The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 100 The reality that does not exist in the movie

Chapter 100 The reality that does not exist in the movie

Sitting in the movie theater, I just feel that the special effects of the fighting on the screen are extremely cool, and it does not show how tragic the damage caused by the fighting is at all. Except for the heroes, they will be shown in spring and autumn style, and there are no casualties or casualties. The pain but the reality is so cruel, no matter good or bad, it will be truly displayed in front of you.

Hearing the wailing of the wounded, seeing the corpses of the dead, and smelling the smell of blood blowing in the wind, the casualties in Chinatown were more serious than last time.After all, Greer stopped the abomination at the beginning, and when the helicopter bombed, most of the residents escaped, and the casualties were not very heavy.

But this time, there were too many Frost Giants and Kiritas, and the crowd was too dense. A casual swing of a knife could kill one, two, or even three or four people. The frailty of human beings was vividly displayed in these few minutes.

Once the generals are successful, so are the heroes. Any battle between the decent and the villain will more or less affect the innocent. If there is no fight, it will definitely cause more casualties.But the casualties caused by defeating the villain will also be counted on the hero's head, really
"Oh!" Greer sighed slightly, suppressing the complicated thoughts in his mind, and no longer thinking about these useless things.He is just struggling to survive in this world. What he can do is extremely limited. If he can save it, he can save it. If he can’t, he can’t do anything. Anyway, he is not a glass heart, so let others say whatever they like, earn points, strengthen their strength, and destroy the tyrant. is the first.

Five or 60 meters ahead, several policemen are running towards here. On the fourth floor of the building next to them, the three of them are looking out of the window. Daisy is looking down at the phone in her hand, and with the other hand Pressing the number, it looks like it's about to make a call.

With a thought in Greer's mind, he immediately activated the jetpack on his back, rushed into the sky in an instant, and flew towards the Flushing Bay three to four kilometers away at a speed of Mach 1.5. After seven seconds, he reached the top of the sea water. The moment it was about to plunge into the sea, it turned into a Kamen Rider Dragoon, without splashing a single splash, it disappeared like a shadow.

But Stark didn't catch up after seeing Greer flying away. He stood still, turned on the PA system of the steel suit, and shouted loudly: "Everyone leave the road and stand on the sidewalk, give the ambulance Get out of the way, doctors and nurses help take care of the wounded, police officers go to the intersection to direct traffic, stop the traffic jam”

Stark's command made the people who found the "backbone" unconsciously follow Stark's words, and the chaotic streets regained a little order, at least there was enough room for ambulances to pass through, and some People with medical knowledge came out of the building to attend to the wounded.

Daisy, who ran down the fire escape to the fourth floor and hid, looked outside in amazement, a little afraid to look at the horrors on the street, took out her cell phone with a trembling right hand, and searched for Greer's number in the address book, thinking Do you know where Greer is now?
Just came to see a parade, why did we encounter an alien invasion?And he killed so many people viciously, and more importantly, he lost the mission target. The fire escape that he went up together, but then disappeared, so don't die.

Jane on the side focused all her attention on the outside, even when Iron Man and Greer were fighting the Frost Giants and Kiritas, they were all staring outside, and Thor beside her wanted to jump down and fight these Frost Giants Male and female, only hate that they don't have a hammer in their hands.

Daisy's call was quickly connected, and when she got through, she said in an anxious tone, "Greer, is it Greer? Where are you? Why didn't you follow?"

"You guys are running too fast, I'm on the third floor." In an empty room on the third floor, Greer, who just jumped out of the mirror world, said softly with his mobile phone in his right hand, and his left hand will be from the knight card. The decade's motorcycle card that popped out of the box was stuffed into the belt.

The motorcycle quietly appeared at the entrance of a small alley next to the slightly chaotic road. Only then did Greer zip up the zipper, open the window and jump out, and return to the first floor along the fire escape. As for Stark, the order was slightly restored. , has already left.

Thor led Daisy and Jane, who were still a little bit frightened, down, and when he saw Greer, he quickly went up to meet him. Before Thor could say anything, Greer hurriedly said, "I'm going to send Louie quickly." Si go back, let’s talk about what’s going on later, do you have a phone call?”

"How can such a simple thing trouble me? I will use it long ago." Thor said with some pride, and took out a push-button mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages, but cannot access the Internet. It is still cool to see the brand About the same as the Nokia.

"It's really simple!" Greer looked at Jane on the side speechlessly, and Jane on the side explained helplessly: "His hand is relatively strong, and the smartphone is relatively thin. When he learned to answer the phone, he heard As soon as the voice was excited, the hand clenched tightly, and a mobile phone was scrapped, so."

"So I changed to one that can smash walnuts." Greer understood, grabbed the phone, quickly entered his number on it, and stuffed it back into Thor's hand: "Call me this number, we will go back first, Jane, take Thor and leave as soon as possible, the FBI is probably coming soon."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Daisy to the entrance of the alley next to the building, got on a motorcycle and left here quickly.Jane was also surprised when she heard the words, Thorke was still a black household, and once interrogated, she couldn't explain clearly at all, so she hurriedly took Thor away.

Daisy, who was sitting in the back seat, turned her head and looked at the flower bed and the alley. She remembered clearly that before those aliens arrived, the motorcycle was parked by the flower bed, but just now it was five miles away. At the entrance of the six-meter alley, there are no scratches on the motorcycle, and it is still standing firmly on the ground. It will not be the time when someone is running for their lives, so why not help carry other people's motorcycle to a safe place.

Greer didn't care about the motorcycle at all, and took her directly to the fire escape on the second floor, but how did the motorcycle get there?Daisy didn't inquire, but silently kept this discovery in her heart, and took her mobile phone to report to her father that she was safe.

In the palace of Asgard, Loki's face was almost black as coal. The results of his busy months were all wiped out in just a few minutes, but killing so few Midgardians, and It was discovered that the guardian of Midgard is a guy who wears full body armor, can fly, and has strong attack power.

This is far from what Loki wanted to achieve. He originally thought that he could make a big fuss, and then Asgard sent troops to destroy the frost giants, and 'accidentally' discovered the Jotun Sea that the Kiritas were carrying. Mu and the Kirita people's plan to capture Midgard made Asgard take it seriously.But the plan has just begun, and it is already over, how can Loki not be angry.

At this moment, there was a sound at the door, causing Loki to immediately disperse the water mirror, and turned his head, only to find that Odin pushed the door and walked in, with a gloomy face, looking at Loki's one-eyed eyes full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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