After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1462 Pregnancy Test Stick Two Bars

Chapter 1462 Two bars on the pregnancy test stick
Back in the bedroom, Chen Man saw the pregnancy test stick on the coffee table.

And there are several.

She also tested several in the villa before.

As expected of Chen Mei.

Don't believe the result of one.

"If I'm not pregnant, do you agree to respect my opinion? Chen Mei, you just want a child!" Chen Man took the pregnancy test stick and slowly opened it.

"Even if I am pregnant, there is no guarantee that I will give birth to a boy! If I give birth to an heir, what if I give birth to a daughter?"

Chen Mei stood beside her, "Even if she has a daughter, she will still find a son-in-law in the future, and I will help her choose carefully."

Chen Man laughed as soon as he heard it, "Are you sure our daughter will be obedient?"

"It seems not sure."

Will be rebellious.

Like Chen.

Like him also rebellious.

Chen Wu fondly stroked her hair, "It doesn't matter, both sons and daughters are fine, as long as there is an heir, but son-in-law is not, she can go to the father to keep the son and have a baby."

She joked, "Your family has a throne to inherit! You need an heir..."

"If you don't inherit, will someone visit the graves of both of us in the future and burn paper money to collect the corpses?"

"You are older than me, and you smoke and drink. You must die before me, so you don't need to worry at all. I will collect paper money for your corpse and make you a rich man below. As for me, I can donate my body. It is said that those volunteers will sweep the tomb every Qingming Festival, and they are more filial than children." Chen Man said plausibly.

"No, you have to be buried with me."

Chen Man: "..."

What age is it?

Still buried together?
"I'm going to test it..." Chen Man stood up holding his pocket, "There are so many, do you want to test them all?"

"Test one or two."

If so, continue testing.

if there is not……

Never mind.

Chen Man went into the bathroom, because she knew the result a long time ago, so she was not nervous and did not go out, she just sat on the toilet and played with her mobile phone.

Looking at the couple photos posted by Lu Jin and Shen Yan, she clicked her thumbs up.

Lu Jin posted a frontal photo of the two of them under the fireworks.

What Shen Yan posted was a frontal photo of the two of them, still under the fireworks.

The difference is that the light of fireworks is different.

One is green.

One is red.

It looks very beautiful.

It's quite romantic.

mock up.

Chen Man hummed a song, and 15 minutes later, she got up and looked at the pregnancy test stick.



"Ah ah ah..."

How can it be?


Two bars!

She tested with a test strip before and she was clearly not pregnant!

Obviously it is one!


This is impossible.

Must be wrong!
Chen Man excitedly took apart the two pregnancy test sticks and retested.

Chen outside the door didn't hear the movement inside her. He moved the door, but couldn't open it.

"Manman, what's wrong?"

"Manman, what's the result?"

"Chen Man! Answer me."

He got fierce.

Chen Man was sitting on the toilet, holding a two-bar pregnancy test stick in a daze, listening to Chen Mu's voice coming in from his left ear and out from his right ear.

How could this be?
The pregnancy test paper has not expired, why is it not accurate!
She doesn't want to get pregnant!


"I didn't seem to be very accurate in the test just now. I'll take the test again. Don't worry! Wait quietly..." Chen Man had a bitter expression on his face.

"You fucking don't talk, I thought you fell in."

How could she fall into the toilet!
She might fall into the maelstrom of parenting!

It's all because of Chen Mei!

Because Chen did not!

She will be pregnant in the Mood for Love!



Two bars!
In fact, it is not necessarily accurate.

maybe just...

The test is wrong.

She doesn't know what to believe now.

Another 15 minutes passed.

Chen Man looked at the pregnancy test stick in his hand, it had two bars.

These two bars.

This is also two bars!

Both are two bars! ! ! !


She rested her head on her hands, "No..."

No no no no!

Do not!
This is not the result she wanted!

Chen Man collapsed.

She couldn't believe the fact.


Both the pregnancy test stick and the pregnancy test strips are fake.

None allowed.

Chen didn't stand at the door for half an hour, and when he heard the movement from inside, he actually started to get nervous.

Just now Chen Man seemed to be screaming inside.


Just scream.

He didn't know now if she was screaming with joy or with anger.

I'm happy if I'm not pregnant.


Angry about being pregnant?

Before Chen didn't have time to think about it, the door opened.

Chen Man hung his head, dragged his heavy steps, and slowly opened the door, "I'm coming out..."

"what's the result?"

Chen Man slammed his fist on Chen Mei's chest, "Bastard! Shameless! Du Mang! Two hundred and five!"

"You! Your uncle!"

"Chen Mei! Are you sick!"

"You lunatic!"

"You pervert!"

"You actually poked a hole..."

"You are shameless, you give me back my youth! Mmmmmmm..."

"I'm gone, I'm gone, look, you go in and see..."

Chen Man cried, "Two bars, actually two bars..."

Her slender and slender figure is gone forever.

woo woo woo...

Who can accompany her in her youth!

Who are you looking for?
Chen didn't hug her, "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..."

Chen Mei gently touched her back, "Baby, baby, Manman, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"I won't dare again in the future."

"What the future! I'm pregnant now! You can't touch me anymore!!!" Chen Man cried and leaned on his chest, "Ah..."


"Chen Mei, you scoundrel!"

"You bastard!"


At this time, the wife is right to scold everything.

It was indeed his fault.

He is not human.

He used dirty tricks.


Chen Man cried hard.

Chen didn't hold her, and anxiously went to see the results of the pregnancy test stick.

Several pregnancy test sticks were scattered on the sink.

Two bars in one color.

Chen didn't look at his eyes straight, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"stop laughing!"

"You actually laughed!"

"Chen Mei, you can actually laugh!"

The more Chen Man thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, and bit him through his shirt.

"Now it's a joke for others to see me. They have all given birth. Now I am alone, I am pregnant alone, and no one is with me..." Chen Man hugged him and climbed up.

Chen didn't drag her buttocks, "I'll accompany you, your husband will accompany you!"


What's the use of his company.

a man.

And women are different.

Not a pregnant mother.

woo woo woo...

"I don't believe it! Maybe the test was wrong!" Chen Man wiped away tears, "Unless you go to the hospital for an examination!"

"This result should already be obvious." Chen Mei smiled badly, "Baby, you are pregnant, and you have our own flesh and blood in your stomach."

(End of this chapter)

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