After wearing it for five years, he was favored by the boss

Chapter 1448 Are you jealous and still go to see her?

Chapter 1448 Are you jealous and still go to see her?
Distressed about to die.

It's too bad.

Difficulty breathing.

Shen Yan gasped for breath, "Let's break up, let's break up..."

"You won't fall in love with others, and you don't like me..."

"I can't force you, I think I'm good or bad..."

She spoke with tears in her voice, "I know you were with me at the beginning, and it wasn't out of liking, but I was so happy, so happy..."

"Am I particularly selfish?"

Lu Jin touched the corners of her eyes with his fingers, "It's really selfish, stay together if you say you're together, break up if you say break up, do I agree?"



Her crying eyes were blurred, and even Lu Jin's face could not be seen clearly.

For a while it was a face.

There are two faces for a while.


"Don't cry." Lu Jin took a deep breath, held the back of her head and kissed her.

Shen Yan was dumbfounded.

Why did you still kiss after breaking up?

This is not right!

Going wrong!


Her body leaned back against the sofa.

A deep kiss, breath intertwined, even the air is filled with ambiguous breath.

For a moment her mind went blank.


The comatose little deer in my heart woke up again, having fun happily.

Lu Jin let go of her lips, and tasted her tears in his mouth, "Are you still divided?"

"you do not like me……"

She said aggrievedly.

"Who said that?"

"I said it, I felt it..."

"I don't like it, will I kiss you?" Lu Jin touched her face, "Hey, don't cry, it's so ugly, your face is full of tears, you've been thinking about these messes since you came."

Shen Yan's mind was buzzing by his words.

Does he like it?
He just meant that he likes her!


Shen Yan couldn't believe her ears, and seriously doubted whether she had heard it wrong.

"Say it again...I'll listen."

"Don't say it, don't say it a second time." Lu Jin wiped her tears, "You are not good."

"What's wrong with me..."



Lu Jin took a tissue and put it at the end of her eyes, but didn't move.

He looked at her sobbing tenderly, biting her red lips tightly after being kissed.

"Does it hurt to bite?"

"No pain, no heartache..." Shen Yan whispered, "Lu Jin, I feel so bad..."

"I'm going to die here..."

She clutched her chest, "I'm going to die..."

"You are so young, why don't you die!" Lu Jin said with a sullen face, "I won't die, I'll live well."

"Yes, if you don't tell me what you just said a second time, I will die..."

"You asked me to say it a second time, which means that you have already heard it, and you don't need to say it a second time." Lu Jin gently wiped her tears, "Don't think too much, we are still in the running-in stage, do you like it? , Love it or not, there will be an answer in the future."

Lu Jin said seriously, "If you insist on breaking up, I have no objection. I respect your decision."

With his sudden expression, Shen Yan didn't dare to force it anymore.

"No distinction, no distinction..."

"Let's run in, run in..." Shen Yan grabbed his wrist, "Take it easy, take it easy, even if you want to see her tomorrow, can I go together?"

"Okay, but I don't have to go tomorrow..." Lu Jin approached her, "You're jealous, why don't you still go to see her?"

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't go..."

He suddenly got so close that Shen Yan even stopped thinking.

No other thoughts.

I just want to be with him until I grow old.

Lu Jin bowed his head gently and kissed her cheek lightly.

Sometimes he doesn't even know what to think.

Lu Jin explained in a low voice, "It has long been impossible for me and him, I have given up long ago..."

He never thought that he would need to explain this matter one day.

I just can't let her go.

Still good friends.

You can't be a lover, and you can't be that person who doesn't exist in your life.

"You gave up, but you still like her..." Shen Yan didn't want to ask, but when the words came to her lips, she asked inexplicably.

Lu Jin touched her face and squeezed it gently.

The crying little face, red nose, quite cute.

There were times like this before.

Seeing her grievances, she burst into anger and crowned her as a beauty, young and vigorous.

just now……

Lu Jin felt the softness in his hands, "Now the love has changed, it has become friendship."

Her face is plump and easy to pinch.

"What do you think of me as a love saint, obsessed with what I can't get, and then spend my whole life in a daze, depressed, because of a woman?" Lu Jin smiled, "Do you think I, Lu Jin, can afford it and can't let it go?"

Shen Yan: "..."


She didn't think that way.

She respects the fact that Lu Jin once loved Zhao Chumian deeply.

I don't think he's out yet.

and so……

Had she been mistaken all this time?

In fact, he has already come out?
Is she the one who can't get out?
Lu Jin sat beside her and let out a long breath.

He leaned on the sofa, "There is nothing she can't get out of. She has always been a friend to me, and she has no thoughts about that..."

"Some people are lucky enough just to meet..."

"In this life, I can only be a good friend of my childhood sweetheart! Then be it!"

He is not willing to be willing.

The person she likes has never been herself.

The person who fell in love at first sight for the first time was Sheng Xifang.

Later, when she lost her memory, she fell in love with Sheng Xifang at first sight.

With her vitality, the only man she met after her first love affair was Sheng Xifang.

The timing of Sheng Xifang's appearance was just right, they were a perfect match.

As for myself...

it's already over.

There is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Think of it as acting in a long, long TV series. Now that it's finished, it's time for him to end.

Returned to become Lu Jin.

Instead of Lu Jin, who had a crush on Zhao Chumian for a long time.

"I won't look for the next one when I have a relationship with Qian." Lu Jin stroked the back of her head, "You are my first girlfriend, if you want me to have a second , now you can break up and go out, I won't stop you..."

"I do not!"

"No no no no……"

Shen Yan shook her head and threw herself into his arms.

sit on his lap.

"No, I'm going to be your first, and I'm going to be your last..." Shen Yan hugged his waist, "I'm not leaving, you forget what I just said! Forget everything! It's not mine Intention!"

"I just had a brain twitch, I was unconscious, I was thinking wildly, me, me, me..."

"Jinjin, I love you..."

Shen Yan smacked his face.

Boo sound.

After the kiss, she pressed against Lu Jin's face.

"Wipe all my tears for you, let you cry too..."

"Why am I crying?" Lu Jin patted her on the back, "I saw you all the way, heartbroken, and you looked like you were about to die..."

"Well, I feel like I'm about to suffocate."

She felt that her feelings might not be as deep as Lu Jin's feelings for Zhao Chumian.

After knowing it was impossible, I was so heartbroken.

Lu Jin must have been in a bad mood before.

"Fortunately, you were emotionally hurt back then, and after you left, no one else took advantage of you, otherwise..." Shen Yan glanced at him, "I don't have anything to do now..."

Is he so easy to be taken advantage of?
Her brain is really strange.

"Fortunately, you didn't indulge yourself just because you couldn't get it. I heard that many actors' private lives are very bad. The entertainment industry is terrible. Apart from unspoken rules, those celebrities who you think are very clean have fun in private. Already..." Shen Yan frowned delicately, "Isn't it? You must know more about the inside story than me..."

"I don't know." Lu Jin followed her back, "I'm not interested in knowing."

He is a child actor, and his parents are both actors, so he has to be famous in this circle as early as possible.

No one dared to unspoken rules against him.

There are many people who want to let him unspoken rules.

He was not interested and sternly declined.

"Why don't you know, don't you gossip when you're together?" Shen Yan asked suspiciously, "That heavenly king before, who had been in a relationship for ten years and didn't get married, ended up with a woman who exploded! During the relationship, not only Cheating, and gathering people to play that kind of multiplayer sports party, and there are regular py in many cities! There is also a young idol sleeping with fans, and some of them are underage! It's scary..."

Shen Yan trembled all over at the thought of this, "It's still good for you, there is no such negative news..."

"How do you know I don't have it? It doesn't mean that it didn't come out." Lu Jin paused with his right hand, "What if I spent money on public relations?"

"You spent money on public relations? You didn't even spend money on the scandal with my brother to remove the hot search, how could it be public relations?"

"I don't believe it. You used to like Zhao Chumian so much. It's impossible for you to be with other women when you liked her. Then you, then..." Shen Yan bit her lip.


She doesn't believe it.

Lu Jin smirked.


He lied to her.

Coax her.

"You are so bad……"

"Lu Jin!"

Shen Yan hammered his chest.

"Ah... I'm hurt." Lu Jin held her wrist, "I'm dirty, don't you like it?"

"I like it so much, you lied to me..." Shen Yan didn't believe it at first, "If you are that kind of person, my brother will definitely not allow me to chase you!"

"Things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. If you are such a person, then my brother is not much better. I still believe in his character."

"So you don't believe in my character?" Lu Jin tilted his head, "Huh?"

"No! I believe it!"

Of course she believed in Lu Jin's character.

super believe.

Lu Jin is a very good person!
Shen Yan hugged him and kissed him again, "Lu Jin is the best person..."

"It's the best in your heart..."

"That's enough." Shen Yan leaned on his chest, "Forget what I said about breaking up..."

"If you forget, I will forget."

"it is good……"

The sunshine outside the window was just right, and inside the house, the two were hugging on the sofa.

The warm sunshine shines in, they close their eyes, sometimes the lovers don't need to do anything, just leaning together quietly, the heartbeat and breathing of each other are close at hand, and they can also feel happiness.

The tranquility between the two was not broken until Liang Kuanzai called in the afternoon.

At the moment, Shen Yan and Lu Jin are watching the drama, there are a bunch of fruit snacks on the coffee table, even the curtains are drawn, the whole room is as quiet as night, and no one disturbs them.

"Lu Jin!!!"

Liang Kuanzai roared loudly.

Lu Jin felt that his eardrums were about to burst.

He put the phone on the coffee table, turned on the speaker, picked up a lychee, and peeled it.

Liang Kuanzai said anxiously, "There's news on the Internet, a picture of you and Ms. Shen kissing!! Your love affair has been exposed, and now it's the number one hot search! It exploded! Hurry up, how do you respond? "

"Kiss photo?"

Shen Yan turned on the phone curiously.

And Lu Jin peeled the lychee, removed the core inside, and put the tender white meat into Shen Yan's mouth.

He wiped his hands slowly, with a calm and absent-minded look.

Shen Yan showed him the phone, "This is from last month, it was actually photographed."

The last time they separated, the photos before the hotel! "

Obviously through the windshield.

"What should I do……"

"What should I do……"

Shen Yan became anxious, "Are we going to break up?"

It's over! It's over!

She's really not fussy.

Don't care about names!

She is in an underground relationship now, and she can marry in secret in the future.

What she wants is Lu Jin!
She also likes him.

Whether he is a big star or not.

"Is it all in vain?" Lu Jin stroked her hair and asked, "Huh?"

"No, it's just that we were photographed..."

Shen Yan asked curiously, "Why did it only come out a month ago, and no news reporter contacted you? No paparazzi asked if you want to buy news?"

Could it be that Lu Jin exposed it on purpose?

What is he drawing?

Shen Yan was even more puzzled.

"I don't know, the paparazzi don't know my phone number." Lu Jin picked up his phone, "Are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

Shen Yan was at a loss.

She blinked her big eyes, "Are you going to make it public?"

She guessed tentatively.


Shen Yan: "..."

right! ! !
Lu Jin was right! ! !

He said open!

Make their relationship public!
"Wait, wait!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Shen Yan held his wrist, "Don't, don't, don't worry! Don't worry! Let's take our time, discuss it, and open it like a suitable copy..."

"Compared to this, let's see what the fans say first. If the fans object a lot, forget it. You don't have to consider my feelings. On the surface, we can still be together when we break up on the surface. This is called... Mingxiu The plank road is darkened!"

Lu Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, "You... I can't even protect my girlfriend?"


"Our life has nothing to do with them, but you are a public figure. If the fans are too opposed, you can't be with me, and your commercial value may be affected. When you signed the endorsement, did you What terms are you not allowed to fall in love?" Shen Yan asked anxiously, "Will you lose money?"

"What's wrong with losing money? It's not that I can't afford it."

"It's not worth it..."

"You have to be honest, you didn't make it public before, and now you don't make it public after being photographed, making me look like a scumbag." Lu Jin's mouth curled up, "You want me to be a scumbag?"

(End of this chapter)

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