After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 980 I Suspect You Empathize With Others, Crush Me

Chapter 980 I Suspect You Empathize With Others, Crush Me
Don't know if it's true or not.

He should have known.

But he didn't say anything.

Zhao Chumian simply ordered a few dishes, "Miss Yi, what do you need from me, just tell me."

Yi Mili said, "My contract with Weixing is about to expire. Recently, Weixing has left a lot of people. I want to sign with Weixing."

Although Lu Jin has his own studio, he also owns shares in Weixing.

This way, you can get closer to him.

Zhao Chumian's official answer, "It can be discussed, and the company needs to consider it."

"it is good."

Although there is no certainty, considering the two words, it is beyond Yi Mili's expectation.

Perhaps, soon he will be in the same company as Lu Jin.

After a simple meal, Zhao Chumian called Yan Fanzhou in the bathroom.

On the other side of the phone, Yan Fanzhou said with a careless tone, "Xiao Chuchu, do you miss me?"

"Let's meet."

"Okay, where do you want to meet?"

Zhao Chumian stared at the mirror, did Sheng Xifang make Du Zhao follow her on purpose?

If she meets Yan Fanzhou, he will know immediately.

Without waiting for her answer, Yan Fanzhou asked, "Xiao Chuchu, where are you now?"

"Women's bathroom."

"That's not a place I can go..." Yan Fanzhou smiled, "But it doesn't matter where you go to do bad things."

"Go to my company, Du Zhao follows me, you park the car in the basement."

She thought of a way to distract Du Zhao.

"There's a thrill of stealing a kiss...I'll do it."


Who cheated on him?

think too much.

She hung up the phone and left the bathroom.

Back at Ximian Building, she saw that there was no Yan Fanzhou's car on the parking lot outside, so she went in with confidence.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Zhao Chumian said flatly, "I want to take a lunch break, you can go to Secretary Zhang to find you a room."

"Sister-in-law, just take a rest and leave me alone."

Du Zhao watched her enter the office, turned around and entered Secretary Zhang's office.

"Elizabeth Zhang, have you figured out your ideal type?"

The heartbroken Secretary Zhang suddenly heard his voice and turned her head in surprise.

Du Zhao stared at the starlight in her eyes, "What's your expression? Didn't think about it?"

"Think about it..."


"Tall, rich and handsome."

"more specific!"

He put one on her directly according to the template.

How tall, rich and handsome.

She couldn't be specific, and the specifics were exposed.

They haven't met a few times, she doesn't like Du Zhao.

She suddenly discovered a blind spot, "Why did you introduce someone to me?"

"Looking at your mother's womb solo, it's a bit pitiful."

Secretary Zhang: "..."

Can we still communicate happily?

She glared at Du Zhao and started making up.

At the same time, Yan Fanzhou pushed open the door of Zhao Chumian's office with his long legs, his phoenix eyes sparkled, "Xiao Chuchu..."

Zhao Chumian sat on the sofa, her exquisite and beautiful face was cold at the moment, and those eyes stared at him.


It wasn't the look he was expecting.

He closed the door and locked it.

Zhao Chumian frowned.

Even if the door of her territory is locked, Yan Fanzhou can't do anything to her.

"Xiao Chuchu, where did you go yesterday?"

Yan Fanzhou walked straight in front of her, leaned over and approached her, "Huh?"

Zhao Chumian pushed him displeased, "Keep your distance, does Young Master Yan like to get so close when he talks to others?"

He sat next to him, "You are different from others."

When Sheng Xifang left last night, he guessed it.

Sure enough, she was not missing.

She just didn't want to talk to Sheng Xifang for a moment.

"Xiao Chuchu, if you stare at me like this, I suspect that you have empathized with someone else and have a crush on me."

(End of this chapter)

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