Douluo: Storytelling spoilers at the beginning, shocking Qian Renxue

Chapter 72 In the future of volatility, Shrek is going to lose? 【Recommendation ticket for collectio

Chapter 72 In the future of volatility, Shrek is going to lose? 【Recommendation ticket for collection】

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wu froze on the spot.

Surprise and astonishment couldn't be concealed, and disgust and disgust appeared on his face.

It's really Qian Renxue's way of saying it, it's a bit weird that Shushu is coaxing little Lolita, and the ambiguity is too strong.

After all, she didn't know that the prince in front of her was actually a sister Yu, and she thought that the other party was plotting something wrong.

"No, take care of yourself first."

"This girl has hands and feet, so she won't worry about strangers."

"If you have free time, you can go to the Element Academy, there are many girls in it."

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, with the temper of a rogue rabbit, he might have dunked him straight away.

But he didn't give a good face, and left to the other side after speaking, not even waiting for a reply.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue just smiled casually.

He didn't stop him, and let the other party drift away.

The beautiful eyes hidden under the skin showed a pensive expression, still concerned about what the other party did in and out of Lin Yun's room that night in Tiandou City!

"Ahem, what's wrong with me."

"Lin Yun's private life has nothing to do with Miss Ben."

"Even if Xiao Wu is really the takeaway that guy ordered, it was before the date."

"Let's concentrate first and listen to what's going on later, how can you be influenced by men!"

Sensing her mood swings, Qian Renxue hurriedly restrained herself.

He raised his head and stared at the high platform where Lin Yun was sitting.

Even though she warned herself, there was still subconscious expression between her brows, mixed with a look of admiration and anticipation, which she didn't even notice.

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yun to know, he is too busy to continue storytelling at this moment, so he has no time to pay attention to Shrek's misfortune.

"The battle started, and Hu Liena and Xie Yue directly merged."

"Bet on the reputation of the Wuhun Hall and the three rare spirit bones, I have no intention of underestimating the enemy."

"In this battle, Shrek's disadvantage is quite obvious, but there is still a countermeasure, that is the Purple Demon Eye that Lin mentioned in Tiandou City."

"This move can see through illusions. It once helped Tang San kill a certain Illusion Flowing Soul Sage. It can also penetrate the mist of [Yao Mei]."

"In addition, the food-type soul master among the seven monsters may not be familiar to everyone, but he possesses a rare group soul skill, which can help his teammates rise into the sky together and avoid the martial soul fusion skill!"

The tactics mentioned by Lin Yun are exactly the established development of the original book.

However, the two sides have not yet considered.

So after hearing these words clearly, both Wuhundian and Shrek showed astonished expressions.

The former was just a little surprised and didn't expect to have such a hole card, while the latter was almost crazy.

Oscar's flying soul ability is a way for them to hide it all the way until now, and to catch them by surprise.

However, Lin Yun seemed to be talking nonsense, so he fully exposed this trick, can it still be fun!
In addition, the same is true of Ziji Motong. Although it has been explained in the past, Wuhundian may not pay attention to it, but now it is equivalent to public execution.

Losing these hole cards, what advantage do they have against the three soul kings of the golden generation? How can they win the championship?

"It's over, it's over, you bastard Lin Yun!"

"Xiao Gang just said last time that the Purple Demon Eye might be the key, but I didn't expect it to be completely leaked before it played a role."

"Have Zhuqing and Rongrong come back? Did Xiao Wu say just now that she knows the weakness of the golden generation, so hurry up and find them!"

Flender's scalp was numb, and only then did he remember Xiao Wu's goodness.

No matter what Lin Yun said, they couldn't stop it.

Now that the hole cards have been revealed, they can only make mistakes. At least to be fair, they must know the principle of [Yao Mei].

Obviously just now, he was still questioning the source of the news, but he didn't care about it for a moment, wishing to know the information immediately.

Still regretting in his heart, he knew that he would not have treated Xiao Wu so harshly and coldly, at least wait until she finished speaking before scolding her.

"Dean, it's useless to be anxious."

"Keep listening, maybe Lin Yun will mention it."

"The process is actually not important, the key lies in the result. It stands to reason that he will announce the outcome..."

At this time, Dai Mubai became calm instead.

No matter how much he resisted Lin Yun, he had to admit that the prophecy was accurate.

According to past practice, he will tell the answer after describing the climax.

Hearing this, the others nodded in understanding.

Indeed, the most important part has not been said, and there is no point in panic now.

"The advantage of the Wuhun team has decreased, Tang San still has the Eight Spider Lances."

"With the help of the power of the external spirit bone, we can barely fight with brothers and sisters. This wave is called self-binding."

"In the state of fusion, the two of them can't use other soul skills, but they have fallen behind, and the crushing force has turned into anxiety..."

"In this battle of peak geniuses, the gap between the two sides is very small. It is not surprising whoever wins and loses. Lin will let it go first."

"After all, it's the final, so I leave it to everyone to confirm such an interesting suspense, so I won't spoil it anymore."

However, Shrek, and even the other old listeners, did not expect it at all.

At this point, Lin Yun stopped abruptly, revealing a weird smile.

This time, he is not going to reveal the answer, it seems like he wants to show off?
Immediately, the noise detonated the audience, and everyone muttered, this is too much to tantalize!

"Good guy, be a human being!"

"Although there were suspense in the past, I didn't play like this."

"My heart is in my throat, and I'm just... speechless."

"Please don't, sir. I beg you to talk about it later. I really want to know the result."

"The strongest dark horse Shrek, or the defending champion Wuhundian, who will win? I still want to buy peripherals..."

After all, I have heard about Lin Yun's deeds.

Even new listeners understand that this is a big shot.

If you want to talk, you can talk. If you don’t want to, no one can force you, so you have to be careful about complaining, and by the way, have a bit of begging.

I mistakenly thought it was a storyteller, and the usual method of attracting blank space was just to make them come back next time.

Not to mention that ordinary audiences think so, even Shrek and his party, Ghost Chrysanthemum Douluo, Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue also have similar thoughts in their hearts.

But I don't know, this time I really misunderstood him.

It's not that Lin Yun doesn't want to show his cards, but he really doesn't know.

Just now, at the same time as Tang San's purple magic pupil and Oscar's flying soul ability were revealed.

Somewhere, there seemed to be a certain traction that suddenly appeared in his consciousness, giving an indescribable revelation.

I can't tell the truth, but I can be sure that it really exists, not a fantasy.

And the perception fed back to the depths of his soul gave him a mysterious illusion, realizing that he might touch the source.

"Could it be that the topic I just talked about caused a strong butterfly effect?"

"The exposure of Shrek's hole cards made them no longer have a chance of winning, and the direction of the story reversed."

"Perhaps this time, the winner of the All-Continent Soul Master Elite Tournament is no longer the original Shrek Academy, and the three spirit bones have not been lost."

"I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet. After all, this kind of situation still occurs... It's interesting. I don't know if this will cause a chain reaction and lead to greater changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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