Chapter 325

She turned her head, "Brother..."

Sheng Xifang frowned, "En? What do you call me?"

He didn't want to be her brother at all.

"I didn't call you. I said I miss my brother..." Zhao Chumian tilted his head, and his voice was soft, "I miss him so much..."

"If you miss him, go see him."

"See?" Zhao Chumian smiled, "You know I can't see him, but you blocked me, you accompany my brother!"

"The doctor said you can't get excited." Sheng Xifang leaned over, "As for your brother, I'll think of a way."

As far as my brother hates Sheng Xifang, what can he do?
The thought of being blackmailed by his brother made Zhao Chumian extremely annoyed.

"Boss, lunch." ° came in with two big food boxes, "Miss Zhao, get well soon..."

"I'm not sick." Zhao Chumian sat up, "But thank you anyway."

"It's all what I should do." As soon as Du Zhao saw the faint smile on her face, he felt ashamed of her.

If I had investigated earlier and found out that she was the woman who spent the night with the BOSS tenderly.

Maybe there will be no divorce.

The BOSS didn't send him to the frontier, he was an angel.

Du Zhao looked back at the boss, and it seemed that he had grown wings on both sides of his back.


Not white.

is black.

How could the BOSS be an angel...

His not being a devil is the greatest kindness to this world.

Zhao Chumian got out of bed, sat on the sofa and looked at the dishes on the table, his mouth moved, but he didn't have much appetite.

"I do not want to eat?"


"Must eat."

"The doctor said not to kill me...Order me to make me feel happy..." She leaned lazily on the sofa.

It was the first time in his life that he set the table.

She didn't show any face.

Sheng Xifang walked to her side, and lowered his clear voice, "Then what do you want to eat?"

"Sour and hot noodles."

"You don't want to eat delicacies, but you want... hot and sour noodles?"

Zhao Chumian raised her head, "I want to eat..."

The soft voice made him lose his resistance in an instant, "Okay, let's go buy it right away."

He took out his mobile phone and sent Du Zhao a message, "What else do you want to eat?"

"Fried dumplings, cabbage and pork stuffing, the fried skin is golden yellow, and it also needs to be served with hot and sour dipping sauce."

While she was talking, he was typing.

After speaking, he sent it to Du Zhao.

She thought she was not interested in the food in front of her, but she still picked up the spoon and scooped up a little rib soup.

Sipping the soup in small sips, she glanced at his neck unconsciously, the fingernail marks...

She caught it?

He frankly turned his neck to let her see more clearly, "You scratched it."

"You deserve it."


"Your child's father, doesn't he deserve it?" She touched her belly, "I didn't even ask you to take care of me..."

"I can take care of you."

It’s over.

This guy just wants babies.

Is it really a test tube baby?

He is not yet 27, so why are you in a hurry to find an heir?
he is sick?
She changed the subject with a smile, "If you can let my brother contact me, I... will feel happy, and naturally it won't hurt..."

Zhao Suoxuan even blocked his own sister, let alone his disliked ex-brother-in-law.

But what she wants, he always has a way.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would miss Zhao Suoxuan so much.

Worrying becomes sick.

When you couldn't love him at the beginning, did you feel depressed?
Du Zhao quickly bought the hot and sour noodles and steamed dumplings that Zhao Chumian wanted to eat.

She only ate one steamed dumpling, and she didn't eat it if she didn't like it.

It's hot and sour powder, I ate a clean one.

She has a good appetite.

I just don't know if the hot and sour powder is dry or not.

When sending her back to Song Yu Yipin, Sheng Xifang couldn't help but frowned, but his face was extremely cold, "How do you think about moving?"

"talk later……"

Zhao Chumian opened the car door and got out.

She didn't say a word of farewell, and in the dark place of the garage, he saw a figure jumping up to her side.

It turned out that Lu Jin was waiting for her, that's why he got out of the car so anxiously.

Du Zhao turned back to stare at him, "Boss, do you have changed recently?"


"It's become more human than before... So, in order to reward the boss for a major change, how about we go see Dr. Chu?"

Sheng Xifang leaned against the back of the chair, staring at him with light eyes, "Who gave you the courage to make up your own mind?"


He was wrong.

"Go wherever the boss says." He turned around resignedly.

(End of this chapter)

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