After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 789 Chen Man's Small Body Shrunk in a Dimly Lighted Corner

Chapter 789 Chen Man's Small Body Shrunk in a Dimly Lighted Corner

In the hospital ward, the new male model Ji Chen was lying on the hospital bed with a plaster cast on his leg.

Is it that serious?

How tall is that runway?

" did you get hurt so badly...are you okay?" Zhao Chumian looked at him with concern, "Will it affect your future career?"

Ji Chen was a little vain in his heart, thinking that she was a shrewd and wise female president, but he didn't expect to be a beautiful silly white sweet, so easy to deceive.

"It may take a while to recuperate. My seriously injured." Ji Chen's voice was weak.

"Really? That's too pitiful..."

Zhao Chumian looked sympathetically, "You are so weak, you should not be in the mood to accept the reporter's interview."

Ji Chen froze for a moment, "No, no..."

"That's good. I will arrange it here. We signed the contract before. The behavior you should know has caused great damage to our brand image. What about this..." Zhao Chumian looked at his legs, " No, I'm still worried."

Ji Chen looked at her puzzled, and, what's wrong...

"Don't worry, I won't ask you for compensation, it's my own carelessness."

"Compensation?" Zhao Chumian smiled, "You are wrong, you are the one who compensates me for my loss."

Ji Chen: "..."

"Why, didn't you pay attention when you signed the contract?" Zhao Chumian tilted his head, "I invited an orthopedic specialist to check your leg personally. If your injury is really serious, let's discuss about compensation... ..."

Ji Chen became excited, "This is the first time I've heard that I was injured, it was a work-related injury, and you actually want me to compensate you!"

"Look at my leg. There is still a plaster cast on it. You have to find another doctor to check it. Mr. Zhao, do you think I will lie to you?"

"It's not a lie. I believe you are really injured. I was worried about your injury, so I called an expert." Zhao Chumian smiled, "Doctor, come in."

An old white-haired doctor in a white coat came into the ward. His hands were behind his back, and even his eyes showed the majesty of a medical master.

It is the kind of expert that will be introduced on the wall of the hospital.

Ji Chen was a little flustered.

But he couldn't escape.

The doctor tapped his leg with a small hammer, and his leg bounced naturally.

Then I touched it a few times and looked at it a few times.

"Young man, you are not sick!" The doctor looked at him with a mellow voice, "You are young, why are you pretending to be sick!"

"Doctor, how could he pretend to be sick! He fell from a one-meter-high catwalk..." Zhao Chumian smiled slightly, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"How could this old man make a wrong diagnosis!" The doctor showed displeasure, "This plaster cast can be cast immediately. Putting a plaster cast on a good leg is very bad for the muscle tissue, and it may be scrapped..."

"He's not afraid of being abolished!" Zhao Chumian stared at Ji Chen with beautiful eyes, "Isn't it, Mr. Ji?"

"I, I was wrong..."

"I really didn't mean to!"

"Mr. Zhao, listen to my explanation! Someone asked me to do this!"

"Oh...then I'll be all ears..." Zhao Chumian glanced at the phone, "But I'm going to dinner, so hurry up and tell me."


In a box in Busenlis, Chen Man's small body was huddled in a dimly lit corner.

She looked at the men in front of her, her head was dizzy.



What is Mu Sijian capable of?
How could you feed a girl that kind of food?
"Long Man..."

Mu Sijian lowered his head, "Why are you not so irritable tonight? En?"

(End of this chapter)

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