Chapter 342 She really is a cheap woman!

Zhao Chumian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Sheng Huanhuan's voice.

When we just left, I asked her to ask the student's person in charge to uphold justice, and it finally came.

The crowd dispersed along a road, and a middle-aged bald man walked in hurriedly.

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, "School, principal..."


Zhao Chumian was slightly surprised, she said to find a person in charge, but she didn't expect Sheng Huanxuan to be so helpful, so she invited the principal directly.

The principal looked at Zhao Chumian apologetically, "Miss Zhao, are you okay?"

"Something happened."

The principal was stunned, and looked at the stunned student opposite, "Which college do you belong to? Are you from our school?"

"Principal..." The two students lowered their heads.

Dare not to say much.

The word principal broke his heart as a principal!

How could he have such a stupid student.

Wouldn't it be better to say that he is not from this school, so that he will lose less reputation?

When he thought of that noble and extraordinary Young Master Sheng calling him, his heart trembled three times.

"Apologize immediately!" the principal yelled, "Do you have the quality? You really should be sent back to your mother's womb and reeducated! You are students, not social scum, and not outside gangsters. What you do is worse than gangsters!"

"Principal..." The two girls lowered their heads, "We... no, it wasn't on purpose."

"Apologize! Hurry up!" the principal said majesticly, "I made such a big mistake at the beginning of school, and the two of us will record it as a big mistake."

Remember it once you hear it.

The two girls immediately apologized to Zhao Chumian.

"And them." Zhao Chumian pointed at the staff next to him with his sun hat.

Their weak mosquitoes apologized, "I'm sorry..."

"Who can hear such a small voice?" The principal's face was slightly angry, "Speak up!"



"We were wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Zhao Chumian asked softly.

This is aggressive, grab them and hold on, right?
It really is a cheap woman!

She said reluctantly, "I shouldn't have tricked Lu Jin, and I shouldn't have scolded you in front of you..."

"It seems that I still don't know how to repent..." Zhao Chumian looked at the cosmetics scattered on the ground, "Principal, should the two of them push it, should they be wiped clean and put on it again? And my staff's clothes are all dirty Now, I have to pay, one compensation is not too much, right?"

Ten for one?

Did she rob?

The girl glared at her in disbelief.

The principal twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, "Miss Zhao, these are what they should do. I'm really sorry that there are such impolite students in our school. It stands to reason that I should expel them, but it's their first offense. For the sake of sincere apology, just give them a chance."

When the two students heard the word expulsion, they were so scared that they held each other's arms.

They can never be fired.

"Miss Zhao, we really know we were wrong..." The two apologized again, and immediately squatted on the ground to pick up the product.

Secretary Zhang stood behind Zhao Chumian, Mr. Zhao is amazing...

Even the headmaster can invite her to speak for her!

Mr. Zhao is her idol!

Zhao Chumian slowly took the mobile phone in the video from Secretary Zhang, "Fortunately, you two apologized well, otherwise this video will be posted on the Internet, and the reputation of the University of Commerce will be completely ruined..."

The two looked up in fright, the phone screen was facing them just now.

The pictures of their aggressiveness just now were clearly captured.

This woman is really powerful!

No wonder she can hook up with Lu Jin even as a married woman!
A cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the principal beside him, "Miss Zhao, the video can be deleted, can it be deleted?"

"I can delete it..." Zhao Chumian swipe the screen with her finger, "You don't need to delete it."

The principal was agitated by her words, "Miss Zhao..."

"Principal, as long as they don't continue to be demons, it won't spread, at least not from me." Zhao Chumian smiled, and put the phone in her bag.

As soon as she arrived, she handed the phone to Secretary Zhang.

Preserving the evidence is the best.

At the same time, it is also a reminder to the principal that there are so many people watching, there should be others who recorded the video.

The principal turned his head and glanced at the parents of the students who were watching, and found that many of them were holding mobile phones. There is no need to upload it on the Internet and become a topic of conversation among other netizens after dinner."

Then those people started to delete the video, after all they are business students.

The alma mater itself can slander, but others absolutely cannot.

Not far from the boulevard, Sheng slowly looked at his brother's stern face, "Brother, why don't you go there in person?"

(End of this chapter)

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