Chapter 142

Although there were not many memories in his mind before, this did not prevent Si Yinli from displaying his ingenuity.

People like Si Yinli are probably here to abuse people!
In such a situation of unhealthy health, no money and no contacts, he just made his first pot of gold in just one month.

In fact, Si Yinli didn't know why he did this.

Originally, according to Si Yinli's current situation, he could get some money from the Si family.

However, Si Yinli did not do this.

Even if he doesn't remember the past, Si Yinli still has an indescribable anger in his heart.

So what if there is no Si family!

Si Yinli earned back the money that was supposed to be earned.

With money, things will be much easier to do.

Some equipment, some equipment, can also be bought with confidence.

In the process of walking outside, it is always a happy thing to meet a place you like and stay for a while.

This small noodle restaurant on the street seems to have a flavor that makes Yu Ye'er reluctant to leave.

So, Yu Ye'er, who originally wanted to go outside and have a look, stayed in this small noodle shop.

These days, Yu Yeer is helping out with some work in the noodle shop, looking at all kinds of little people eating in the noodle shop, and listening to their stories.

This kind of slow-paced life full of mundane atmosphere is particularly novel and interesting to Yu Ye'er, who used to live in the intriguing, luxurious and corrupt upper class.

And here is the freedom that Yu Ye'er has always longed for.

Helping in the noodle shop, when tired, Yu Ye'er would talk to the couple, and then take a walk outside in his free time.

Without any purpose, without any plan, Yu Ye'er really walked casually.

Such a lazy and slow life made Yu Ye'er discover a lot of interesting things.

However, today, something unpleasant happened to Yu Ye'er.

No matter how good the folk customs in a place are, there will still be a few annoying people trying to destroy these good things.

When Yu Ye'er left the noodle shop as usual, he was going to take a walk around and feel some winter bleakness.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man who looked gentle stopped Yu Ye'er.

Yu Ye'er, who was stopped, was a little displeased, but Yu Ye'er didn't speak or make a move.

After all, Yu Ye'er was in a good mood and didn't want to be rude to others.

However, even if Yu Ye'er didn't care, this man was still clinging to Yu Ye'er.

Yu Ye'er turned to the left, the man also turned to the left, Yu Ye'er turned to the right, and he also turned to the right.

Being entangled again and again, Yu Ye'er's inner anger slowly came up, and she glared fiercely at this elegantly dressed man, but with evil and blatant eyes.

After being glared at by Yu Ye'er, the middle-aged man was still not afraid, and continued to follow Yu Ye'er shamelessly.

Yu Ye'er, who was being followed, was furious. Seeing that this man was still stalking him, he directly stretched out his hand and prepared to send this lifeless middle-aged man as far as he could.

However, what Yu Ye'er didn't expect was that this man seemed to be a practicing family man, and when faced with Yu Ye'er's half-attack, the man fought back without hesitation.

For a moment, two people, a man and a woman, a middle-aged man and a young man, fought together.

However, even though the man had practiced, after a few minutes of fighting with Yu Ye'er, he gradually lost his strength and lost the battle.

Yu Ye'er is not polite at all to those who ruin his good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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