After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1460 No, no, I'm not pregnant!

Chapter 1460 No, no, I'm not pregnant!
"I'm not pregnant!" Chen Man glanced at him, "No!"

If she is really pregnant.

There is no such good fruit as Chen Mei!
How dare you put on a condom!
"They all have children, you don't envy me, I envy..." Chen Mei's eyes showed a trace of worry, "I don't have children, look at them, my age is holding babies in their hands."

Chen Man glanced, "No! Lu Jin is not! He is not married yet, and neither is Song Qiwang!"

"They're all younger than me."

It seems that Chen Mei's age is about the same as Sheng Xifang's.

Two children versus no children.

kid that thing...

Not fun.

When she thought of pregnancy, she would have a big belly, and she would have to breastfeed in the middle of the night, and because the child would become ugly and out of shape.

"You're so envious, why don't you go hug their baby and experience what it's like to be a father. It's best to change a diaper, wash your butt, and put you to sleep." Chen Man pushed him, "Go! Go! Go, go and try, do you want to be a father!"

"Suddenly I don't want to."

"Can't someone do those things?"

He knew that Sheng Xifang took care of everything with his own hands.

Do you spoil your child that much?

It is just another independent life.

Not particularly fond of children.

What others have, he also wants to have.

He just needs an heir.

"It's ok..." Chen Man hugged him, "It's ok, can I ask for life by the way?"

Chen did not hold the hand on his waist, "No."

The country doesn't allow it.


No, no, no.

Chen Man was a little disappointed, "Don't worry, I'm willing to give birth to you."

"I'm not worried."

If she really doesn't want to have a baby, she can only think of other ways.

But it may not be possible to poke holes in the future.

Fortunately, not very angry.

After hugging for a while, Chen Man let go of Chen Mei.

She walked over and picked up the poured wine on the table.

Just brought it to my mouth, I hesitated for a moment.

She let it go again.

She touched her stomach absently.



Why do I become more and more afraid.

feel more...

Perhaps, is it not impossible?
Tang Jie was holding a child in her arms, and Zhao Suoxuan was also holding a child in her arms.


Sister Mianmian also has a child.

What do you mean now?
Their age has transitioned to getting married and having children, and they are going to be mothers. Can't they live for themselves?

Chen Man rushed to the bright villa.

Zhao Chumian held Sheng Xifang's arm, and the two walked down talking and laughing.

"Manman, what's wrong with you?"

"Sister Mianmian..." Chen Man went upstairs with a smile, staring at her eagerly, "Mr. Sheng, can I borrow your wife?"


Sheng Xifang left generously.

Leave space for both of them.

"Do you have a pregnancy test stick or a pregnancy test strip?" Chen Man asked anxiously, pulling Zhao Chumian upstairs, "I'll take a test."

"you are pregnant?"

"I don't know, I didn't, I..." Chen Man sighed, "What should I say! Chen can't afford it without him! He engages in sneak attacks, he's not human!"

Why do these words sound familiar?
"I'll look for it, maybe there are some that didn't work before." Zhao Chumian glanced at her flat belly, "If you get pregnant, what are you going to do?"

"Of course... give birth! Then hand it over to Chen Mei, torture him to death, and let him take care of him! Give him everything, that's only fair. If you have a life, someone will take care of you! Otherwise, I won't give birth!" Chen said Man rubbed his belly nervously, "I hope not! I hope not! God bless! God bless!"

It seems that Manman really doesn't want children!
Chen Mei still has a long way to go.

Zhao Chumian took two pregnancy test strips from the bedroom and gave them to her, "Check to see if any have expired."

"The shelf life is 18 months, and there is still one month left to expire! I'll go and test it!" Chen Man got into the bathroom.

Zhao Chumian sat on the sofa playing with her mobile phone and waited for her.

With just one swipe, I came across Lu Jin's Weibo post today.

[Lu Jin: It's finished, you can look forward to my new song, with lyrics and music @沉颜. 】


Lu Jin...

you can!

It's too spoiled.

Also a little rebellious.

Many fans don't like his high-profile official announcement, but he wants it.

If you still want to post on Weibo, just @沉颜.

She gave it a thumbs up.

She is also looking forward to it.

A few minutes later, Chen Man came out of the bathroom, "Ah... I'm so nervous!"

Chen Man rushed to Zhao Chumian's side and hugged her, "Ah, ah, ah, I'm so nervous..."

"Sister, do you know? In the past, Chen Mei's mother didn't agree with the two of us being together, saying that he and I have such weird and bad tempers, and the children born in the future will definitely not be messed with. He was a playboy since childhood. I didn't take it seriously before, and now I don't think it's unreasonable..."

"What if my child doesn't pick good genetic inheritance, but picks bad genetic inheritance?"

"Chou, did you worry about this when you were pregnant?"

Zhao Chumian comforted and patted her on the back, "Don't worry, it's okay, I've never thought about it, it doesn't matter if I look like you, Chen Mei, or the two of you..."

She smiled, "The baby will definitely grow up to be a good boy, a good person..."

Chen Man closed her eyes and leaned on her shoulder, "Maybe I haven't felt the warmth of a family since I was a child, so I don't particularly like children, I really need them..."

But Chen didn't like it, she could get pregnant.

After she was born, she didn't care.


Thinking about it this way, pregnancy doesn't seem like a big deal.


Chen Man waited quietly.

After a while, Chen Man got up.

She patted her chest, "Calm down, calm down, even if it's two bars, it's considered pregnant! Isn't it nine months, ten months!"

She can!

There is nothing you can't do.

Chen Man walked into the bathroom with a smile.



Zhao Chumian heard a sharp cry.

Is it there or not?
So excited?
Chen Man ran out excitedly, "Sister! Sister!..."

"Look, look!"

Zhao Chumian got up, "What? Is there any? Don't shake, I can't see."

"No no!"

Chen Man twisted her waist excitedly, "Yeah! No, I'm not pregnant!"

so happy.

Don't want to get pregnant!
She doesn't want to yet!

"Shh, don't tell Chen Mei that I took the test secretly." Chen Man threw the pregnancy test paper into the trash can with a smile, "Sister Mianmian, let's go down!"


Chen Man was too happy not to be pregnant.

The two went down arm in arm. In the hall, Chen Mei crossed his arms and sat leisurely on the sofa, "Manman..."

"Husband, why are you sitting here? Have you eaten? I just felt unwell and went to the bathroom." Chen Man would not tell him about the secret test.

(End of this chapter)

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