry guns of different styles, and emit laser beams of different colors. Cree.

But what Greer cares most about is those cosmic beings with gray-white skin and dark gold armor on the key parts. Greer is so familiar with that appearance, and he called out his name at once: "Chitauri people !"

"You know him?" Talos gave Greer a high look. Does anyone in this small place know such a strange army?There is no record in their Skrulu database of what this is.

"The Chitauri Legion under Thanos is an old acquaintance." Greer couldn't help clenching his fists. He didn't expect that the future Thanos hadn't been found, but the Thanos of this era had appeared, so...if you kill the present Thanos, will the future change?
"Thanos?" Talos and his two men looked at each other in a daze, they had never heard of this name.

Because at this time, Thanos gathered a group of men through hard work, and developed the Chitauri Legion that combines biology and machinery, and began to save (slaughter) rescue (kill) according to his random killing method. ) planet by planet.

The fledgling Thanos forces are not that strong, and they are attacking weak planets. Unlike the latter, their strength has expanded to be able to compete with the super civilization of the Milky Way, and even under the pressure of the entire army, use The method of surprise attack breaks through the defense line of Xandar star and slaughters that planet.

"Is there any more information about this Chitauri Legion?" Greer couldn't wait to ask, he already wanted to go to the universe, and follow this Chitauri Legion to find Thanos. Thanos, it's even better to find the Thanos of the future.

Talos shook his head. It was because they didn't understand this opponent at all that they were caught off guard by the opponent, resulting in heavy losses, which led to the collapse of the defense line, and they were defeated by the opponent. In the end, they had to abandon their home planet and take the The Ark' fled separately.

The only information we know is that this mysterious army is a new force introduced by an army leader named Ronan of Kerry Star. If the Skrulls have not collapsed, then we can definitely find out more information with the simulation ability, which is a pity.
"Ronan!" Greer heard a familiar name again, did these two guys hook up so early?Now he is a collaborator, but with the sharp increase in Thanos' strength later, Ronan is almost like a subordinate, so that he has to rely on the power gem to dare to "rebel" Thanos.

The problem Talos had with Greer was that he knew everything without saying anything. Greer was surprised by his openness. He had just met him, and he was a bit hostile. How could he let the other party speak freely like this.

But when the other party answered, Greer naturally wanted to ask, and the state of one question and one answer lasted for a long time, until Greer finished asking all the questions he could think of, Talos stopped answering, picked up the water on the table and drank it , said: "Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Yes," Greer nodded and asked, "Why did you tell me this?"

There is no free lunch in the world, and naturally there is no free answer to the question. The other party is so straightforward, he must have something in mind.

"I would like to ask you to help us get the Rubik's Cube on this planet." Talos finally stated his purpose.

"Universal Rubik's Cube?" Greer was not surprised when he heard this. In the past, Talos had been emphasizing the issue of energy shortage.

Because of the lack of energy, the spacecraft cannot be started; because of the lack of energy, various high-tech equipment cannot be used; because of the lack of energy, the purest and largest energy source in the universe is the Rubik's Cube.

"Yeah!" Talos clicked on the instrument a few more times, changing a batch of holographic projection pictures, ranging from black and white photos to color photos, and the containers are also different, and even the watermarks on them are not too different. Same.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is now held by the organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. Another purpose of Guert's entry into S.H.I.E.L.D. is to find out the whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube." Talos glanced at Greer and said, "Your target It’s also the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, we can cooperate, after getting the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and replenishing the energy of the spaceship, the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube will be yours, we just want to leave here and find a planet suitable for our survival.”

Seeing in the picture, Talos told his ultimate goal. He took a fancy to Greer's force and his ability to mimic the Skrulls, and wanted to cooperate (beneficially) with Greer. Finding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube requires such cooperation, not to mention verbal agreements, which can be torn up at any time in black and white.

"That's right, I'm indeed looking for the Rubik's Cube. Only when I get that can I go to Thanos." Greer clenched his fists, causing Talos to ask, "You have a grudge against him."

"We can't live together." Although Greer chased Thanos before the war was over, the casualties of the Earth Legion were in sight. I don't know how many people lost their blood and couldn't return to their hometown.

"Well," Talos nodded. If there is a common enemy, then they are friends. Immediately referring to the earth etiquette, he stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation."

Greer also stretched out his hand, held Talos's hand, and said with a smile: "Happy cooperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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