After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 915 Sister-in-law eloped with Lu Jin?

Chapter 915 Sister-in-law eloped with Lu Jin?

Although she was wrong.

But she really didn't mean to.

And she saved it, she sent grandma away in time.

"Brother, today is sister-in-law's birthday, she will definitely come back, don't worry." Sheng slowly bit the straw.

too difficult.

Grandma said things she shouldn't have said.


Should she tell her brother?
Du Mu put the monitoring of the parking lot in front of Sheng Xifang's eyes.

She walked with Lu Jin.

Been gone for an hour.

After she was angry last time and refused to put on a position, he was not so quick to find her now.

"Boss, Ms. Zhao's red Maserati is easy to identify, do you find her now?"

Sheng Xifang looked at the screen, his eyes turned cold.

They grew up together, she can walk the red carpet with Lu Jin, Lu Jin can live in her house unscrupulously, even in Zhao's house, Lu Jin can come and go freely like a half master, even her brother, I prefer Lu Jin.

Her family and friends all like Lu Jin.

Don't like him and don't want them together.

If it wasn't for having a child, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother might not even want to look at him more, and they wouldn't let him take care of her last year.

Wouldn't she be happier with Lu Jin?
Sheng Xifang didn't speak, the air pressure in the whole room dropped several degrees.

"elder brother……"

Sheng slowly hesitated and said, "This time it's grandma's fault. My sister died that night, and it has nothing to do with sister-in-law. She slandered sister-in-law casually, and sister-in-law may be a little unhappy..."

She couldn't hold back.

Grandma, I'm sorry, this is indeed your fault.

My sister-in-law just gave birth to a baby, how could she do that kind of thing.

She never believed that her sister-in-law did it.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Sheng Xifang gave her a cold look, "Du Mu."

Du Mu immediately understood, "I'll investigate right away."

The two quickly left the room, Sheng rubbed her hair slowly, she dared not say...

Because she was afraid that her brother would send someone to do it, so as to avoid future troubles.

Night fell quietly, but the protagonist was not seen in the birthday party hall for a long time.

Yan Fanzhou crossed his long legs and turned his head leisurely, "Your brother and Xiao Chuchu are still nursing the baby?"

Sheng shook his head slowly, "I don't know, my sister-in-law went out in the afternoon, and my brother also went out..."

She was suddenly startled, if her elder brother went to find his sister-in-law, the two of them would not come back.

What should I do?
"Brother, if they don't come back, or else, celebrate your birthday early!"

Yan Fanzhou looked at her starry eyes, and flicked her forehead with his fingers, "How many people in Shangjiang City do you think would believe that Sheng Xifang would celebrate Yan Fanzhou's birthday for me?"

It is impossible to think with your toes.

It can be done in her novels.

Sheng propped his chin up slowly, drawing circles with his fingers on the table boringly, it still smells like novels, she can write whatever she wants.

She suddenly caught a glimpse of Sheng Xifang's figure.

But why is there only one brother!

As soon as he came, the atmosphere in the hall changed, and even the melodious piano sound came from the stage.

"elder brother!"

Sheng slowly looked behind him, there was really no one behind him.

Lu Jin hasn't come yet.

Sister-in-law eloped with Lu Jin?

As soon as this idea came out, Sheng Huanxuan was taken aback.

Impossible, she still has children, how could she elope with another man...

Sheng Xifang came over.

"Why are you alone, Xiao Chuchu?" Yan Fanzhou tilted his head, "Oh, she finally saw your true face and abandoned you..."

(End of this chapter)

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