The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1011 The Mysterious Microcosm

Chapter 1011 The Mysterious Microcosm

The surrounding brightness is decreasing sharply, and the environment is becoming more and more unfamiliar, which is beyond his cognitive range, and he doesn't know what he is seeing.

Just like polished metal, as the magnification increases, the surface will appear uneven, but now the pits are enlarged to a degree that is many times larger than that, so that the gaps between the metal molecules appear. Then the atoms also showed signs of unevenness, and the gaps between the atoms became larger and larger.
Greer knew that this was a miraculous phenomenon caused by his rapid shrinkage, and he also proved that he was right. Seeing that Thanos activated the space-time shuttle, and wanted to enter another universe to continue his plan of collecting infinite gems, Greer hurriedly Next, insert the test tube containing the Pym particles into the photon blood vessel.

At that time, Greer's bet was that the FAI armor could "guest star" in the Ant-Man suit, but he was not an unsure bet, but thought about it for about [-] seconds.

The shrinking function of the Ant-Man suit is because it can transmit Pym particles throughout the body, and the photon blood vessel of the Faiz armor also transports photon blood to the whole body, but this is probably the only similarity between them, so whether it can be successful, Ge Riel is not sure at all.

And the situation at that time did not allow him to think too much. If he hesitated a little, he would be escaped by Thanos, so Greer gritted his teeth and injected Pym particles into the photon blood. Immediately after his eyes lit up, the tunnel ahead It extended infinitely and became smaller and smaller, but he didn't feel any squeeze.

Everything showed that he had successfully shrunk and entered the microscopic world. It was only at this moment that Greer thought of some issues that should be paid attention to, that is, he shrunk, and then what?

He only knows that the instrument that is similar to the shrinking tunnel of Doraemon is called the Quantum Shuttle by Hope, and before Stark analyzed that Thanos wanted to travel through time and space to find infinite gems in other places, so he subconsciously felt that Thanos Si did that in order to travel through time and space, so he took the risk to follow him, but thinking about it now, he was reckless.

If it's not the space-time shuttle, but Thanos wants to shrink himself to escape, how can he become bigger? Faiz armor can make itself smaller, which is definitely not the function of the original design. It has exceeded its ability.

Even if Thanos wants to travel through time and space, the instrument is also a space-time shuttle, but Greer doesn't know where Thanos is going?It's like jumping into the sea with someone, without a chart, without a compass, and don't know where the other person is going, and you can't even determine your own position, let alone chasing people, even if you go ashore, you don't know how to get ashore?
Greer suddenly became worried, and even felt a little bad in his heart. He wouldn't be trapped in the quantum realm like Hank Pym's wife and couldn't get out.

As soon as Greer thought of this problem, Greer looked down at the faiz armor on his body, and felt that he was thinking too much. It was impossible for him to be trapped in the quantum realm forever, because the faiz armor could no longer hold up, and the photon blood vessels and the silver-white armor were spliced ​​together. Sparks burst out from the gaps together, very weak, but it gave Greer a huge sense of discomfort.

"This is not so good." Greer tried hard to think about what to do, but seeing the signs of overload getting stronger and stronger, he still couldn't think of any way out. This is a completely unknown microcosm world, and he can only According to the knowledge analysis of Kama Taj, the rules of different different dimensions may be completely different, so the micro world may also be different from the rules of the world he understands.

Greer didn't even dare to change the armor, because he didn't know if changing the armor would change the Pym particles. What would happen if there were no Pym particles?And even if the faiz armor holds up, what will happen when the Pym particles are exhausted?
Greer was thinking with some panic, and felt that he had returned to the time when he first debuted, standing on the roof of an empty building in the dark night, shivering in the cold wind, not knowing what he was doing standing there, and whether he could Wait till he expects the badass.

"I can't wait to die, I have to find a way." Greer, who was still flying rapidly, encouraged himself in his heart. Since the Wasp can live in the quantum world for so long, he has no reason to do it, so there must be a way, and there must be a way. There is a way.

The faiz armor on his body has begun to become unstable, making Greer feel extremely uncomfortable, as if a person on land suddenly entered the water, unable to shut up, and could only let a large amount of water pour into his stomach from his mouth Intense discomfort in every pore.

At this moment, a huge object appeared in front of it, whose sides could not be seen from top to bottom, left, right, and no color could be distinguished. There were countless tunnels with different shapes and diameters all over the surface. I also didn't know what it was, let alone Know which one to choose.

But he seemed to be in the state of automatic navigation and flew into one of them automatically. After rushing in, Greer caught a few bright spots in the folds of the tunnel on the left hand side. The walls are raised in the same color, and there are small luminous bodies all over it, which looks like a brightly lit high-rise building at night.

But why are there tall buildings here?
Just as he was about to take a closer look, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then his body fell into the air, and the force of floating in the air suddenly disappeared, causing Greer, who was caught off guard, to fall downwards.

Greer, who lost his focus, subconsciously waved his limbs to grab something, but there seemed to be nothing around, so he didn't catch anything at all, so Greer quickly reached out to the knight card box on his waist, trying to draw a card to summon Faiz blaster, so that the flight unit on the back can be activated to let yourself fly.

But when his hand touched his waist, he didn't touch the hard knight card box. Instead, it was very soft clothes, and his body also felt tactile. What about the faiz armor?
Greer looked down, and was horrified to find that the faiz armor on his body had been overwhelmed and torn apart. With the movement of waving his limbs just now, pieces of metal fragments of different sizes fell from his body, falling towards him at a faster speed than him. It touched the darkness below, and then seemed to touch something, and it exploded like a bomb.

'boom!boom!boom! '

A column of flames rose into the sky, and the burst of light allowed Greer to see the surrounding scene. A small hillside, lined with towering trees, was disappearing in the explosion at the moment. With the next breath, it moved towards the ground The fallen Greer was engulfed by the rising flames, and the few faiz armor fragments that had not fallen in the future also exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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