Chapter 113

Unfortunately, not only did Yu Ye'er not explode, but he became more and more silent.

The old lady Si and Zongzheng Linglong asked Yu Yeer not to interfere in the search for Si Yinli, but Yu Yeer was also very obedient and did not interfere again.

Yu Ye'er's life seemed to be back to normal, but more peaceful.

After two days of recuperating at home, Yu Ye'er started to go to school again.

Now it's the end of the term, and there are two weeks before the college entrance examination.

Yu Ye'er, who had lost almost ten catties during this period, returned to school and started going to school.

With Yu Ye'er back, Wang Tongtong, Yang Caihua and Liu Li are naturally very happy.

It's just that seeing Yu Ye'er who was different from usual and calm, the joy of the three of them was dampened.

Yu Ye'er was so depressed and quiet, Wang Tongtong, Liu Li, and Yang Caihua tried their best to make Yu Ye'er happy.

Knowing the painstaking efforts of the three of them, Yu Ye'er also cooperated to have fun.

However, seeing Yu Ye'er working so hard to smile, the three of them didn't want to make Yu Ye'er laugh like this.

It's so uncomfortable to watch, it's better not to laugh!
Days passed by.

Yu Ye'er seemed to have forgotten about Si Yinli, and lived his life as heartless as before.

The final exam is coming soon.

Yu Ye'er's grades were not very good, so even when it came to the final exam, Yu Ye'er was very calm.

Anyway, that's it, and I'm not afraid of getting worse.

In fact, for the scumbags, exams are equivalent to sleep.

The multiple-choice questions in the exam, the composition or something, just a few sentences, it’s almost the same, and the rest of the time is sleep time.

Exam, no, it should be three days of sleep, this semester is finally over.

In the practice of Jinyu High School, there is no habit of making up lessons after the first half of the senior year.

This is a high-end private high school, and the school's school spirit is relatively free and open.

This kind of atmosphere is very good for students who like to learn.

It’s even better for people who don’t like to study. No one is forcing you to do something. If you want to learn, you can learn, and if you don’t want to learn, don’t learn.

This also led to the serious polarization of Jinyu High School's academic performance.

Those who like to learn, study well.

Those who don't like studying, their studies are so poor that they can't read.

After three days of intense exams, the entire Jinyu High School suddenly became deserted.

Because these many students have already returned home with a lot of money.

After returning home, students who love to learn continue to read books and do questions, reviewing or previewing carefully.

Those who do not love learning still do not love learning.Throwing away the books, carnival to the fullest, swaying the unique vitality and blood of youth.

Before the holiday, Wang Tongtong planned how to play.

So as soon as the exam was over, Wang Tongtong teamed up with Yang Caihua and Liu Li, and took Yu Ye'er directly for a walk-and-go tour.

Because the test results have not come out, there is no way to use the results as an excuse to ask for more pocket money.

Wang Tongtong, Yang Caihua, and Liu Li didn't ask for much at all. They only took what was left from last month, plus the pocket money they just got this month, and started traveling willfully.

Just go and go!
Wait until you have money before leaving, when will you have to wait!

What's more, it's interesting to travel without any plan and only with a small amount of money.

No one knows what will happen at the next stop, what will be waiting.

Perhaps a surprise, more likely a shock.

But what are you afraid of!
(End of this chapter)

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