Chapter 91

Seeing Yu Yeer's fully armed attire, Wang Tongtong didn't show any surprise on his face. He glanced at Yu Yeer calmly, Wang Tongtong looked away calmly, and said lightly, "Want to drink?"

Wang Tongtong's calm appearance made Yu Ye'er raise his eyebrows amusedly, "Yeah! Let's have some together!"

With that said, Yu Ye'er took out two bottles of red wine from the wine cabinet in the room, "Red, is that okay? I'll go and change my clothes first."

"Okay, I'll open it, and you go change your clothes." Seeing the wine, Wang Tongtong was a little happy, hurriedly got off the bed, picked up the wine, and studied it carefully.

By the time Yu Ye'er changed her clothes and came out, Wang Tongtong already had almost a glass of red wine.

"Come on, I'll pour you wine." Seeing Yu Ye'er coming out, Wang Tongtong poured red wine for Yu Ye'er with a smile, and then added some ice cubes to the wine to make the wine taste more mellow, "Okay."

Taking the red wine from Wang Tongtong's hand, Yu Ye'er silently took a sip of the wine.

After taking a sip of wine, Yu Ye'er felt his body was slightly hot. Looking at Wang Tongtong who had already drank three or four glasses of wine, Yu Ye'er couldn't bear it, so he rarely promised, "If you want to talk, I will listen. If you don't want to, then I will drink with you until you are happy."

"Thank you," Wang Tongtong, who drank three or four glasses of wine, didn't expect Yu Ye'er to be so careful and delicate, and his heart warmed up. The defenses built up in his heart during the day gradually disintegrated, and he slowly talked about himself story to come.

The two of Yu Yeer and Wang Tongtong spent a night full of feelings with the wine and the past bit by bit.

When Yang Caihua and Liu Li woke up the next day, they saw two 'drunkards' sleeping soundly holding wine bottles.

After this incident, the rest time is over soon and the class will start again.

Yu Ye'er's fame in the school gradually spread after the basketball court incident, so Yu Ye'er received all kinds of looks as soon as he entered the school.

Ignoring these unimportant matters, Yu Ye'er went directly to her classroom and sat in her seat.

It has been a while since Si Yinli left without saying goodbye.

Apart from being angry at the beginning, Yu Ye'er is now a little helpless and sad.

However, just today when Yu Yeer was going to continue to miss Si Yinli in class, there was an unexpected surprise waiting for Yu Yeer.

Because just today, there was an extra letter on Yu Ye'er's desk.

If he hadn't been familiar with the handwriting on the envelope, Yu Ye'er would have thrown the letter into the trash can long ago.

During Si Yinli's absence, the beautiful Yu Ye'er received some love letters.

However, Yu Ye'er, who was already in an irritable mood, was not in the mood to read any letters at all.

Seeing this letter, Yu Ye'er didn't tear it up immediately, but stared at the letter.

Yu Ye'er seemed to take this letter as Si Yinli, and then fought against him.

In the end, it was Yu Ye'er who was the first to lose, pouted, Yu Ye'er reached out to pick up the letter a little anxiously, and then began to open it eagerly but carefully, "Do you want to be so nostalgic? Obviously we have WeChat, and why not?" So~"

Before Yu Ye'er could say what came next, it got stuck in his throat.

Yu Ye'er couldn't believe what he saw!
Turns out, that's why he's gone.

(End of this chapter)

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