Crossing Douluo's Book of Life and Death

Chapter 35 Dazzling Nether Wing

Chapter 35 Dazzling Nether Wing

Feeling the powerful force coming from his back, Tang Yuan was overjoyed. He didn't care about the pain on his body. His eyes lit up and he said, "Uncle Ghost, Uncle Yue, what ability does my external spirit bone have?"

Although he has read the introduction books on the external spirit bones, the book only records some types and basic introductions of the external spirit bones, and does not explain the others, because the situation of each external spirit bone is different. As for the function of the externally attached spirit bone, only the soul master who owns the externally attached spirit bone can experience it firsthand. Others will never know it, so we still have to analyze it according to the actual situation.

Of course, the wing-shaped external spirit bone obtained by Tang Yuan is indispensable, and that is the skill of "flying". With this external spirit bone, Tang Yuan obtained the ability of "flying".

This is also recorded in the book, but it is limited to this. As for other abilities, Tang Yuan doesn't know, so he can only ask the two titled Douluo for advice.

Ghost pondered for a moment, then said: "I haven't seen many external spirit bones, including you, I've only seen three so far, I don't know much about it, after all, each external spirit bone has different abilities, and it is the same as the soul. The master itself is closely related, but what I can be sure of is that your external spirit bone can evolve."


Tang Yuan nodded. What Guimei said was correct. The reason why the external spirit bone is so coveted is that it can evolve with the strength of the spirit master!

Yueguan said: "What's the problem? When the owner comes back, let her help you to see. Although we can't know what your external spirit bone is capable of, the owner will definitely be able to help you. "

Tang Yuan asked suspiciously, "My mother?"

Ghost suddenly said: "That's right, I forgot, the owner also has an external soul bone."

Tang Yuan said in shock: "What?!"

Ever since Bibi Dong brought Tang Yuan to Necromancer Villa, she hadn't used her "six-winged purple light wings" in front of Tang Yuan, it was normal if Tang Yuan didn't know.

Yueguan said: "Hey, Xiaoqi, you don't know that the owner's external soul bone is the same as yours, it is also a wing, but the difference is that the winged soul bone of the owner is called 'six-winged purple light wing', which has six wings. Zijin wings, that is, three pairs, and yours is a pair of wings."

Tang Yuan said in shock: "So that's the case, but I haven't seen my mother perform it before."

The ghost said: "That is a big killing move, how can it be used at will, apart from the owner himself, only you, Uncle Yue, Uncle Xiao and I know about this matter in the entire villa, Xiaoqi, you will do the same in the future , unless it is absolutely necessary, do not expose your external spirit bone in front of others."

Tang Yuan questioned: "Why? Isn't the external spirit bone impossible to drop? Even if someone covets it, he can't get it if he kills me."

The ghost shook his head and said: "Sometimes, a person's jealousy will lead people to fall into the abyss. In this world, there are many people who see what they want but cannot get, and destroy it at all costs. Your external spirit bone will make you stronger, and when you become stronger, it will pose a threat to many people, just like your talent, if big forces cannot win you over, in order to avoid receiving your strength in the future If you are threatened by strength, you will be eradicated while you are still fledgling, because the dead are the safest."

After Tang Yuan listened, he was thoughtful and thought about it carefully, and felt that it made a lot of sense.

Yue Guan who was on the side said: "You ghost uncle is right. Although he is usually unreliable, he still has a set of principles when he talks about it. In this world, the situation is unpredictable, so we must learn to protect ourselves. "

Gui Mei frowned upon hearing this, and said, "Yueguan, are you praising me or scolding me?"

Yue Guan cocked her orchid finger and picked the tip of her hair, cast a white look at Ghost, and said, "Praise you!"

Tang Yuan also found it interesting watching the two quarreling, so he smiled and said nothing.

Yueguan said again: "By the way, Xiaoqi, your external spirit bone is very powerful, why don't you give it a name?"

Tang Yuan nodded, and then felt it with his mind.

Suddenly, a mass of black-golden light suddenly brightened behind the back, and the long wings of the pair of black-golden feathers spread out with a "huh", and the pieces of black and gold feathers were intertwined, like pieces of dazzling gold and iron, and like a Dao Nether Blade.

Tang Yuan's eyes widened, and he said, "Let's call it...'Dazzling Nether Wing'!"


After returning to Necromancer Villa, Tang Yuan began to cultivate and heal his wounds.

The damage to his meridians is not very serious, because his physique is strong and his meridians are tough, not only the damage is not serious, but also his self-healing ability is stronger than ordinary people, and the soul of life and death book has a strong life force. With the help of everyone, it only took five days for Tang Yuan's meridians to be repaired, and it was even better than before, the meridians were wider, and the concentration of soul power was much faster.

But Tang Yuan has not fully recovered yet!
In addition to physical damage, the most serious damage is mental power.

Tang Yuan's spiritual power was eroded by the resentment of the two-headed sparrow before his death, and his originally strong mental power was now wilting.

Mental power is not like the meridians of the body, neither has a strong self-healing ability, and the power of life in the book of life and death is useless to it. Tang Yuan can only rely on meditation and time to recover.

In the first few days, Tang Yuan's face was disheveled, without any trace of rosiness, and his mind was dizzy, either drowsy or drowsy, or a sudden flood of headaches, so painful that he wished to bang his head against the wall.

This is relatively light, the main reason is that sometimes he is still in a trance, thinking that he is a two-headed sparrow, being chased and killed, with a look of horror on his face.

Tang Yuan knew the situation, Bibi Dong was not around, and he didn't want Guimei and Yueguan to worry, but once, Tang Yuan fell asleep after eating and eating, and Yueguan and Guigui happened to be visiting. When the two saw it, they were very worried.

When Tang Yuan woke up, Yueguan and Ghost looked at his pale and bloodless appearance, and couldn't help asking.

But Tang Yuan said it would be fine, it would be fine in a few days, but Yueguan and Guimei didn't believe it, so they insisted on writing a letter to inform Bibidong, Tang Yuan had no choice but to do everything he could, and finally got rid of the dubious ghost and Yueguan. dismissed.

This situation lasted for more than half a month. Fortunately, in the next few days, the pain in the head was not as bad as it was at the beginning, and the hallucination of turning into a two-headed sparrow also eased a lot.

This is all due to Tang Yuan's habit of reading books on weekdays. Now that he can't practice, and even going out and walking consumes energy, Tang Yuan simply started to read. During the reading process, Tang Yuan's mental strength is slowly recovering. Although it is not fast, But much faster than normal meditation.


After obtaining the third soul ring and the attached soul bone from Nether Ridge, Tang Yuan had already stayed at home for more than half a month.

At dawn that day, Tang Yuan came back from his cultivation state, took a long breath, and immediately felt refreshed, carefree and comfortable, and the tiredness, weakness, and paleness all over his body disappeared completely.

Today's Tang Yuan is no longer the Tang Yuan of more than half a month ago. Since absorbing the 3000-year-old soul ring of the two-headed sparrow, his soul power has improved by leaps and bounds, singing all the way, and steadily reaching level 32!

And the "Yin-Yang Refining Qi Jue" helped Tang Yuan open up twelve major acupoints because of the terrifying and violent energy when absorbing the soul ring, and also reached the peak of the fourth-level Dacheng realm in one fell swoop. The perfect state of the four layers.

In addition, obtaining the external soul bone of "Dazzling Nether Wing" has greatly increased his strength. Although Tang Yuan has not yet mastered other abilities of this "Dazzling Nether Wing" except for the ability of "flying", but In time, this external spirit bone can definitely become Tang Yuan's big killer!
Soul respect!

A spirit bone attached!

Feeling the changes in himself, Tang Yuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes lit up, and he shot straight into the sky.

Tang Yuan thought: "Now that I have broken through to Soul Master, the Yin-Yang Qi Refining Art has also broken through to the fourth level, and I can continue to practice soul power and Qi refining. By the way, there is also the Judge's Death Sword. Now the Yin-Yang Qi Refining Art has broken through to the fourth level. The fourth floor, I wonder if it is possible to make the judge's life-threatening sword break through to the realm of "broken soul"?"

Thinking of this, without further ado, Tang Yuan took out the judge pen from his waist, and began to dance with each move according to the sword technique of the judge's death-killing sword.

Holding the judge's pen in his hand, the whole person's momentum changed completely, it seemed that the judge's pen in his hand turned into a sharp sword tip, and all the cold light gathered at the tip of the pen, and Tang Yuan's right hand seemed to turn into the body of a sword , sometimes straight and fierce, sometimes agile and changeable, Tang Yuan himself transformed into a sword hilt, a trinity with his right arm and the judge's pen, although he failed to achieve the state of body and mind, he also reached the point where his arms control his fingers.

As soon as Tang Yuan's body moved, the judge pen in his hand immediately stabbed, cut, scratched, and made various movements like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the sound of "whoosh, whoosh" pierced the air one after another.

After practicing for a while, Tang Yuan always felt that there was a barrier in front of him, making it impossible for him to break through.

Shaking his head secretly, he was not disappointed in his heart. Tang Yuan felt that although he had reached a bottleneck, he was still short of an opportunity to break through to the realm of "broken soul" in one fell swoop. Can't break through.

"Forget it, the attack power of the Judgment Slaying Sword in the state of 'Destroyer' is not inferior to that of the soul master level. Although it is slightly inferior to the assault system, I still have three powerful soul skills and impermanence chasing soul steps. The terrifying speed, no matter what, you can fight for a fight, then let's upgrade the soul power and Yin-Yang Qi Refining Art first." Tang Yuan thought carefully.

After daybreak, Tang Yuan got up and went out. In the past few days, he received a letter saying that Bibi Dong and Xiao Han were away, and it would take a while to return. He told Tang Yuan not to wait for them, but to return to the academy first, and then things would be done. After that, maybe take a trip to Heaven Dou City.

After Tang Yuan finished practicing today, there was no discomfort in his body, and all the injuries he suffered before, whether it was physical or mental strength, had all recovered, so he decided to return to Tiandou City early tomorrow morning.

Knowing this, Yueguan proposed to go with Tang Yuan, and even made up an excuse, saying that Tianbaolou in Tiandou City had something to deal with, so they happened to go together.

Tang Yuan didn't doubt that he was there, so he agreed.

 Changed the title of the book from "Crossing Douluo Continent: The Book of Life and Death" to "Crossing the Book of Douluo: Life and Death", and the cover has also been changed, please don't get it wrong.
(End of this chapter)

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