Chapter 35 Are You Following Me?
"No... yes." The corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, "You guys definitely haven't finished talking just now, let's continue..."

Under the dim light, her delicate and glamorous face turned slightly, her eyes glanced at Sheng Xifang who was on the sofa.

Did she misunderstand something?
Thought they were talking business?

He took a step forward, lowered his head to her ear, and blurted out in a pleasant voice, "Xiao Chuchu...I would rather talk to you."

Do you want her to divorce Sheng Xifang quickly?
"Let me think about it..." She walked around him nervously and walked towards the rooftop.

The night wind blew her cheeks, and the stars in the night sky were dim.

The party behind him was lively again.

Sheng Xifang doesn't like her so much, divorce is a matter of time.

She is a good child with adult beauty.

But not ready to be a single mom right now.

She couldn't help leaning closer to the edge and looking down.

The floor of the villa is higher than that of ordinary buildings. It is already a miracle that Wanmei is still alive after falling from the height of four floors.

Suddenly, her body leaned forward, getting closer to the ground.


She screamed in fright, her heart pounding.

"let me go……"

Yan Fanzhou let go of the hand holding her back, and then lazily clasped it, "Why, do you want to jump down and try?"

She was afraid of heights, so frightened by him, her heart began to palpitate.

Her calf suddenly went limp, and she retreated weakly.

The back of her head hit something hard, and she looked up, staring at Sheng Xifang's protruding Adam's apple and smooth jawline.

She barely leaned against him to stand firm, her heart was beating so hard that her chest was heaving and heaving.

He pinched her slender waist with his cool palm, and said in a clear voice, "How did I remind you?"

He says……

Ready to collect her body at any time.


Did he think that if she hurt Wan Mei because of jealousy, she would also hurt Yan Fanzhou?

He thinks too much.

She can't hurt.

At first glance, Yan Fanzhou was a ruthless master.

Just perfect for him.

"I..." She bit her pink lower lip, "Now remember."

"Look, you scared her..." Yan Fanzhou leaned against the pure white carved fence, "His face turned pale..."

"Who is scared, you don't know?" Sheng Xifang said coldly, looking down at her, "Stand still."

"I'm not feeling well, so I won't bother you..." She forced a smile on her face, her legs were weak, and she walked away slowly.

She glanced back quietly, and the two handsome men looked at each other, with sparks in their eyes.

This is……

Suddenly, Sheng Xifang turned around and walked towards her.



brother, brother...

You are going wrong!

As soon as she walked out of the roof, Sheng Xifang's tall and tall figure followed.

"Are you following me?" She chuckled, "I see happy birthday on the hanging balloons, you can't go now, can you?"

He had no expression on his face, "I'm going to wash my hands."


why would……

She understood, didn't she just help her up...

Does he have a cleanliness?

The two went downstairs together. Looking down the spiral staircase, they also felt scared.

She held the armrest tightly, and said calmly, "I'm going to touch up my makeup too..."

"Brother Sheng, you left early last night. If you leave early tonight, can we still be brothers?" Chen Mei stood at the stairs and looked at the two of them with a smirk. If you can't stay, your room is cleaned, go back quickly..."

"..." Zhao Chumian was slightly taken aback, "Did he misunderstand?"


Isn't Chen also jealous?

"Actually, I don't discriminate against your feelings at all. If you were honest with me, maybe I wouldn't marry you like my grandma said..." She said softly, "Over the years, with I'm with you, you're in pain too, don't worry, I'll take care of it, luckily it's not too late..."

She looked at him sincerely, "You must bravely pursue your own happiness..."

Sheng Xifang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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