After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1450 Shen Yan is drooling, handsome!

Chapter 1450 Shen Yan is drooling, handsome!
so much……

Lu Jin is indeed a national idol!
An official announcement directly paralyzed Weibo.

There must be a lot of scolding her in private messages.

Don't look at it.

I read the comments on Lu Jin's Weibo.

【as long as you are happy!Walk with your beloved her all the way! 】

[Respect, blessings! 】

[Hot search reservation: Lu Jin and Shen Yan officially announce their love affair! 】

[I don't know who to envy for a while, so let's envy them all!Be happy Lu Lu! 】

【Ahhh!My husband has a girlfriend, I have no chance! !woo woo woo...]

[How can I still jump in line!As promised, hold the number plate of love and wait in line! 】

【congratulations! ! !You are also the joy of my youth! 】

[Be happy, I look forward to playing with you! 】

Shen Yan couldn't believe that Lu Jin's Weibo was full of blessings.

Is she that attractive?
Just be a sister-in-law?
She doesn't have many fans on Weibo, and she doesn't even have a certification.

Get one later!

Musicians, screenwriters, whatever.

Her homepage shows 30 new followers.

And it keeps going up.

Are Lu Jin's fans here?

She clicked on her official Weibo.

[Hi sister-in-law! 】

[Take good care of Lu Jin, he has been busy with work before, so I don't know if he is in good health! 】

[Hi sister-in-law! ! !Sister-in-law is so beautiful! 】

【Ahhh!sister in law!Kiss, sister-in-law, shy!Sister-in-law, I watched the video of you playing the piano, it's great! 】

[You two have a bit of a bad reputation, are you sure you're not on the thigh? 】

【Oops, is it you that Lu Jin liked when he was young?Forgot my childhood sweetheart by Daming Lake? 】

[Did you take that photo with paparazzi? 】

[What is Lu Jin's identity!How could I fall in love with you? 】

Why can't you take a fancy to her?
Is she not bad?
Shen Yan was not in the mood to check Weibo anymore.

Keep pressing return, and then saw Qian Youyou posted a Weibo.

The sky is also photographed.

A picture, a word.

[Qian Youyou: The sky is so blue. 】

What does it have to do with her?
Weibo at this time?

The following fans began to interpret it.

[Lan has always had a sense of melancholy and sadness. Is my sister sad because of Lu Jin's official announcement? 】

[My Lu Qian cp is gone! Be it! 】

【Ahhh!Sister, you are the most worthy one! 】

【Aren't you guys filming a new movie together?Why does Lu Jin still have time to take pictures with his girlfriend! 】

[Hug my sister, don't cry, you will laugh the last time. 】

What's the last laugh?
Don't forget that Qian Youyou said in the previous interview that she didn't like Lu Jin.

Will not fry cp with Lu Jin!

Why is it like this now?

The tea is tea-like.

Shen Yan put down her phone and sneaked into the kitchen.

She stood at the door, looking at Lu Jin's profile.

The man who cooks is so handsome!
I want to be the apron on him.

Stick it on him.

Shen Yan was drooling, handsome!
Her boyfriend is simply too handsome.

In order to get him, even if there are tens of millions more rivals in love, it is worth it.

That face, that skin, that tall straight, that lip, that protruding Adam's apple...

That broad shoulders, narrow waist, hips...


Those long, sideless legs.

The exposed ankles between the slippers and trousers are so white and sexy.

Shen Yan felt that she had become a little pervert.

Lu Jin noticed her, took out a box of strawberry-flavored yogurt from the refrigerator, opened the lid, and put a small silver spoon, "Go and eat."

Shen Yan walked over excitedly, hugged the yogurt, and obediently took two steps back.

Stand by and continue to look at him.

This yogurt is delicious.

"You will feel pressure when you look at me like this." Lu Jin tilted his head slightly, "Go out and wait."

"I want to see you……"

"There will be plenty of time in the future." Lu Jin held a kitchen knife, "Be obedient."

"Okay..." Shen Yan went out while eating yogurt.

The life she had now was the life she wanted.

There is another baby, the husband and the child are hot on the kang.


The movie in front of her was over, so she changed to a happy cartoon.

The noise on the Internet has nothing to do with her.

In the night, Lu Jin prepared dinner, four dishes and one soup.

It's what she likes to eat, and what he likes to eat.

Shen Yan stared at Lu Jin on the opposite side with starry eyes, "I feel so happy now!"

"Happier in the future."

"It's so beautiful, it's like a hallucination. I went to your film crew and saw Liang Kuan-jae, and then I knew you were here, so I came by plane..." Shen Yan said slowly, "On the plane, I I feel like..."

Like it's about to explode.

Especially uncomfortable.

I even wanted to jump off the plane.

Fortunately, the plane cannot open the windows.

Lu Jin touched her hand, "I didn't tell you in advance."

"Is it because you're afraid that I won't be happy if I find out?" Shen Yan smiled lightly.

"If you are not happy, I will come here too. It is a very important thing for a woman to have a baby, a very dangerous thing, and it is about the safety of her life." Lu Jin touched the back of her hand with his fingertips and gently kneaded, "In the future you Give birth to a child, I will never leave you."


"Well, I can understand..." Shen Yan also held his hand, "Let's eat, it's rare to try your handicraft."

He does have very little time to cook.

No chance.

Shen Yan ate hard, and the taste was very good.

After dinner, she touched her bulging belly, "It's delicious..."

There was a hint of doting in Lu Jin's eyes, "I like to eat so much."

"good to eat……"

"You are Aiwujiwu, you think it's delicious."

"No! Lu Jin, your cooking is delicious, my brother said it! I think it's delicious too!" Shen Yan stretched, "You cooked, it's my turn to do the dishes!"

She is a daughter of a thousand gold who never touches Yang Chunshui.

Never washed the dishes.

How is it possible to let him wash the dishes.

Lu Jin stood up, "Sit and rest."

"I want to share housework with you..." Shen Yan held his own bowl, and brought his bowl up again.

"There is a dishwasher at home."



I can't use her.

Shen Yan smiled lightly, "Then I can put it in, I haven't used it yet, when we get married in the future, will there be a servant?"

Lu Jin: "..."

"Yan Yan, it's too early to get married." Lu Jin cleaned up the dishes, "But there will be."

It's still early to get married, and it's not impossible to get married!
Shen Yan happily tidied up with him.

The two entered the kitchen together and came out together.

Shen Yan puffed her cheeks, "It's been said on the Internet that I'm not good enough for you... What should I do?"

Lu Jin put his arms around her waist, "What is worthy and what is not worthy?"

"I have no fame, no money, no works as good as yours, and I don't have as many fans as you..."

Shen Yan raised her head, "Is it? Do you feel bad?"

"Well, it's a bit of a loss..." Lu Jin bowed his head, "The online casts for my Lalang are quite famous."

(End of this chapter)

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