Crossing Douluo's Book of Life and Death

Chapter 47 The Birth of a Drunkard

Chapter 47 The Birth of a Drunkard
Everyone came to the door of a very luxurious restaurant. Tang Yuan looked up and saw that carved railings made of jade, gemstones and crystals were all over the gate, walls, and the ground, dazzling and dazzling.

At this time, a sexy female waitress in a cheongsam came forward, and seeing that Qin Ming was older and followed by a group of young people, she knew that he was the leader, so she respectfully said to Qin Ming: "Dear sir, may I ask you?" Do you have an appointment?"

Qin Ming nodded, reported his name, and said, "I've already made an appointment."

The waitress said with a smile: "So it's Mr. Qin, the manager has made arrangements, please follow me."

Qin Ming nodded slightly, and led everyone to follow behind the waitress, went straight up to the second floor, and entered a large box.

In the box, everyone looked around. This box is very spacious, about 200 square meters. Above the center, there is a chandelier decorated with crystals. Under the chandelier, there is a big round table, enough for ten people. There is also a large leather sofa on the side.

It is worth mentioning that on the front and rear walls of the round table, there is also a very huge screen.

Tang Yuan was taken aback, these two big screens are a bit like the TV in the previous life, but this screen is much bigger than the TV in the previous life.

Qin Ming called everyone to sit down, and after a short while, the waiters in the restaurant brought delicious food with delicious flavors one after another, which made Tang Yuan move his index finger.

Soon, all the dishes were served, and there were two bottles of fine wine. Yu Tianheng poured a glass for everyone, including Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan couldn't help being taken aback.

Seeing this, Qin Ming said with a smile: "Xiao Qi, you are 11 years old this year, and you are not yet old enough to drink, but our soul masters have a physique far superior to ordinary people. If you are happy today, you can drink if you want."

Tang Yuan licked his lips. He has not drunk a drop of wine in two lifetimes, and this wine is in front of him, shining like gems, which makes Tang Yuan very moved and wants to taste it.

When the food and drink were ready, Qin Ming picked up the wine glass, stood up, and said, "Students, today we have finished the first stage of training. I am very pleased with your hard work. This glass of wine is a toast to everyone. Congratulations on your strength! further!"

Everyone stood up, held up their wine glasses, cheered endlessly, and responded one after another.

Tang Yuan glanced at Yu Tianheng, saw that he raised his head without hesitation, drank the wine in the glass, and looked at the others, all of them were the same, so Tang Yuan imitated the example and gave the wine glass to When he reached his mouth, he raised his head slightly and poured the crystal clear wine into his mouth. A cool and sweet feeling filled his mouth. Tang Yuan felt refreshed and swallowed the wine in one fell swoop.

It doesn't matter if you don't swallow it, as soon as you swallow it, Tang Yuan felt a burning sensation like a fire irritating his throat, couldn't help it for a while, coughed violently a few times, and his delicate face turned red immediately.

Seeing this, everyone laughed.

Tang Yuan was a little embarrassed and scratched his head embarrassingly.

Yu Tianheng put his hand on Tang Yuan's shoulder and said with a smile, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Tang Yuan nodded and said, "It's really delicious..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Tianheng filled Tang Yuan's glass with wine, then raised the glass and said, "If it tastes good, have another glass."

Tang Yuan had no choice but to raise his wine glass, touched Yu Tianheng, and watched Yu Tianheng gulp it down happily, but in desperation, he had to drink the wine again.

Drinking it again at this time, the burning sensation in the throat seems not so strong, and it also makes my throat feel numb and comfortable. A giant dragon cheered loudly in his chest, Tang Yuan let out a long breath, and the giant dragon breathed out softly from Tang Yuan's mouth along his throat.


Tang Yuan was a little unfulfilled, as if he fell in love with this feeling, so he asked Yu Tianheng for another drink. Yu Tianheng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Tang Yuan to like drinking, so he had another drink with him.

After drinking this, it was like a gate opened to release water, and it was out of control. Tang Yuan seemed to have discovered a new world, and fell in love with this feeling of "swallowing thousands of miles of clouds, and relaxing his chest", so he kept drinking. Find someone to drink with, never tired of it.

After playing a round, Tang Yuan was a little drunk, but his eyes were bright, and he became more and more excited.

It turns out that wine is such a good thing, alas, it was all in vain before.

Being toasted so proudly by Tang Yuan, everyone completely let go. They toasted each other, toasted each other, pushed glasses and changed glasses, and there was even more laughter here. Except for Ye Lingling who was relatively quiet by nature, Dugu Yan, Ye La He drank a lot with Yu Tianheng.

After drinking happily for a while, Qin Ming especially was somewhat drunk. After all, his goal was the most obvious. Everyone offered him a toast for various reasons. The physique is not covered, but the consciousness is still clear.

But Tang Yuan was different, he took the initiative to find someone else to drink, and every time he drank the full cup in one gulp, he was afraid that he would not be able to enjoy himself if he drank less.

After drinking and eating, Qin Ming called the waiters and asked them to turn on the screens on both sides. It happened that everyone was sitting around a table, and there was a screen in front of each of them, which made it much easier to see.

Tang Yuan thought that he wanted to watch TV like in his previous life. At this time, he drank a lot and became more drunk, and said with his tongue out, "Watch... um, what are you watching... TV, don't, don't watch it... come on... ... hiccup... come drink."

Although everyone was not as drunk as he was, they were a little tipsy, and with Tang Yuan's big tongue when he spoke, no one noticed the word "television" he said.

And Shi Mo stood up, put his big palm-like hand on Tang Yuan's shoulder, and said loudly: "Yes! Xiao Qi is right! Drink!"

Both Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo sighed deeply, why did they drink like this.

Shimo's drinking capacity, Shi Mo knows, belongs to the rank of high rank without drinking too much. Originally, Shimo tried his best to control himself when he was sober, so as not to let himself drink too much. However, Tang Yuan toasted back and forth, and Shimo couldn't stand Tang Yuanmo Heck, I had a few drinks with him, and became like this.

But Yu Tianheng never expected that when Tang Yuan encountered wine, he would be the same as seeing meat in the past.

There was a soft "bang", and everyone looked again, Tang Yuan and Shi Mo were lying on the table, falling asleep.

Qin Ming also couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect that Tang Yuan, who was usually a cultivator madman, and a stone mill with a muffled and honest voice, unexpectedly showed such a wild side at this time.

Yu Tianheng called the waiters and asked them to prepare two bowls of hangover soup, pour them for Tang Yuan and Shimo respectively, and let them sleep for a while.

At this time, the big screens on both sides had already been lit up, and a picture appeared on the screen. In the picture was a gentle and lovely girl, holding a microphone in her hand, live broadcasting the scene of the match in the Heaven Dou City Great Soul Arena.

At the scene, the crowd was surging and cheering endlessly. Under the introduction of the host, when the screen changed, it was the scene of the opponents from both sides entering the field.

This is like the TV in Tang Yuan's previous life, but the difference is that the live broadcast of this screen uses the function of soul power transmission, not the current magnetic field.

Except for Tang Yuan and Shi Mo, who were soundly asleep, everyone cheered up at this moment, watching the scene of the spirit fight on the screen intently.

According to the host's introduction, this battle is a two-on-two soul fight, and the two sides are the beast combination and the sword combination. I saw that the beast combination is two burly men, both of them are burly people. The brothers are quite similar in stature, and taller.

As for the combination of swords and swords, there are two people, one fat and one thin. The fat man has a pair of mung bean eyes, and his eyes are shining brightly, while the thin man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his cheekbones are bulging. The knuckles of the fingers are somewhat thicker than ordinary people.

On the surface, this combination of swords and swords is not as powerful as the combination of beasts, but looks like Furui Mubo, but when the combination of swords and swords came out, there was thunderous applause and cheers!

"Swords! Swords!"

"Sword combination! Come on!"

"Sword, sword, unique!"

"Red Knife, crush them!"

"Qingjian, my wealth is all on your shoulders!"

"Beasts, tear them apart!"

"Beast! Beast!"


The voices of shouting and shouting continued for a long time. Some supported the combination of swords and beasts, but judging from the momentum and number of people, the combination of swords and swords was more dominant.

The Sword Combination and the Beast Combination have already stood facing each other. Standing in the field, the host stood on the floating platform and said loudly: "Okay, our contestants, the Sword Combination and the Beast Combination are already in place. I believe everyone is very satisfied." Looking forward to it, then let us take a look at what wonderful performance they have today! Soul fighting! Start!"

As soon as the words fell, there was another thunderous shout on the field.

At this moment, I saw that the beast combination and the sword combination had both activated their martial souls. On one side of the sword combination, the fat man's martial soul was a long red sword, while the skinny man's martial soul was a blue long sword. No wonder it is called a combination of swords and swords.

Look at the combination of beasts again, two burly men, one of them has a martial spirit that is a domineering tiger, and the other has a martial spirit that is a majestic golden lion, one lion and one tiger, it really is worthy of the name to say that it is a combination of beasts .

At this time Qin Ming asked: "Who do you think will win this game?"

Dugu Yan's eyes lit up, and he said, "Did Teacher Qin also bet?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Dugu Yan one after another.

Dugu Yan stuck out his tongue and said embarrassingly: "I'll just ask, ask..."

Yu Tianheng knew what Qin Ming meant and wanted to test them, so he pondered for a moment and said, "I think the combination of swords and swords will have a higher chance of winning. The power levels are not much different, the sword combination is level 38 and level 39 respectively, and the beast combination is two levels 38, so the soul power level does not have a great impact on the outcome between them, but the beast combination Zhanhu Martial souls and golden lion martial souls are both beast souls, and they are beast-shaped martial souls. In terms of physical agility, they are inferior to the combination of swords and swords, so I think the key to winning or losing is here."

(End of this chapter)

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