After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 146 I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm afraid of you crying

Chapter 146 I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm afraid of you crying

The soft voice didn't wake her up, and he hasn't called her that way for a long time.

When the light was green, he followed a Volkswagen and went straight ahead.

After a while, Zhao Chumian woke up slowly, looking at the strange environment outside the window, "Where are you going?"

"Here at my house."

"Your house!!!" Zhao Chumian looked at the tall buildings next to him, "What are you doing at your house?"

"Of course it's because you pig fell asleep, otherwise what else could you do?" The corner of Lu Jin's mouth twitched, "You sleep as deeply as a pig, and you can't even wake up..."

"You're a pig." Zhao Chumian rubbed his eyes, "I don't know how many paparazzi are ambushing outside your house, you are so big, aren't you afraid of being scribbled again?"

"I am not afraid of the sky, I just ride a horse for fear that you will cry."

"It sounds like I cry a lot..." She rubbed her stomach, "I'm hungry."

Pregnancy made her lethargic and gluttonous.

Knowing her taste, Lu Jin specially went to a restaurant with Chengdu characteristics.

He was wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap, Zhao Chumian couldn't help but glanced at him, it was still Lu Jin!

No matter how you look at it, the man with a halo is him.

"Don't stare at me, I know I'm handsome... Be careful not to blind your eyes!" Lu Jin lowered his head and whispered in her ear.


"I have capital."

"Shh, don't say a few words." Zhao Chumian protected his lower abdomen, stepped on the cobblestone path, and walked into the box in the backyard of the restaurant.


In the box next door, Ji Linze propped his arm with his right hand, "Not enough friends! I just came back from abroad, and this is it? Is this the welcome banquet you prepared for me?"

"I woke up yesterday and had two surgeries, and I only slept for five hours...I'm going to get drunk tonight, and I can't be called by anyone. I don't want to go to the operating room tomorrow..."

Chen didn't get up, smoked a cigarette and held it between his fingers, "What do you need so many people for? With me and Brother Sheng, you'll have enough face!"

Sheng Xifang didn't like the smell of cigarettes, he was addicted to cigarettes, so he went outside with a cigarette and a lighter.

"Brother Sheng! Do it!" Ji Linze poured wine for Sheng Xifang.

Brandy, stopped halfway up the glass.

"Brother Sheng, have you been to the hospital these two days? What's wrong with Ms. Zhao's brain?" Ji Linze's cheeks were flushed, "brainless?"

"You're just stupid." Sheng Xifang looked at all kinds of bright red dishes on the table, without any appetite.

He picked up the wine and drank it.

"I go!"

Chen Mei returned to the box with a cigarette in his mouth, "Brother Sheng, your wife!"

Sheng Xifang raised his eyes.

Chen Mei pointed at the next door, "It's also there."

"So?" Sheng Xifang was expressionless.

Zhao Chumian is busy with work, so she has a lot of entertainment in private.

It's normal to go out to eat.

Chen didn't spit out the faint eye circles, and said, "And Lu Jin."

He doesn't chase stars, but there are not many people in Hua Country who don't know Lu Jin.

An international superstar, a national movie star, the dream of millions of girls, each comment on Weibo has a husband.

That's the real top class, the love rival of countless men.

Although it is a box, the design style of this restaurant is more like an ancient courtyard. The windows of each box are low and transparent, and few people will eat with the curtains drawn in summer.

It's not shameful.

Chen didn't see it as soon as he went out.

I thought I was wrong, so I went closer to confirm.

Sheng Xifang got up and went out. Inside the glass window, Zhao Chumian leaned over, retching as if uncomfortably, Lu Jin patted her on the back lightly, not knowing what to say.

The soundproofing here is pretty good.


Zhao Chumian vomited until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and she was extremely uncomfortable, feeling like her whole body was exhausted.

As soon as she finished vomiting, Lu Jin handed her a glass of warm water.

He is so distressed!
That child tormented her so much, just kill her!
Zhao Chumian rinsed his mouth and felt much better.

He vomited too much just now, his eyes were flushed, and tears came out of the end of his eyes. His eyes dimly swept across Lu Jin's handsome face, "Does it stink?"

(End of this chapter)

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