Chapter 56 Intense

However, the whirlwind of antlers used by this wind deer soul master was not as powerful as Shi Shi and Shi Mo imagined. They thought that they would go through some resistance, but they would dissipate in less than a moment.

The tortoise shell lost strength in front of it, and the stone mill was unstable, almost falling out due to inertia, almost becoming a laughing stock.

The soul masters on the other side were all taken aback, the golden sword soul master saw this, and said to Fenglu soul master in a deep voice: "What are you doing?"

The Fenglu soul master's face turned blue, and said: "That kid wearing a mask is weird, my attack power, speed, defense and other physical functions have all dropped by nearly half."

Golden Sword Soul Master's expression was serious, and he said, "Wolf King, get rid of him!"

Xuanhuo Wolf Soul Master's eyes were shining brightly, his eyes filled with bloodlust, he licked his lips and said, "Look, I'm going to eat his flesh and bones!"

After the words fell, the Xuanhuo wolf soul master spread his body and chased Tang Yuan. However, although Tang Yuan was wearing a heavy armor weighing two hundred catties, his speed was not slow, and he had absorbed 20.00% of the body of the Fenglu soul master. Function, the speed at this time is so fast, how can an attack system soul master be able to catch up.

Xuanhuo wolf soul master chased him for a few laps, but still couldn't catch up. Tang Yuan kept leading him around in circles. Xuanhuo wolf soul master was furious, and shouted: "Wu Wang! Give me support!"

As soon as the words came out, the ghost vine soul master said loudly: "Okay! The first soul skill, binding!"

His first soul ring suddenly brightened, and several ferocious black vines sprang out from the ghost vine martial soul, rushing towards Tang Yuan quickly.

Tang Yuan sneered, moved his feet, dodged left and right among the ghost vines, and sneered in his heart: "Hmph, I'm not even afraid of golden needles all over the sky, but I'm afraid of you little ghost vine!"

But Tang Yuan didn't notice that those ghost vines became longer and longer, moving forward and back, making more and more vines around Tang Yuan, almost surrounding Tang Yuan, and forcing Tang Yuan to the edge of the vine encirclement Innermost.

Tang Yuan suddenly realized that something was wrong. He had underestimated the enemy just now, but now he had no way out.

calm down!

Tang Yuan growled secretly in his heart, telling himself to calm down, and trying to calm himself down.

Just when Tang Yuan tried his best to calm himself down and seek a solution, he heard the ghost vine soul master shout: "Second soul skill, ghost vine grows!"

I saw the ghost vines around Tang Yuan suddenly grow several branches quickly on each vine, and the branches grew longer and longer. Around Tang Yuan, the number of ghost vines immediately skyrocketed to double, quadruple, and eight times. , forming an extremely huge and tough wooden net in an instant, enveloping Tang Yuan firmly.

At the same time, the Xuanhuo wolf soul master also rushed to the wooden net, shouted loudly, raised his wolf claws, and was about to kill Tang Yuan fiercely: "The second soul skill , Cracking Stone Claw!"

Seeing that sharp wolf claw with thick flames, it was getting bigger and bigger in Tang Yuan's pupils, and it was going to tear Tang Yuan apart in the next moment!
At this moment, two voices sounded.

"Second Soul Skill, Blue Scale and Blue Poison!"

"The third soul skill, Flying Armor!"

It was too late, but soon, a blue poisonous mist of blue scales rushed towards the Five Elements and Eight Kings team in an instant.

The Xuanhuo wolf soul master paused suddenly, obviously being paralyzed by some green scale and blue poison, his movements were a little slower.

At this moment, Shi Shi's flying armor had arrived, breaking the wooden net that trapped Tang Yuan into pieces.

Tang Yuan immediately got out of trouble, spread out his body immediately, and used the "Impermanence Chasing Soul Step", the speed increased sharply, and he kicked the Xuanhuo wolf soul master's waist, the waist of the wolf-shaped martial soul soul master is the weakest defense Tang Yuan's right leg was like a whip, and the Xuanhuo wolf soul master was hit hard, and flew backwards far away, falling outside the ring.

The host said loudly at this time: "A wonderful scene! A member of the Five Elements and Eight Kings team was eliminated by the King Fighting Team's Killing Hades!"

There were thunderous cheers and shouts instantly on the field.

And looking at Yufeng and the ice and snow bird soul master, they were still fighting in mid-air.

Tang Yuan was about to go to help, and was about to rush forward, but saw a few vines suddenly appearing in front of him, Tang Yuan paused, and dodged sideways.

Just in this gap, I only heard a soft shout: "Second soul skill, strength increase!"

It turned out that the ruby ​​soul master of the Five Elements and Eight Kings team began to assist with soul skills.

At this moment, a ray of red light enveloped the members of the Five Elements and Eight Kings team.

Feeling the soaring strength all over his body, the golden sword soul master laughed loudly: "The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is nothing more than that, it has been suppressing me to fight, now it's time for me to replace you! The third soul skill, Split Light Slash!"

I saw the golden sword soul master, holding the sword in both hands, raised it high above his head, shouted loudly, and immediately slashed at Yu Tianheng.

Not to be outdone, Yu Tianheng shouted, "The third soul skill, Thunder's Wrath!"

At this moment, the blue-purple electric lights of Yu Tianheng's body continued to condense, and a powerful aura oscillated from Yu Tianheng's center, blowing up the long golden hair, and Yu Tianheng's eyes had turned completely blue at this time. Purple, in which electric lights flicker, and a pair of dragon claws seem to have endless power.

Clenching a fist with dragon claws in both hands, the punch is like a dragon, and the dragon fist carries a violent electric light, and it goes straight to the golden knife!


There was a loud noise caused by a collision, with a strong shock of soul power, which made the ring tremble slightly.

Suddenly, a figure flew out backwards.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be that Golden Saber Soul Master!

"Knife King!"

The other members of the Five Elements and Eight Kings team said in unison.

The golden knife soul master couldn't hear any sound at this time, he just felt that his hands seemed to no longer belong to him at this time, and as soon as he met Yu Tianheng, he felt that the hands holding the knife were pressed by a huge force It was numb from the shock, the blade trembled violently, the jaws of the tiger were both shattered, both arms were dislocated by a huge force, the shoulders sank, the chest suffocated, unable to hold back anymore, and was thrown far away by the shock And go!

Of course, Yu Tianheng also suffered some minor injuries, but to him it was nothing more than chest tightness.

"Second soul skill, soul ecstasy!" Tang Yuan seized the opportunity and approached the ghost vine soul master at high speed, reducing the ghost vine soul master's soul power by 30.00%, and absorbed half of it.

Tang Yuan felt that his soul power had recovered a bit, and while the Ghost Vine Soul Master was in a daze, he increased his speed and was about to knock out the Ghost Vine Soul Master as well.

At this moment, the other party's earth bear soul master rushed forward, blocked the ghost vine soul master, and shouted: "The third soul skill, thick earth wall!"

In front of Tang Yuan, a thick and tall earthen wall suddenly appeared, separating Tang Yuan and the ghost vine soul master. Tang Yuan couldn't stop his feet, and forcibly punched a gap in the earthen wall. The earthen debris flew, and the earthen wall shook startled.

At this moment, the Fenglu soul master rushed forward at a high speed: "The second soul skill, blasting wind!"

Out of the corner of Tang Yuan's eye, he saw a bluish-white light rushing towards him from the side.

It's too late, it's too soon.

"The first soul skill, Hard Armor!"

Tang Yuan's eyes flickered, a green light lit up, Shi Mo had appeared beside him, using the tortoise shell to block the attack of Fenglu Soul Master!

"Good job! Brother Shi!"

At the same time, an exclamation sounded, and I saw that the ruby ​​soul master of the auxiliary department had been repulsed by Yu Tianheng, just when the ruby ​​soul master was about to be eliminated——

"The third soul skill, Breaking Wind Kill!"

I saw the phantom of the Fenglu Wuhun behind the Fenglu soul master suddenly exploded, the antlers soared several times in size, a bluish-white light condensed, and on the antlers, wind blades condensed into one after another, the Fenglu The speed of the soul master suddenly increased greatly, and the wind blade killed Yu Tianheng at a speed that the naked eye could not see through!
Yu Tianheng felt the fluctuation of the soul power behind him, and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, his speed could not keep up with the speed of the wind blade, so in a hurry, he could only lift the dragon claw to protect his chest.

At the same time, the wind blade had arrived, and Yu Tianheng felt the sharp attack of the wind blade and the powerful impact brought by the high speed, causing severe pain in his hands and numbness in his arms.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan immediately moved his feet, wanting to initiate a rescue, but a few vines pulled out to stop him, and Shi Mo, who was on the side, also confronted the other party's earth bear soul master, unable to get away at all.

In a moment, Yu Tianheng was blown away by the wind blade and fell to the ground. He suffered some injuries immediately. Fortunately, the dragon claws have a strong defense, otherwise those two palms would have been cut off by the wind blade!

Tang Yuan exclaimed in shock: "Impossible! How can you still have such a powerful speed?"

Fenglu Soul Master sneered, but didn't answer, and rushed towards Ye Lingling at an extremely fast speed!
At this moment, Ye Lingling was using healing soul skills, and a green light shrouded the Huangdou team and the others. Yu Tianheng suddenly felt warm all over, and his soul power recovered a lot, and his arms didn't feel very painful anymore.

Fenglu Soul Master was extremely fast, much faster than Tang Yuan's current speed, and rushed into the rear of the Huangdou team in a moment.

Without saying a word, Shi Mo immediately stood in front of Ye Lingling.

At this moment, Fenglu Soul Master turned his feet, passed the stone mill sideways, and rushed straight to Ye Lingling!
"Second Soul Skill, Blue Scale and Blue Poison!"

Dugu Yan was shocked, and immediately used the second soul skill with paralyzing effect in the fastest time.

And Tang Yuan has also rushed back to the rear with all his strength, intending to block Fenglu Soul Master.

But at this moment, Tang Yuan's speed was no longer as fast as that of Fenglu Soul Master. Although he didn't know why, Tang Yuan put aside all distracting thoughts in his mind and only rushed to the rear.

And Yu Tianheng's speed was extremely poor, and he was too late to return to the rescue. In addition, Yufeng and Shimo were restrained and could not get away. At this moment, only Shimo, Ye Lingling, and Duguyan were left in the rear !

After Shi Mo was swept by Fenglu soul master, he was a little too late to turn around to resist, but Dugu Yan's second soul ability had just been released, and the blue poisonous mist had not had time to rush to Fenglu In front of the soul master——

At this moment, the corner of Fenglu Soul Master's mouth curved coldly, and Ye Lingling's figure was getting bigger and bigger in the pupils of his eyes.

A flat voice sounded: "The second soul skill, Gale Blast!"

At this time, Ye Lingling released the healing soul skill, but it was not completely over yet.

Time seems to be forbidden at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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