Chapter 835 Mad at her ex!

Zhao Chumian asked a few words about Tang's father's condition with concern, and then they went downstairs together holding Tang Jie's arm.

The two walked and stopped at the same time.

In the hall, another woman in a long skirt walked in beside Fu Jiangli.

Zhao Chumian was surprised, and slowly turned his head, "Tangtang?"

What's the situation?
What happened to them?
Didn't tell her!
The woman was still holding Fu Jiangli's arm, and Fu Jiangli looked down at her.

Depend on!
I can't help it!

If Sheng Xifang dared to do this, she would definitely break his leg!
Zhao Chumian went downstairs excitedly, Tang Jie grabbed her hand and shook her head.

"Mianmian, don't go..."

"What's wrong? You broke up?" She lowered her voice.

"Well, well..."

It's not even a breakup.

Tang Jie didn't want to look, "Let's go find the baby!" Tang Jie held her hand tightly, "Let's go, just pretend you didn't see it."

"Tangtang! What's going on?"

On the green lawn, Tang Jie walked very fast, and her complexion didn't look very good.

Zhao Chumian grabbed her and hugged her, "It's okay, just cry if you want..."

Tears rolled in her eyes, and she hugged Zhao Chumian tightly.

Men are dogs!
Find other lovers so quickly.

And it wasn't Sammon.

It's someone else!
Haven't seen it before.

Tang Jie felt unspeakably uncomfortable, but she had no position to take care of Fu Jiangli.

She hasn't seen him since she came back, and she didn't come to pick up the things Fu Jiangli left in Songyu Yipin.

The two chose not to meet each other with a tacit understanding.

She also didn't know that Fu Jiangli would come tonight.



"Someone is watching the baby, I will accompany you to relax." Zhao Chumian patted her shoulder lightly, "We are beautiful, without him, there are many other people! I will introduce one to you now!"

Tang Jie touched her tears, "What?"

"He has a new love, so we must too! Compete to see who is better off! The ex is such a creature, you can't get used to it!"

Just like Sheng Xifang, when he ignored him, he started to scratch his heart and lungs.

It's the cheapest!
Unreachable is always in turmoil.

"But, I, I can't..."

Tang Jie was still a little dazed, she walked up to Song Qiwang with teary eyes.

"My girlfriend is broken in love..."

Song Qiwang glanced at Tang Jie, then stared at her again, "so?"

"You comfort her, act as her boyfriend, and piss off her ex!" Zhao Chumian patted his arm, "Do me a favor."

"Okay! I won't delay!" Song Qiwang readily agreed, "Who is her predecessor?"

"Fu Jiangli."

Song Qiwang frowned, never heard of it.

Shouldn't be difficult.

"Then you guys talk, I'll go find Quiet..."

If Fu Jiangli still had Tangtang in his heart, he would definitely be very angry when he saw her with other men.

You will find that you still can't do without her, and the person you love the most is her.

Then it will be reconciled.


Song Qiwang took advantage of the situation and handed her a glass of wine, "When you are sad, drink a glass of wine."

"Thank you."

She took a sip and looked down at the wine glass, "Mr. Song, go and do your work, I'm fine..."

"That won't work! I promised my sister-in-law!" Song Qiwang lowered his head, "Girls want to be beautiful, beautiful, what ex, ex-husband, let their scumbags regret it, so, Miss Tang, the tears in your eyes are gone!" Get up and put on your makeup."

Tang Jie obediently turned around and began to touch up her makeup.

In the distance, from Fu Jiangli's point of view, the two were very close, and Song Qiwang was still looking down at her.

Although he couldn't see the eyes, he knew how attractive she was.

I wanted her to take the initiative to come to him and tell him what happened.


She was already with another man.

"May I ask, Fu Jiangli is here today?"

(End of this chapter)

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