The naughty princess married to

Chapter 5 My Grandma's

Chapter 5 My Grandma's
As the most famous Jinyu High School in Zhe Province, Class F of each grade is its characteristic class.

Where is the feature!

The students with special features are of all kinds.

Of course, there are also its class rules, which are different from other classes.

In class F, as long as you are strong enough, you can rely on your own strength to convince the classmates in the class, and then you can be the monitor (laoda) of the class, so that you have a certain amount of power in this class and status.

Moreover, not only in the class, but also in the school, the principal and teachers of the school will also give a certain amount of freedom to the monitor (laoda) of Class F.

Therefore, when Yu Ye'er came, he was going to be the boss of Class F.

Since you are going to stay here for almost a year, you should create the best conditions for yourself so that you can stay comfortably and comfortably.

At the end of a day of campus life, Yu Ye'er was slumped in the back seat of the car without any image.

After taking out her mobile phone and making a call, Yu Ye'er put the mobile phone on her ear, and her liberated hands fluttered in mid-air.

After the call was connected, Yu Ye'er immediately acted like a baby to the person on the other end of the phone, "Grandma, I'm very angry, very angry, you took me to such a place I'm not familiar with so quietly."

It's a pity that Zongzheng Linglong, who is familiar with Yu Ye'er's personality, was not moved by Yu Ye'er's coquettishness at all, "Yu Ye'er, if you don't come here, you can't get enough of it with your little force value. It doesn't matter if you are not familiar with it. You'll get used to your boisterous nature soon."

Yu Ye'er, who was not comforted, wanted to cry but had no tears.

However, it was the little witch, the little ruffian, and Yu Ye'er recovered quickly.

"Hehe! Grandma, you are really my dear grandma. Don't worry, I will have a good life here and will not let you down. At that time, I will invite you to come over as a guest!"

If soft is not enough, then hard.

In Yu Yeer's words, he had already met Zongzheng Linglong.

I am not a good baby, a good student, if I do something in school, then the teacher, I don't want to find my parents!

Dear grandma, just wait for the teacher's call!

When the time comes, I will definitely greet you personally.

"Okay! I'll wait!" Zongzheng Linglong replied conceitedly, how could she lose to her granddaughter as a grandma.

"Then grandma, just wait! Goodbye!"

Too lazy to say anything to his stupid and violent granddaughter, Zongzheng Linglong didn't even bother to say goodbye, and hung up the phone arrogantly.


Hearing the cold hang-up sound from the mobile phone, Yu Ye'er was so angry that he didn't jump up, he almost lifted the roof of the car off.

My grandma's!

Fortunately, Aunt Yang at the side saw that something was wrong, so she stopped the impulsive Yu Ye'er, "Princess, calm down, Eldest Princess, she loves you very much."

"Hehe, Aunt Yang, you have said these words no less than a thousand times, but every time you get slapped in the face, have you forgotten?" Yu Ye'er, who was stopped, had a stinky face and a very rude mouth, "Now, My grandma will hang up on me ruthlessly, and she can't do anything next! Wow——!"

In the first half of the sentence, Yu Ye'er said it angrily, but in the second half, he became more and more wronged, and at the end, he couldn't help crying.

"Okay, the princess will stop crying, stop crying." Seeing Yu Ye'er crying aggrievedly, Aunt Yang couldn't help but sighed softly in her heart, hugged Yu Ye'er who was crying, and patted Yu Ye'er on the back , to comfort Yu Yeer.

(End of this chapter)

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