The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 102 The Destroyer of Asgard

Chapter 102 The Destroyer of Asgard

Loki didn't care about Heimdall's vigilance at all, and continued to walk forward with a blank face, and said unhurriedly: "The father of the gods fell into a deep sleep, Thor was exiled in Midgard, Aspen Gard is at its weakest moment, just now a frost giant broke into Asgard with the intention of harming the father of the gods, so the Destroyer must be dispatched to protect Asgard."

"I didn't see any frost giants entering Asgard." Heimdall didn't put down the sword in his hand. Although he stared at Loki, most of his attention was on the huge Destroyer behind Loki. .

Loki's strength is mediocre, but the Destroyer has exhausted the precious materials collected by Asgard over the years. It was carefully crafted by the dwarves, and the most complicated enchantment was carried out by the elves of light. The blessing of divine power is an extremely powerful weapon in Asgard, and it has always been used to guard Odin's treasure house.

Holding the Eternal Gun, Loki stopped the Destroyer and walked up to Heimdall alone. With a gentle smile on his face, he said softly to Heimdall: "That's because you There are still many things that the all-seeing eye cannot see, such as some secret passages leading to Asgard."

As soon as Loki's words fell, the Frost Box suddenly appeared in his empty left hand. Magic power poured into it, activated the Frost Box, spouted endless cold air, and instantly submerged Heimdall who was close at hand.

Most of Heimdall's attention was on the Destroyer. Loki's shot speed was very fast and the distance was extremely close. Heimdall didn't even have time to react, and a lot of cold air enveloped his whole body.

Ice spread on Heimdall's body, Heimdall stabbed the sword in Loki's arm without hesitation, trying to prevent Loki from releasing the ice energy of the Ice Box, but the guardian sword only moved forward It stopped at [-] centimeters, and the sword was covered with thick ice, including Heimdall himself, who was also wrapped in a layer of ice as thick as [-] to [-] centimeters, unable to move, and turned into an ice sculpture.

After confirming that Heimdall was completely frozen by him, Loki, whose skin all over his body had turned ice blue, stopped the Ice Box, glanced at Heimdall who was in a forward stabbing posture, and moved the ice Put away the box, walked towards the control center of the Rainbow Bridge with the Eternal Spear, and said without looking back: "Keep Bifrost and don't allow anyone to approach."

Then he left Asgard by a secret passage in a flying boat and headed for Jotunheim. Only Heimdall was left standing at the door and frozen at the door, and he was guarding the bridge and not allowing anyone to pass. Destroyer.

Asgard is only half a day away, but half a month has passed in the extremely distant Midgard star field, and it has entered March.The enthusiasm for the cosmic invasion incident in Flushing is also gradually receding. The official has not given a clear answer until now, and it is completely treated coldly.

Just like the UFO incidents witnessed by different people at different times and places in the past, do not make any comments or replies, let time dilute all these, after all, 99.99% of the people in this world are not That spare time to keep tracking and paying attention to one thing.Just like a missing plane, how many people can care about it continuously for one month, two months, one year, or two years.

Shortly after Greer left on his motorcycle, the place was evacuated and sealed off. The government placed the people living here in other places under the excuse of virus, building damage and other excuses.Street cosmic corpses, weapons, etc. were quickly cleaned up, and the damaged road surface was also repaired. The efficiency is much faster than Chinatown.

But these have nothing to do with Greer, he doesn't care about how S.H.I.E.L.D. or any department will deal with this incident, his headache is that Kamen Rider has become completely 'famous' now, the time in Chinatown was at night, street lights What was also shattered by the shock wave when he collided with the abomination force, the light was not very good, and the filming was terrible.

But this time it was during the daytime. Tens of thousands of people witnessed Kamen Rider, Iron Man, and Robots vs. Aliens at close range, things that only happen in sci-fi movies, and all the people present were watching the Spring Festival parade. Half of the people brought professional cameras and video cameras, and there were [-] times more people than Chinatown live-streaming the Spring Festival parade on Facebook and Youtube.

As a result, these people captured big news that was 300 times more shocking than the parade. The video they shot was extremely clear. There were more than a hundred thousand people watching the live broadcast on the Internet. Later, after the appearance of aliens, Kamen Rider and Iron Man, This number quickly rose to [-] million, making the matter spread extremely fast, and the previous methods of confusing the public are useless this time.

During these seventeen or eight days, [-]% of the topics Greer heard were about Flushing, and the remaining [-]% were about asking what happened that day, and then the insider described what he knew triumphantly and embellished. matter.

Even in school, it is no exception, on the contrary, it is even more popular. After all, the courses here are extremely relaxed, and each student is bored, and some have time to discuss. The outrageous version is the story of Iron Man vs. Kamen Rider.

On the podium, the bearded teacher was spitting and talking about trigonometric functions, but few of them listened carefully.Greer, who was sitting in the last row by the window, that is, the protagonist's seat, stacked five or six books on the right side of the table, put his mobile phone on the table openly, and quickly browsed the news on the Internet.

Even though more than half a month has passed, a lot of news is still about Flushing. Nearly one-third of the pictures show Faiz fighting the frost giant with a sword, the cannon on his shoulder pouring energy bombs, flying in the sky, and so on. The high-resolution photos made him thoroughly known to the world.

Countless people are asking who is this person wearing tight-fitting armor?Assholes asked questions on the Internet, and reporters from the Uncrowned King blocked the government spokesperson to ask questions, but they didn't get any useful answers. They could only use Mask man (Mask Man), the code name derived from "Mask in Masquerade", to call Greer . (Kamen is not an English translation of mask but a transliteration.)
The unknown is even more attractive, and the news media immediately chased after it, with endless reports, all kinds of speculations came out, and these mind-blowing news are enough to make a dozen movies. Even Stark is not as hot as him.

At the beginning, Greer expected that SHIELD would hide this matter as before. Now it seems that their abilities are limited, but it's nothing, since he doesn't work during the day anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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