The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1025 Alien Base

Chapter 1025 Alien Base
"Sure enough, there is a problem." Greer stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the only car on the winding mountain road that was in disrepair. Cast a tracking spell on that car.

In this way, there is no need to keep an eye on the car all the time, so Agent Kohler wasted his time going around in circles there, which is useless at all. Instead, he was wasting his time so that Greer could easily keep up with the other party on a motorcycle, and Passed ahead of the opponent, ran to the top of the mountain, and waited for Agent Kohler who arrived late.

If Greer only thought that there might be something wrong with Agent Kohler when he was at the Trident headquarters, then he is basically sure that there is something wrong with him now, otherwise why did he rush out of the Trident headquarters and rush all the way here? It would be too guilty .

Flipping through the paper map in my hand, I couldn’t find this winding mountain road at all, and there were signs of no entry and military restricted area at the intersection. Continue along the dilapidated and extremely difficult road, and you can still see it along the way. Go to the warning signs such as falling rocks and impassable road ahead.

In short, so many measures are enough to make many weak-willed adventurers go back the same way. Even if they encounter people who are full of risk (death) spirit, they must go to the end of the winding mountain road that is not marked on the map. , to see what it is, it doesn't matter.

Because at the end is a tunnel that has collapsed for an unknown period of time, a large amount of earth and rocks have blocked the tunnel tightly, and at the entrance of the tunnel, you can see the collapsed objects that have grown weeds, which is daunting and has to be disappointed.

But Agent Kohler did not stop, instead he drove into the tunnel, bumped into the earth and rocks that filled the tunnel, and then rushed into it and disappeared. I'm astonished, is this a virtual reality scene?

To enter, or not to enter, that is the question!
Greer clenched his right fist and supported his chin, and began to think about this very serious problem. If it wasn't something wrong with his eyes, then there was something wrong in this mountain, and this place is a bit familiar.

Chiba Makoto stood on the top of the mountain and looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the mountain where the tunnel was located. After staring at it for a long time, he found out from his memory that this mountain seemed to belong to the "past" or future Ultron. Mountain base.

The interior was hollowed out, a vibrating gold keel was installed, and an anti-gravity propulsion device was installed at the bottom, allowing Ultron to raise the mountain to the sky, trying to simulate the impact of a meteorite to destroy human beings. The result was a group led by Strange Mages were thrown into space.

Thinking about it this way, the more you look at it, the more it looks like it. It seems to be that mountain. The co-author was not hollowed out by Ultron, but he found and transformed this suspected alien base. Think about it too, how big is a mountain hollowed out? It takes several years to dig a tunnel, dig it, fix it, and involve pipelines. However, if you want to hollow out a mountain, it is common for the construction time to be several times higher than that.

So here comes the question, the self who returned to the past from the future, knew that Ultron would use this mountain base to do things in the future, why didn't this mountain base be destroyed, but left to Ultron to do things?

If the current self destroys this mountain base, then naturally it will not be used by Ultron in the future, then I don't know that this mountain base will be used by Ultron, and it will not destroy the mountain base after returning to the past, so The legacy is used by Ultron, so the future self will know that after returning to the past, the base in the mountain will be destroyed, then the future will naturally not be used by Ultron, and then he will also
Suddenly formed a space-time paradox, completely caught in an endless loop.

Unless I don't move this mountain base, let it exist, and be used by Ultron in the future, and I also know that I still don't move when I come back, then I can complete the closed loop of time and space, not the paradox of time and space.

So the question is, do you want to follow in?
Judging from the fact that Agent Kohler rushed in without slowing down, it was definitely not the first time he came here, and the route was familiar, but is this the only entrance and exit?It is absolutely impossible to use the duodenum.

Jitu Shangsan Cave, the human shopping mall knows how many entrances and exits and fire exits, etc. Such a secret mountain base built at a huge cost must also have multiple entrances and exits in case of accidents.

There is also a virtual reality scene in the tunnel, which can be regarded as a camouflage for the entrance and exit, so is there an identity verification function?Is there an alarm function for outsiders to enter by mistake?Are there any weapons and equipment to resist foreign invasion?

Greer thought of many problems in a very short period of time. After all, this is a suspected alien base, so we must be cautious and careful, and we must not act rashly.

So Greer thought about it seriously for half a second, and then drove a motorcycle that looked like a blue bird on the winding mountain road at three or four times the speed of Agent Kohler, perfectly explaining what it means to be able to participate The technology of professional motorcycle racing.

Five seconds after Agent Kohler's car rushed into the virtual reality scene, Greer's motorcycle rushed into the virtual reality scene and disappeared in an instant.

At the Trident headquarters at this time, Alexander Pierce, the current director of SHIELD, was sitting in the highest office of the Trident headquarters, handling daily affairs with a pen, and there were piles of documents. The local area network has been established, but Alexander Pierce still likes to use a pen to process documents, and he has a great feeling.

While it was being processed, the door of the office was knocked open. An agent in a suit and leather shoes was holding a bulging document bag in his hand, and it was still in a sealed state. He walked up to Alexander Pierce and whispered: "Sir, this There is a document that needs your priority."

"En! Put it there." Alexander Pierce said without raising his head, and he didn't raise his head until the other party left and finished processing a document in his hand, picked up the brother's document bag, and checked it routinely It was sealed, and it was torn apart after making sure it was intact. Inside was a roll of video tape, which was stuffed into the VCR under the desk. The large LCD screen directly opposite immediately lit up, and began to show a surveillance video that lasted for 3 minutes.

In the picture, Agent Kohler got out of the car and walked forward. After a few steps, he ran into Nick Fury and had a conversation. Then Agent Kohler pointed to the open space beside Nick Fury. Immediately afterwards, the two had another conversation, and Nick Fury left.

What happened next to Kohler made Alexander Pierce extremely puzzled. Agent Kohler pulled out his gun and yelled into the air in front of him, as if an enemy appeared in front of him. Scared, suddenly backed away, and then again.
"What is he doing?" Alexander Pierce was incomparably puzzled. Agent Kohler's behavior was too weird. It was just like a mental illness. After watching it several times, he felt the same way, and he couldn't explain the behavior of Agent Kohler.

Alexander Pierce didn't look at it at all, picked up the phone on the desk, and asked the secretariat to notify Nick Fury and Kohler to come to his office, then lowered his head and continued to process the piles of documents on his desk.

It didn't take long for Nick Fury to arrive. Alexander Pierce greeted him warmly. He shook hands with Nick Fury. He was concerned about whether his life and work would be smooth after he was transferred back to the headquarters, and exchanged pleasantries. Only then did I inquire about what happened in the parking lot in the afternoon.

Nick Fury was also full of question marks. He told him that he had met Agent Kohler. He had just said a few words before he asked who the person next to him was, but there was no one there at the time, but Agent Kohler insisted that there was someone and argued for a few words. , just because I had a task, I had to leave in a hurry.

As soon as Nick Fury finished his statement, the phone on Alexander Pierce's desk rang, and Alexander Pierce picked it up to answer: "I'm Director Pierce."

"Sir, Agent Kohler left headquarters at [-]:[-] p.m.."

"[-]:[-]?" Alexander Pierce glanced at the LCD screen and it was [-]:[-] in the afternoon when Agent Kohler pointed his gun at the air, that is to say, he drove away after brandishing the gun in the basement up the headquarters.

Alexander Pierce was still struggling and asked, "Does he have a mission?"

"No, sir!"

Alexander Pierce hung up the phone heavily, and stood there with a gloomy face. Agent Kohler's weird behavior made him think about it. After all, they are an intelligence department, and any situation can happen. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Experts in the field naturally know that others may also stuff spies into them.

It’s just that Agent Kohler’s abnormal behavior is less like a spy, and more like a mental illness. Thinking about the age of Agent Kohler, he is already in his 60s and has suffered many injuries in previous missions, including many brain injuries. Mental illness does not seem impossible.

However, no matter what the situation of Agent Kohler is, the most important thing now is to find him and bring him back to the headquarters. What would you do if you were sick?

It's a pity that today's technology is far from being as advanced as that of later generations. Not to mention the trinity search function of surveillance probes, electronic products and satellites, even the global positioning system has only completed global deployment, and most of them are used by the military and government departments. Used in maritime navigation, etc.

There is no mobile phone or car location at all, so after Agent Kohler actively disconnected, Alexander Pierce really had no way to find the inexplicably missing Agent Kohler for a while, so he could only let people continue to contact Agent Kohler, hoping to find Agent Kohler, let him Return to headquarters.

After arranging these matters over the phone, Alexander Pierce had Agent Kohler's latest medical examination report sent up, and then sent to the medical department to analyze and determine Agent Kohler's physical condition and whether there is a risk of induced mental illness.

Nick Fury asked with concern: "Sir, is Agent Kohler alright?"

"It's not sure yet," Alexander Pierce motioned for Nick Fury to sit down as well, and said, "He has indeed reached the age of retirement, but he just wanted to give you another ride, so... oh!"

"I'll find him."

Alexander Pierce waved his hand and said, "I have already sent someone to look for him. If you want to get familiar with the work of the headquarters as soon as possible, I expect a lot from you, understand?"

"Yes, sir!"


Nick Fury gently closed the door of Alexander Pierce's room, his face was as usual, until he returned to his office, his face changed into a gloomy mood. When he was in Alexander Pierce's office, he almost broke the defense.

It is unbelievable that Alexander Pierce, who has known him for so long and has a deep friendship, is actually a Hydra that has been extinct for 50 years. He really wants to know what Alexander Pierce is planning to join Hydra, and he has become a god The director of the Shield Bureau, do you still want to go one step further and become the president?
But thinking of the news that Greer told him, Alexander Pierce is likely to be able to go smoothly and rise step by step because he joined Hydra, because he may be promoted by Hydra's concentrated resources, and he even did not hesitate to assassinate Howard Stark.

But in the end, Nick Fury stabilized his emotions, maintained the mask of his friend, and continued to be reused by Alexander Pierce so that he could be promoted to gain greater authority within S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the past, Hydra was lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D. and continued to grow and develop, but now what Nick Fury wants to do is to lurk beside Hydra agents and use its power to continue to grow and develop.

Because he has already thought very clearly that it is impossible to defeat Hydra alone, and no one will even believe his words, so he must not act rashly. He must first cultivate a group of his cronies, and then slowly put them in the S.H.I.E.L.D. In the key positions, wait until you have a certain amount of power in S.H.I.E.L.D. and the establishment of an army, and someone has a gun, and then they will have a showdown with Hydra.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said, "Colson, do you have time now? Come to my office.

No, no new quests, just wanted to chat with you.

Is there any fuss about this?I care about my subordinates. After all, we will often go on missions together in the future. It is better to know each other better than strangers. "

After hanging up the phone, Nick Fury leaned on the table and whispered, "Let's start with you."

It's not that he doesn't have old departments, but they all stayed in the branch and didn't bring the headquarters, so now it's basically equivalent to building a force from scratch.

The document in front of him is a plan, that is the "S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy", which is going to establish a school dedicated to training special agents to solve the problem that S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel need to be recruited from other departments and society, and he wants to be responsible This matter, that is, to become the principal, of course, he cannot take up the position alone. This matter can only be carried out after cultivating some loyal subordinates. What can be carried out now is the preliminary preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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