Chapter 46 7000 Weibo Followers!
Zhao Chumian deliberately didn't go to the hospital where Wanmei was, and followed Tang Jie obediently for the examination.

A few days ago, who would have thought that she would turn from 18 to 23 when she woke up, and she would come for a pregnancy test!

After some tossing, it was noon.

She handed over all the checklists to Tang Jie for safekeeping, except for the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Said that she had low progesterone and needed flavonoid capsules.

"This kind of thing... I wouldn't dare to think about it a few days ago." She put the medicine in her bag in despair, "I'm a young and beautiful girl..."

How did you get pregnant!
Then a little bit of something big, in her stomach.

Tang Jie looked at her with concern, "Shall we continue in the afternoon?"

"Why are you still here? I've already checked..."

"Check your brain."

"I really can't do anything about amnesia..." She took Tang Jie's hand, "Just let me go, okay?"

Even if she really becomes the 18-year-old Zhao Chumian, they are still good sisters with a deep relationship that will not change.

He was just worried about her current situation, if she lost her feelings for Sheng Xifang, would she continue to stay in the Sheng family.

And the little life in the stomach.

"I should be Mr. Sheng's." Tang Jie said with a serious expression, "Last month, Mr. Sheng went on a business trip to the United States, and you went to the show too. It will take about three days."

"I was going to the United States to go to college..."

Tang Jie said seriously, "You went to college in the United States."



It's hard to say.

She may have been on it, but now she has not.

So, did she travel to a parallel time and space?
I hope that the 23-year-old Zhao Chumian in that time and space will go back to the past, remember how miserable he was in love, and will deliberately run away from Sheng Xifang, and will not pursue him foolishly when he meets him.

She is happy.

I have suffered myself.

Seeing her crying, Tang Jie thought she was still thinking about Sheng Xifang, "If you want to find Mr. Sheng, I just asked for you. He is going to play golf this afternoon."

Zhao Chumian glanced at the scorching sun, and shook his head decisively, "I have thin skin and tender flesh, so I can't get it out of the sun, so I won't go."

Don't even go in the sun.

What's so good about Sheng Xifang?
Apart from being handsome, taller, in better shape, with better hands, wealthy, and powerful, there are no advantages.

The two sat in the car, Tang Jie took off her high heels and changed into flat shoes to drive.

Traffic was heavy in downtown on Saturday.

Especially now is the noon rush hour.

The car drove slowly and steadily.

Zhao Chumian rolled her eyes, staring at her profile, "Are there any other men by my side?"

"Yes, there are quite a few, partners at work, and Lu Jin! You also often get together."

She lowered her head and searched for Lu Jin's name on the phone, and a picture of a man in a floral shirt and a handsome pose came out. That handsome face showed a charming smirk, and he could feel his seduction through the screen.

Weibo fans 7000 million!
She asked lightly, "Is he... on fire now?"

"He used to be hot too." Tang Jie smiled, "Only you don't think he's hot."

Lu Jin is not only a child star, but also the second generation of stars. His mother is a superstar of the last century and has made many movies. She is now the eternal white moonlight in the hearts of middle-aged men, and his father is a famous singer. The song is still sung and circulated.

He debuted with the fame of the second generation of stars since he was a child, from the age of 6 to now 24 years old.

He is the youngest winner of the three grand slam awards in Hua Country.

"After all, I grew up together, and he is not a star in front of me." Zhao Chumian pressed it, and the screen of the phone went black, "It can't be his, we are buddies!"

We stayed together during adolescence, and if we had feelings, we would have had our first love long ago.

Tang Jie smiled, "It's possible. Lu Jin has debuted for so many years. As far as I know, he has never been in a relationship, and he hasn't even had any scandals. He can keep himself clean in the big dye tank of the entertainment industry. I think he might like you... ..."

Just as he was talking, Zhao Chumian's cell phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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