Douluo: Storytelling spoilers at the beginning, shocking Qian Renxue

Chapter 23 If I punch this one, you will definitely die 【Please collect recommendation tickets】

Chapter 23 If I punch you, you will definitely die 【Please collect recommendation tickets】

One after another, exclamations came from the mouths of the major forces.

The stronger you are, the more you can understand how terrifying it is.

Yueguan and Ghost have been famous for decades, and they are Pope Bibidong's right-hand man.

In addition to the hard power of level 94, it also possesses an extremely effective martial soul fusion skill called [Bipolar Static Domain].

It may not be particularly difficult to suppress one of them, no matter whether it is Sword Douluo Chen Xin or Bone Douluo Gu Rong, there are ways to do it.

But if they join forces, the difficulty will increase exponentially. This is the point where everyone is really shocked after witnessing this situation.

"This guy Lin Yun actually fought against Ghost Chrysanthemum Douluo at the same time, and he seemed calm, as if he didn't use his full strength at all."

"Just talking about this performance alone, it has already surpassed half of the titled experts. I didn't expect there to be such masters in the world."

"Sovereign, are we going to help, or..."

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Among those gathered right now, Sword Douluo Luo Chenxin is the strongest.

Similarly, he also understood the situation on the court the most, with excitement shining in his eyes.

Surprised and amazed, but not the slightest panic, and even eager to try, giving birth to a fighting spirit.

As a swordsman, what he pursues is to meet his opponent, and his interest in Lin Yun suddenly increased, and he could not wait to end the duel immediately.

"Help? Who do you mean to help?"

"Wait and see what happens, and find out the reason."

"Whether it is Wuhundian or the mysterious Lin Yun, they are not on the same side as us."

"It's also good to let them bite. More information can be collected so that we can weigh how to deal with the latter."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi showed a playful smile.

Shaking his head to stop his actions, he stared at the field with scorching eyes.

Although it is not clear where Lin Yun came from, and why he lived in seclusion in Tiandou City.

But as long as he has a bad relationship with Wuhundian, he is a potential wooing target, and he can't wait for him to kill two elders on the spot.

If this is the case, it will definitely cause a huge sensation. At that time, the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect can represent the royal family, throw an olive branch and tie it to the chariot.

Of course, Lin Yun would not do this, it was not in his vested interests.

At the same time as all kinds of exclamations came from all directions, he had already easily charged up.

Instead of punching him immediately, he floated in mid-air with great interest, looking down at Ghost Chrysanthemum.

Seeing this, the latter was under tremendous oppression, gritted his teeth and insisted on mobilizing his soul power.

The static domain of the two poles is not an attacking soul skill, strictly speaking, it cannot cause damage.

But the most powerful thing about this thing is that it is absolutely impossible to break the confinement within the so-called range.

During the process, any spellcasting action can be interrupted, leaving the target in place.

Juhuaguan and Guigui cooperated tacitly, instantly comprehended Jiyou's mind, felt the terror of Lin Yun's fist strength, and decided to use it to see the tricks.

Since the power is stored, it means that this trick is not easy to use, as long as it is broken once, it will definitely fail.

At that time, he can advance, attack, retreat or run, and the initiative will be shifted to himself, so that he will not be led by Lin Yun.

"Old ghost, it's now!"

"The only chance, if you don't succeed, you will succeed."

"If Lin Yun can catch it, we will run into the crowd and drag those onlookers into the water."

"No matter how strong this guy is, how could he still dare to act recklessly and cause public outrage!"

Chrysanthemum cares about her active thoughts, and secretly sends a voice transmission to remind her friends.

As he said that, the soul power around his body exploded.

A brilliant golden light bloomed from his body surface.

While forming a powerful momentum, all nine spirit rings were lit up, making the scene extremely spectacular.

Next to it, the ghost performed a similar operation, and the energy that was originally as black as ink turned into a silver flame in this instant.

The two sides looked at each other, and the gays in the gay clenched their hands tightly, and they gradually began to merge.

Such a picture, although there are so many masters around, few have actually seen it.

I couldn't help bursting out with even greater emotion, and even applauded, as if watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Immediately, the nearby air became cloudy, as if only gold and silver were left in the world.

A total of eighteen soul rings condensed into a huge two-color halo, spreading towards the surroundings.

Wherever he passed, time and space were stopped, and his breath pointed directly at Lin Yun in the mid-air.

As for Juhuaguan and Guimei, their figures disappeared instead, and they seemed to be integrated into the soul skills.

"Old Bones, what do you think of this move?"

"To be honest, if I were standing in Lin Yun's position, I'm afraid it would be difficult to resist."

"Ghost Chrysanthemum's martial soul fusion skill has already reached the level of distorting the rules, no wonder Bibi Dong regards her as a confidant."

"Forget it, let's see how this person responds first, I just hope it doesn't just turn around like this."

Along with the discussions, the golden and silver light wheels approached quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yun had already appeared.

With the enveloping momentum, everything around it was frozen.

There are obvious energy fluctuations, aiming at his fist that gathers soul power, trying to disrupt the energy of heaven and earth.

At this time, if it were an ordinary soul master, even a Titled Douluo who didn't know it, would definitely fail due to the freezing of time and space, resulting in the collapse of the soul skills.

It's a pity that these two goods have counted thousands of times, and they didn't count that someone is different, or the effect of [Absolute Domain] completely crushes any rules.

When the fluctuations in the [Polar Static Field] approached to a certain extent, Lin Yun finally made a move.

There was no sign of being imprisoned at all, and the fist gathered terrifying energy and waved forward.

The movement is very slow, the range is not large, but it shows the courage of breaking through the bamboo, and there is no chance to interrupt and stop it.

In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth turned into a gust of wind, howling and sweeping across the gold and silver double rings, which were split by countless light blades, forming countless gaps.

Even before Lin Yun's fist touched the martial soul fusion technique itself, it had already turned into a broken star, crushed into slag.

The soul skill failed, and the ghost of Juhuaguan, which had disappeared, also reappeared.

There was bewilderment and disbelief on his face, and it was completely unexpected that the stunt that he was famous for could be cracked so easily?
From the beginning to the end, the other party did not know what they had done, and it can be said that the loss was inexplicable.

Of course, now is not the time to think about that.

Seeing that the plan failed, Juhuaguan was the first to react.

That menacing fist has a strong meaning of death, and it must not be taken hard.

Just as he was about to try to flee to the crowd, he suddenly discovered that something had happened again, and the soul power he had managed to mobilize disappeared again.

In terms of body, even the hands and feet began to go numb, and it was difficult to leave the place for a while, as if it was not Lin Yun but himself who had just been immobilized by the [Bipolar Static Field]?

Thinking about it, the whole person froze for a few seconds.

When he came back to his senses, the casserole-sized fist was close at hand.

It's just that it didn't bombard it, but stayed at the tip of the nose as if playing a game.

Even though the berserk energy flows wantonly around the five fingers, there is no trace of leaking out to hurt the target, which shows the ability to control it.

"If I punch you, you will definitely die."

"Go away, go back and tell Bibi Dong, if you have any questions, you can ask them in person."

"I'm a little interested in her, maybe I'm in a good mood, and I'll answer a few questions..."

(End of this chapter)

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