The naughty princess married to

Chapter 77 Playing Basketball

Chapter 77 Playing Basketball

By the time Fan Ning left, Fan Kun's mood had improved a lot. His decadence was swept away and he returned to his previous handsomeness.

Not bringing anything at all, Fan Kun drove directly to the airport, ready to fly to Yu Ye'er.

Auntie is right, so what if you are engaged, you can still get divorced after you get married!

With such thoughts in mind, Fan Kun started acting as a demon full of fighting spirit again.

As usual, Yu Ye'er waited until the first class was over in the morning and came to the classroom before the second class started.

After getting along with each other for a period of time, the students in class F also have a certain understanding of Yu Ye'er.

The hostility at the beginning also gradually faded away in the daily relationship.

After all, they are still teenagers, how can there be so much hatred, it is nothing more than the peculiar secondary school of adolescence.

Time flies, and next week is the first midterm exam for the third year of high school.

This midterm exam is a very important exam for senior high school students who will take the college entrance examination next year.

If you pass the midterm exam this time, then work harder in the next time, and you can basically get into a good university.

Then, if you do not do well in the midterm exam, there is still time. If you don’t know how to do it, study hard, make up for it, adjust your mentality, and actively prepare for the exam, maybe you can go to college!

However, this is not 100%, the point still depends on the individual, and a little bit of luck.

The students in other classes in the third year of high school are all studying hard. Only, the students in the third year of high school in class F have no pressure at all, and they should do whatever they want.

Yu Ye'er, who was engaged, didn't care anymore.

Anyway, my mother is engaged, so it can be regarded as enough for half a meal ticket, so let's just forget it if I can't pass the college entrance examination.

Ha ha, of course this is Yu Ye'er's angry words.

In fact, even if Yu Yeer wasn't engaged, she wouldn't be hungry, because Zongzheng Linglong had already arranged everything for Yu Yeer.

According to Zongzheng Linglong's words, as long as Yu Ye'er doesn't work too hard, the family's assets are enough for her to squander her whole life.

The situation of everyone in class F is basically the same. They all have a little money at home, and as long as they don't work too much, they are all the kind of people who can't starve to death.

So, the college entrance examination or something, so hard to do.

That's what the first heir of the family and those who expect to change their destiny should do.

The second child who is rich and free can eat and drink.

It was another self-study class in the afternoon, and the boys in the class proposed to play basketball.

"I'll participate too," Yu Ye'er said when the boys in the class were organizing a basketball game, "Let's have a game!"

As soon as Yu Ye'er finished speaking, the noisy class fell silent instantly.


After that, there was a huge burst of laughter.

However, the laughter was not very malicious, it was purely funny.

Although class F is quite open, no woman has ever played basketball.

It's not that girls can't play basketball, but Yu Ye'er's small body doesn't look like a basketball player.

However, since Yu Ye'er spoke up, the students in the class smiled and let Yu Ye'er join in the basketball activity.

With Yu Ye'er's participation, most of the students in the class decided to join in the fun and have a look.

Facing everyone's suspicious or watching eyes, Yu Ye'er was very calm.

It's time for my sister to come out of the rivers and lakes again and create legends.

It just so happened that Yu Yeer's clothes were casual and sporty today, so she didn't need to change clothes.

After Yu Ye'er has warmed up, he can go on stage directly.

(End of this chapter)

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